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Perform the following calculations on 3.31

Estimation, Accuracy, Precision, Percentage conversion, Truncate

Step 1: Look at the decider digit:

Decider Digit = 1st decimal place

The first decimal place in 3.31 is 3

Step 2: Evalute the decider digit (3):

Since 3 is < 5, we round down to 3

3.31 estimated is 3

Convert 3.31 to a percentage

Percentage = 100% * 3.31

Percentage = 331%

Convert 3.31 to a fraction

2 decimal places means we multiply by 102

102 * 3.31

100 * 3.31

Fraction = 331/100

Write 3.31 in word notation

3.31 = three point three one

Draw 3.31 on a number line:

Calculate the floor of 3.31

The floor is the greatest integer less than or equal to 3.31

Calculate the Floor for 3.31 = 3

Calculate the ceiling of 3.31

The ceiling is the least integer greater than or equal to 3.31

Calculate the Ceiling of 3.31 = 4

Determine the precision and accuracy (scale) of 3.31

Take precision first and then accuracy

Precision Definition:

The number of digits in the number

Precision Calculation for 3.31:

3.31 has 3 digits listed below

Digit 1 → 3

Digit 2 → 3

Digit 3 → 1

Precision = 3

Accuracy Definition:

The number of digits to the right of the decimal point

Accuracy Calculation for 3.31:

Digit to the right of the decimal place 1 → 3

Digit to the right of the decimal place 2 → 1

Accuracy = 2

Truncate 3.31

Do it to 1 decimal places

Truncate Definition:

Chop off decimal places

Evaluate decimal places:

Keep the 1 decimal in red

Drop the decimal places in black


3.31 truncated to 1 decimal place = 3.3

Truncate 3.31

Do it to 2 decimal places

Truncate Definition:

Chop off decimal places

Evaluate decimal places:

Keep the 2 decimals in red

Drop the decimal places in black


3.31 truncated to 2 decimal places = 3.31

Final Answers:

3.31 estimated is 3
Percentage = 331%
Fraction = 331/100
3.31 = three point three one
Accuracy = 2
3.31 truncated to 1 decimal place = 3.3
3.31 truncated to 2 decimal places = 3.31

Keep Practicing
What is the Answer?
3.31 estimated is 3
Percentage = 331%
Fraction = 331/100
3.31 = three point three one
Accuracy = 2
3.31 truncated to 1 decimal place = 3.3
3.31 truncated to 2 decimal places = 3.31
How does the Estimate Decimals Calculator work?
Free Estimate Decimals Calculator - This calculator estimates a decimal.
This calculator has 1 input.

What 6 concepts are covered in the Estimate Decimals Calculator?

Number in the form a/b where the result is not a whole number
an approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity
estimate decimals
an arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification. A quantity or amount.
a number such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of something in a list of things
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
replacing a number with an approximate value that has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation
Example calculations for the Estimate Decimals Calculator


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