168 results

decimal - Number in the form a/b where the result is not a whole number

$300 for 13 years at 8% compounded semiannually. P=principle = original funds, r=rate, in percent, w
$300 for 13 years at 8% compounded semiannually. P=principle = original funds, r=rate, in percent, written as a decimal (1%=.01, 2%=.02,etc) , n=number of times per year, t= number of years So we have: [LIST] [*]$300 principal [*]13 * 2 = 26 periods for n [*]Rate r for a semiannual compound is 8%/2 = 4% per 6 month period [/LIST] Using our [URL='']compound interest with balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$831.74[/B]

$6500 is 7/10 of a number. What is the number
The number is $9,285 from our [URL='']percentage-decimal-fraction calculator[/URL].

π Digits
Free π Digits Calculator - Calculates PI (π) to a set number of decimal places using the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm.

10% of the days in June were sunny. How many days in June were sunny?
10% of the days in June were sunny. How many days in June were sunny? June has 30 days. We [URL='']type in 10% of 30[/URL] in our search engine: [B]3 days[/B]

15 out of 18 students agreed. What percentage did not?
18 - 15 = 3 student disagreed. 3/18 is the fraction of student who disagreed. [URL='']Converting to a percentage using our fraction to decimal calculator, we get:[/URL] 16.67%

20 teachers made a bulk purchase of some textbooks. The teachers received a 24% discount for the bul
20 teachers made a bulk purchase of some textbooks. The teachers received a 24% discount for the bulk purchase, which originally cost $5230. Assuming the cost was divided equally among the teachers, how much did each teacher pay? [U]Calculate Discount Percent:[/U] If the teachers got a 24% discount, that means they paid: 100% - 24% = 76% [URL='']76% as a decimal[/URL] = 0.76 (Discount Percent) [U]Calculate discount price:[/U] Discount Price = Full Price * (Discount Percent) Discount Price = 5230 * 0.76 Discount Price = 3974.80 Price per teacher = Discount Price / Number of Teachers Price per teacher = 3974.80 / 20 Price per teacher = [B]$198.74[/B]

2000 people attended a baseball game 1300 of the people attending supported the home team while 700
2000 people attended a baseball game 1300 of the people attending supported the home team while 700 supported the visiting team what percentage of people attending supported the home team We want the percentage of 1300 out of 2000. [URL='']We go to our search engine and type 1300 out of 2300 as a percent[/URL] and we get: [B]65%[/B]

237 what is the place value of 3
237 what is the place value of 3 Place value for integers with no decimals from right to left is: 7 is the ones digit 3 is the [B]tens digit[/B]

24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of stu
24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of students earned a B or better? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we have: 19/24 = [B]79.1667%[/B]

35% of the houses are blue. Write the percent that do not live in blue houses as a decimal and a fra
35% of the houses are blue. Write the percent that do not live in blue houses as a decimal and a fraction in simplest form The percent that do not live in blue houses is found by: Not in blue = 100% - 35% Not in blue = 65% [URL='']Typing 65% in our search engine[/URL], we see that the decimal and fraction is: [LIST] [*]65% as a decimal: [B]0.65[/B] [*]65% as a fraction in simplest form: [B]13/20[/B] [/LIST]

36% of the pupils in class 2 are boys the remaining 16 are girls how many pupils are in class 2?
36% of the pupils in class 2 are boys the remaining 16 are girls how many pupils are in class 2? This means 100% - 36% = 64% of the class are girls. And if the class size is s, then we have: 64% of s = 16 Or, written as a decimal: 0.64s = 16 To solve this equation for s, we [URL='']type it into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]25[/B]

40% of the days in September were sunny how many days were sunny?
40% of the days in September were sunny how many days were sunny? September has 30 days. So we [URL='']type 40% of 30 in our search engine[/URL]. We get: [B]12 days[/B]

4800$ salary spent 12% on clothes 20% on house rent how much money is she left with
4800$ salary spent 12% on clothes 20% on house rent how much money is she left with 12% on clothes plus 20% on house rent = 32% total spendings. If she spent 32%, that means she's left with: 100% - 32% = 68% So we want 68% of 4800. We [URL='']type [I]68% of 4800 [/I]into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]3,264[/B]

60 percent of a number minus 17 is -65
60 percent of a number minus 17 is -65 Using our [URL='']percent to decimal calculator[/URL], we see that 60% is 0.6, so we have: 0.6 The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. So 60% of a number is: 0.6x Minus 17: 0.6x - 17 The word [I]is[/I] means an equation, so we set 0.6x - 17 equal to -65 to get our algebraic expression of: [B]0.6x - 17 = -65[/B] [B][/B] If you want to solve for x in this equation, you [URL='']type it in our search engine and you get[/URL]: [B]x = -80[/B]

7 ˝ decimal
7 ˝ decimal Convert the mixed fractions 7 & 1/2 to an improper fraction [URL='']7 1/2[/URL] = 15/2 Convert the improper fraction to a decimal: [URL='']15/2[/URL] = [B]7.5[/B]

75% of x is 25 dollars and 99 cents
75% of x is 25 dollars and 99 cents [URL='']Since 75%[/URL] is 0.75 as a decimal, we rewrite this as an algebraic expression: 0.75x = 25.99 If we want to solve for x, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: x = [B]34.65[/B]

756.218 which digit is in the thousands place
756.218 which digit is in the thousands place Starting from the right of the decimal, we have the tenths place, hundreds place, thousands place. So [B]8[/B] is the thousands place

84% as a fraction in simplest form
84% as a fraction in simplest form Enter [URL='']84% as a fraction into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]21/25[/B]

9 /11 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places
9 /11 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places Typing in [URL='']9/11 to decimal[/URL], and rounding to 3 decimal places we get: [B]0.818[/B]

90% of the day in September were sunny. How many day were sunny?
90% of the day in September were sunny. How many day were sunny? September has 30 days, so we have: Sunny Days = 90% * 30 [URL='']Sunny Days[/URL] = [B]27[/B]

A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart?
A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart? 3 gallons equals 12 quarts with our [URL='']conversion calculator[/URL]. We divide 87.12 for 12 quarts by 12: [URL='']87.12 / 12[/URL] = [B]$7.26 per quart[/B]

A 5L juice container has 3.6L of juice left. What percentage has been used?
A 5L juice container has 3.6L of juice left. What percentage has been used? What has been used? 5L - 3.6L = 1.4L Now, the [URL='']percentage used[/URL] is 1.4L/5.4L = [B]25.93%[/B]

A 7-foot piece of cotton cloth costs $3.36. What is the price per inch?
A 7-foot piece of cotton cloth costs $3.36. What is the price per inch? Using [URL='']our length converter[/URL], we see that: 7 feet = 84 inches So $3.36 for 84 inches. We [URL='']divide $3.36 by 84[/URL] to get the cost per inch: $3.36/84 = [B]0.04 per inch[/B]

A baseball player gets 12 hits in 40 at bats. What percent are hits, and what percent are not hits?
A baseball player gets 12 hits in 40 at bats. What percent are hits, and what percent are not hits? Percent Hits = 12/40 Using our [URL='']percent calculator[/URL], we get [B]30%[/B] Since you either get a hit or you don't, we subtract 30% from 100% to find the percent of not hits: Percent Not Hits = 100 - 30% = [B]70%[/B]

A baseball team won 40% of its first 30 games. The team then won 65% of its next 60 games. Approxima
A baseball team won 40% of its first 30 games. The team then won 65% of its next 60 games. Approximately what percent of the games did the team win? Using our percentage calculators, we type the following statements into our search engine and get: [URL='']45% of 30[/URL] = 13.5 [URL='']65% of 60[/URL] = 39 For a total of 52.5 games won The team played 30 + 60 = 90 games. So we want to know the pecent: [URL='']52/90[/URL] = [B]57.78%[/B]

A car salesman earns $800 per month plus a 10% commission on the value of sales he makes for the mon
A car salesman earns $800 per month plus a 10% commission on the value of sales he makes for the month. If he is aiming to earn a minimum of $3200 a month, what is the possible value of sales that will enable this? to start, we have: [LIST] [*]Let the salesman's monthly sales be s. [*]With a 10% discount as a decimal of 0.1 [*]The phrase [I]a minimum[/I] also means [I]at least[/I] or [I]greater than or equal to[/I]. This tells us we want an inequality [*]We want 10% times s + 800 per month is greater than or equal to 3200 [/LIST] We want the inequality: 0.1s + 800 >= 3200 To solve for s, we [URL='']type this inequality into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]s >= 24000[/B]

A city has a population of 240,000 people. Suppose that each year the population grows by 7.25%. Wha
A city has a population of 240,000 people. Suppose that each year the population grows by 7.25%. What will the population be after 9 years? Let's build a population function P(t), where t is the number of years since right now. P(t) = 240,000(1.0725)^t <-- 7.25% as a decimal is 0.0725 The question asks for P(9) P(9) = 240,000(1.0725)^9 P(9) = 240,000(1.87748) P(9) = [B]450,596[/B]

A coat is on sale for 35% off. The regular price of the coat is p. Write and simplify and expression
A coat is on sale for 35% off. The regular price of the coat is p. Write and simplify and expression to represent the sale price of the coat. Show your work. The Sale price of the coat is: S = p(1 - 0.35) <-- Since 35% is 0.35 as a decimal [B]S = 0.65p[/B]

A construction worker can lift 220 lb, while an architect can only lift 40 lb. The construction work
A construction worker can lift 220 lb, while an architect can only lift 40 lb. The construction worker can lift how many times what the architect can lift? [URL='']We divide 220 by 40 to get the multiplier:[/URL] 220/40 = [B]5.5 times[/B]

A credit plan charges interest rate of 36% compounded monthly. Find the effective rate.
A credit plan charges interest rate of 36% compounded monthly. Find the effective rate. [U]Calculate Monthly Nominal Rate:[/U] Monthly Nominal Rate = Annual Rate / 12 months per year Monthly Nominal Rate = 36%/12 Monthly Nominal Rate = 3% [U]Since there are 12 months in a year, we compound 12 times to get the effective rate below:[/U] Effective Rate = (1 + Monthly Nominal Rate as a Decimal)^12 - 1 Since 3% = 0.03, we have: Effective Rate = 100% * ((1 + 0.03)^12 - 1) Effective Rate = 100% * ((1.03)^12 - 1) Effective Rate = 100% * (1.42576088685 - 1) Effective Rate = 100% * (0.42576088685) Effective Rate = [B]42.58%[/B]

A family is renting an apartment. For 2007, the rent is $1376 per month. The monthly rent in 2007
A family is renting an apartment. For 2007, the rent is $1376 per month. The monthly rent in 2007 is 7.5% higher than the monthly rent in 2006. Determine the monthly rent in 2006. 7.5% as a decimal is 0.075 To increase a value by 7.5%, we multiply by 1.075 [U]Calculate Rent Increase[/U] R(2007) = R(2006) * 1.075 R(2007) = 1376 * 1.075 R(2007) = [B]1,479.20[/B]

A farmer was 1/3 of his land to grow corn, a quarter of his land to grow lettuce, and 12.5% of his l
A farmer was 1/3 of his land to grow corn, a quarter of his land to grow lettuce, and 12.5% of his land to grow green beans. He uses the remaining 7 acres to grow wheat.How many total acres does the farmer own? Convert all land portions to fractions or decimals. We will do fractions: [LIST] [*]1/3 for corn [*][I]A quarter[/I] means 1/4 for lettuce [*]12.5% is 12.5/100 or 1/8 for green beans [/LIST] Now add all these up: 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/8 We need a common factor for 3, 4, and 8. Using our [URL='']LCM Calculator[/URL], we get 24. 1/3 = 8/24 1/4 = 6/24 18 = 3/24 Add them all up: (8 + 6 + 3)/24 17/24 This means 17/24 of the land is used for everything but wheat. Wheat occupies (24-17)/24 = 7/24 of the land. We'll use a for the number of acres on the farm. 7a/24 = 7 [B]a = 24[/B]

A hypothetical population consists of eight individuals ages 14,15,17,20,26,27,28, and 30 years. Wh
A hypothetical population consists of eight individuals ages 14,15,17,20,26,27,28, and 30 years. What is the probability of selecting a participant who is at least 20 years old? At least 20 means 20 or older, so our selection of individuals is: {20, 26, 27, 28, 30} This is 5 out of a possible 8, so we have [URL='']5/8 of 0.625, which is 62.5%[/URL]

A monster energy drink has 164 mg of caffeine. Each hour your system reduces the amount of caffeine
A monster energy drink has 164 mg of caffeine. Each hour your system reduces the amount of caffeine by 12%. Write an equation that models the amount of caffeine that remains in your body after you drink an entire monster energy. Set up a function C(h) where he is the number of hours after you drink the Monster energy drink: Since 12% as a decimal is 0.12, we have: C(h) = 164 * (1 - 0.12)^h <-- we subtract 12% since your body flushes it out [B]C(h) = 164 * (0.88)^h[/B]

A number cube is rolled and a coin is tossed. The number cube and the coin are fair. What is the pro
A number cube is rolled and a coin is tossed. The number cube and the coin are fair. What is the probability that the number rolled is greater than 3 and the coin toss is heads? Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form Let's review the vitals of this question: [LIST] [*]The probability of heads on a fair coin is 1/2. [*]On a fair die, greater than 3 means either 4, 5, or 6. Any die roll face is a 1/6 probability. [*]So we have a combination of outcomes below: [/LIST] Outcomes [LIST=1] [*]Heads and 4 [*]Heads and 5 [*]Heads and 6 [/LIST] For each of the outcomes, we assign a probability. Since the coin flip and die roll are independent, we multiply the probabilities: [LIST=1] [*]P(Heads and 4) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [*]P(Heads and 5) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [*]P(Heads and 6) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [/LIST] Since we want any of those events, we add all three probabilities 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 = 3/12 This fraction is not simplified. S[URL='']o we type this fraction into our search engine, and choose Simplify[/URL]. We get a probability of [B]1/4[/B]. By the way, if you need a decimal answer or percentage answer instead of a fraction, we type in the following phrase into our search engine: [URL='']1/4 to decimal[/URL] Alternative Answers: [LIST] [*]For a decimal, we get [B]0.25[/B] [*]For a percentage, we get [B]25%[/B] [/LIST]

A property sold for $198,000 with a listing commission of 8%. The selling office is to receive 40% o
A property sold for $198,000 with a listing commission of 8%. The selling office is to receive 40% of the total commission. How much will the listing salesperson receive if she is paid 60% of the amount retained by listed broker. [U]Calculate commission amount:[/U] Commission amount = Sale Price * Commission Percent Commission amount = 198,000 * 8% [URL='']Commission amount [/URL]= 15,840 [U]Calculate listing salesperson commission amount:[/U] Listing salesperson commission amount = Commission Amount * Listing salesperson Percent Listing salesperson commission amount = 15,840 * 60% [URL='']Listing salesperson commission amount[/URL] = [B]9,504[/B]

A random sample of 149 students has a test score average of 61 with a standard deviation of 10. Find
A random sample of 149 students has a test score average of 61 with a standard deviation of 10. Find the margin of error if the confidence level is 0.99. (Round answer to two decimal places) Using our [URL='']confidence interval of the mean calculator[/URL], we get [B]58.89 < u < 63.11[/B]

A random sample of STAT200 weekly study times in hours is as follows: 2 15 15 18 30 Find the sam
A random sample of STAT200 weekly study times in hours is as follows: 2 15 15 18 30 Find the sample standard deviation. (Round the answer to two decimal places. Show all work.) [B]9.98[/B] using [URL=',15,15,18,30&num2=+0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.9&pl=Number+Set+Basics']our standard deviation calculator[/URL]

A random variable X follows the uniform distribution with a lower limit of 670 and an upper limit
A random variable X follows the uniform distribution with a lower limit of 670 and an upper limit a. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of this distribution. (Round intermediate calculation for standard deviation to 4 decimal places and final answer to 2 decimal places.) Using our [URL='']uniform distribution calculator[/URL], we get: [B]Mean = 720 Standard deviation = 28.87 [/B] b. What is the probability that X is less than 730? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Using our [URL='']uniform distribution calculator[/URL], we get: [B]0.6[/B]

A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 870 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], 44% of 870 = 382.8 ~ [B]383[/B]

A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 820 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? 49% of 820, using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we get: 401.8 ~ [B]402[/B]

A restaurant is going to raise all their prices by 5%. If the current price of an item is p dollars,
A restaurant is going to raise all their prices by 5%. If the current price of an item is p dollars, write an expression for the price after the increase. 5% = 0.05 as a decimal. New price = Old Price * (1 + decimal increase) New price = p * (1 + 0.05) New price = [B]1.05p[/B]

A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment
A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment of $584. What was the simple interest rate of the bonds? For simple interest, we have: Balance * interest rate = Interest payment 8000i = 584 Divide each side of the equation by 8000 to isolate i: 8000i/8000 = 584/8000 Cancelling the 8000's on the left side, we get: i = 0.073 Most times, interest rates are expressed as a percentage. Percentage interest = Decimal interest * 100% Percentage interest = 0.073 * 100% Multiplying by 100 is the same as moving the decimal point two places right: Percentage interest = [B]7.3%[/B]

A sales clerk receives a monthly salary of $750 plus a commission of 4% on all sales over $3900. Wha
A sales clerk receives a monthly salary of $750 plus a commission of 4% on all sales over $3900. What did the clerk earn the month that she sold $12,800 in merchandise? [U]Calculate Commission Sales Eligible Amount:[/U] Commission Sales Eligible Amount = Sales - 3900 Commission Sales Eligible Amount = 12800 - 3900 Commission Sales Eligible Amount = 8900 [U]Calculate Commission Amount:[/U] Commission Amount = Commission Sales Eligible Amount * Commission Percent Commission Amount = [URL='']8900 * 4%[/URL] Commission Amount = 356 [U]Calculate total earnings:[/U] Total Earnings = Base Salary + Commission Amount Total Earnings = 750 + 356 Total Earnings = [B]1106[/B]

A salesperson receives a base salary of $300 per week and a commission of 15% on all sales over $5,0
A salesperson receives a base salary of $300 per week and a commission of 15% on all sales over $5,000. If x represents the salesperson’s weekly sales, express the total weekly earnings E(x) as a function of x and simplify the expression. Then find E(2,000) and E(7,000) and E(10,000). 15% as a decimal is written as 0.15. Build our weekly earnings function E(x) = Commission + Base Salary E(x) = 0.15(Max(0, x - 5000)) + 300 Now find the sales salary for 2,000, 7,000, and 10,000 in sales E(2,000) = 0.15(Max(0,2000 - 5000)) + 300 E(2,000) = 0.15(Max(0,-3000)) + 300 E(2,000) = 0.15(0) + 300 [B]E(2,000) = 300 [/B] E(7,000) = 0.15(Max(0,7000 - 5000)) + 300 E(7,000) = 0.15(Max(0,2000)) + 300 E(7,000) = 0.15(2,000) + 300 E(7,000) = 300 + 300 [B][B]E(7,000) = 600[/B][/B] E(10,000) = 0.15(Max(0,10000 - 5000)) + 300 E(10,000) = 0.15(Max(0,5000)) + 300 E(10,000) = 0.15(5,000) + 300 E(10,000) = 750+ 300 [B][B]E(10,000) = 1,050[/B][/B]

a school 220 grade 9 students. 140of those students are female. what percentage of grade 9 students
a school 220 grade 9 students. 140of those students are female. what percentage of grade 9 students are female We want [URL='']140/220 as a percent[/URL] = [B]63.64%[/B]

A Septon said that he has a collection of 1,000,000 stones in his house. How many stones is that in
A Septon said that he has a collection of 1,000,000 stones in his house. How many stones is that in base 10? The 1 is in decimal position 7, or 6th power. [URL='']1 * 7^6[/URL] = [B]117,649[/B]

A soccer team lost 30% of their games and drew 15% and they played 67 games. How many games did they
A soccer team lost 30% of their games and drew 15% and they played 67 games. How many games did they win If they lost 30% and they drew (tied) 15%, then they won the following: Wins = 100% - Losses - Drew Wins = 100% - 30% - 15% Wins = 55% So we want 55% of 67. We [URL='']type this expression into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]36.85 ~ 37 games[/B]

A store is offering a 11% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the final price
A store is offering a 11% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the final price 11% discount means we pay 100% - 11% = 89% of the full price. Since 89% as a decimal is 0.89. With a final price f and an original price p, we have: [B]F = 0.89p[/B]

A store is offering a 15% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the sale price S for an
A store is offering a 15% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the sale price S for an item to its list price L If we give a discount of 15%, then we pay 100% - 15% = 85% of the list price. 85% as a decimal is 0.85, So we have: L = 0.85S

A store is offering a 18% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the sale price S for an
A store is offering a 18% discount on all items. Write an equation relating the sale price S for an item to its list price L. 18% discount means we subtract 18% (0.18) as a decimal, from the 100% of the price: S = L(1 - 0.18) [B]S = 0.82L[/B]

A survey was given to 120 6th grade students at middle school. It showed the 42 students said they l
A survey was given to 120 6th grade students at middle school. It showed the 42 students said they like playing at the park. What % of the students said they like playing there? We want [I][URL='']42 is what percent of 120[/URL][/I] Using our calculator above, we get [B]35%[/B]

A teacher’s salary was $3300 after she had received an increase of 10%. Calculate the teacher’s sala
A teacher’s salary was $3300 after she had received an increase of 10%. Calculate the teacher’s salary if she has received an increase of 20% instead. First, we need to find the starting salary. Let the starting salary be s. Since 10% as a decimal is 0.10, We're given: s*(1.10) = 3300 1.10s = 3300 To solve for s, [URL='']we type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]3000[/B] The problem asks for the new salary if the teacher's starting salary was increased by 20%. 20% as a decimal is 0.20, so we have: 3000(1.2) = $[B]3,600[/B]

A theater is 3/4 full. When 96 people leave, the theater is only 35% full. How many seat are there
A theater is 3/4 full. When 96 people leave, the theater is only 35% full. How many seats are there? Let the full capacity of seats in the theater be s. We're given: 3/4s - 96 = 0.35s (Since 35% is 0.35) We also know that 3/4 = 0.75, so let's use this to have decimals: 0.75s - 96 = 0.35s To solve for s, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]240[/B]

A town has a population of 50,000. Its rate increases 8% every 6 months. Find the population after 4
A town has a population of 50,000. Its rate increases 8% every 6 months. Find the population after 4 years. Every 6 months means twice a year. So we have 4 years * twice a year increase = 8 compounding periods. Our formula for compounding an initial population P at time t is P(t) at a compounding percentage i: P(t) = P * (1 + i)^t Since 8% is 0.08 as a decimal and t = 4 *2 = 8, we have: P(8) = 50000 * (1.08)^8 P(8) = 50000 * 1.85093 P(8) = 92,546.51 Since we can't have a partial person, we round down to [B]92,545[/B]

A TV that usually sells for $192.94 is on sale for 15% off. If sales tax on the TV is 6%, what is th
A TV that usually sells for $192.94 is on sale for 15% off. If sales tax on the TV is 6%, what is the price of the TV, including tax? Find the discounted price: 15% off of 192.94 Discounted Price = 192.94 * (1 - 0.15) <-- 15% as a decimal is 0.15, and 1 is 100%, so we subtract to get 85% of the original price Discounted Price =192.94(0.85) Discounted Price = $164 Now, add in the sales tax of 6% to the Discounted Price Price after sales tax = Discounted Price * 1.06 Price after sales tax = $164 * 1.06 [B]Price after sales tax = $173.84[/B]

A woman earns $2400 per month and budgets $480 per month for food. What percent of her monthly incom
A woman earns $2400 per month and budgets $480 per month for food. What percent of her monthly income is spent on food? 480/2400 using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL] is [B]20%[/B].

Accuracy and Precision
Free Accuracy and Precision Calculator - Given an integer or decimal, this determines the precision and accuracy (scale)

Ali needs to make a total of 90 deliveries this week. So far he has completed 72 of them. What perce
Ali needs to make a total of 90 deliveries this week. So far he has completed 72 of them. What percentage of his total deliveries has Ali completed [URL='']Enter 72/90 into our search engine and choose the percentage option[/URL] and we get [B]80%[/B].

Angie knew 90% of the answers on a worksheet. What fraction of the answers did she know?
Angie knew 90% of the answers on a worksheet. What fraction of the answers did she know? We [URL='']type [I]90% as a fraction[/I] into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]9/10[/B]

At a concert, 20% of the audience members were teenagers. If the number of teenagers at the concert
At a concert, 20% of the audience members were teenagers. If the number of teenagers at the concert was 360, what was the total number of audience members? We're looking for total audience members where [I]20% of what equals 360[/I]? [URL='']Type this expression into our search engine[/URL] and we get: Audience = [B]1,800[/B]

Base Change Conversions
Free Base Change Conversions Calculator - Converts a positive integer to Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation or Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation to a positive integer. Also converts any positive integer in base 10 to another positive integer base (Change Base Rule or Base Change Rule or Base Conversion)

Basic Math Operations
Free Basic Math Operations Calculator - Given 2 numbers, this performs the following arithmetic operations:
* Addition (Adding) (+)
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* Short Division
* Duplication and Mediation

Because of the promotion, attendance exceeded normal by 275 percent. If the normal attendance was 66
Because of the promotion, attendance exceeded normal by 275 percent. If the normal attendance was 6600 people, how many people attended? Find the exceeded multiplier: Exceeded Multiplier = Exceed percent / 100 [URL='']275% as a decimal[/URL] = 2.75 We multiply as follows: Exceeded Attendance = Normal Attendance * Exceeded Multiplier Exceeded Attendance = 6600 * 2.75 Exceeded Attendance = [B]18,150[/B]

Bit Shifting
Free Bit Shifting Calculator - Performs a bit shift left or a bit shift right on a decimal or binary number

Bitwise Operations
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* Bitwise OR
* Bitwise AND
* Bitwise XOR

Also performs Bitwise NOT on 1 number

Cards in a pack are either orange or purple. 80% of the cards are orange. Write the ratio of orange
Cards in a pack are either orange or purple. 80% of the cards are orange. Write the ratio of orange cards to purple cards. [URL='']80% as a fraction [/URL]is 4/5. Fractions to ratios can be written as numerator : denominator, so we have: [B]4:5[/B]

Carol gets 5 each week for allowance. She saves 1 of her allowance. What percent of her allowance do
Carol gets 5 each week for allowance. She saves 1 of her allowance. What percent of her allowance does carol save? [U]Calculate the decimal:[/U] 1/5 = 0.2 [U]Convert the decimal to a percentage[/U] Percentage = Decimal * 100 Percentage = 100 * 0.2 [B]20%[/B]

Change 1/9 to a decimal
Change 1/9 to a decimal This is the same as 100/9 = 11.1111% or [B]0.1111[/B]

cheryl scores 68 out of 80 on her science test, nadia scores 86 out of 120 on her science test and a
cheryl scores 68 out of 80 on her science test, nadia scores 86 out of 120 on her science test and ali scores 120 out of 150 on her science test. who preforms the best in his/her science test Cheryl: [URL='']68/80[/URL] = 85% Nadia: [URL='']86/120[/URL] = 71.67% Ali: [URL='']120/150[/URL] = 80% [B]Cheryl[/B] has the highest percentage, so she did the best on her test.

Condos in Centerville go up in value by 3% each year. If the Ayala family's condo is now worth $697,
Condos in Centerville go up in value by 3% each year. If the Ayala family's condo is now worth $697,580, what will it be worth in 2 years? Let the condo value in (y) years be C(y). 3% as a decimal is 0.03, so we have: C(y) = 697,850 * (1.03)^y The problem asks for C(2): C(2) = 697,850 * (1.03)^2 C(2) = 697,850 * 1.0609 C(2) = [B]740.349.07[/B]

Construct a confidence interval of the population proportion at the given level of confidence. x = 1
Construct a confidence interval of the population proportion at the given level of confidence. x = 120, n = 300, 99% confidence Round to 3 decimal places as needed [B]0.327 < p < 0.473[/B] using our [URL='']proportion confidence interval calculator[/URL]

Dan needs 309 programs for the school play on Thursday. How many boxes of programs will he need, giv
Dan needs 309 programs for the school play on Thursday. How many boxes of programs will he need, given that each box contains 41 programs? Each box contains 41 programs, so we divide 309 programs by 41 programs per box to get our boxes: 309/41 using our [URL='']division calculator[/URL] is 7.5365. Since we don't have fractional boxes, we round up to the next highest integer. [B]8 boxes[/B]

David obtained 5 out of 20 votes in the election. What percentage of the votes did david receive?
David obtained 5 out of 20 votes in the election. What percentage of the votes did david receive? 5/20 is the fraction. You can simplify by dividing top and bottom by 5 to get 1/4 As a decimal, this is 0.25 To get a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 100 * 0.25 = 25% You can also use our [URL='']decimal-percentage-fraction converter[/URL]

Decimal Degree Minutes Seconds
Free Decimal Degree Minutes Seconds Calculator - Convertes decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds or degrees, minutes seconds, to decimal degrees

Determine whether the random variable is discrete or continuous. In each case, state the possible v
Determine whether the random variable is discrete or continuous. In each case, state the possible values of the random variable. (a) The number of customers arriving at a bank between noon and 1:00 P.M. (i) The random variable is continuous. The possible values are x >= 0. (ii) The random variable is discrete. The possible values are x = 0, 1, 2,... (iii) The random variable is continuous. The possible values are x = 0, 1, 2,... (iv) The random variable is discrete. The possible values are x >= 0. (b) The amount of snowfall (i) The random variable is continuous. The possible values are s = 0, 1, 2,... (ii) The random variable is discrete. The possible values are s >= 0. (iii) The random variable is discrete. The possible values are s = 0, 1, 2,... (iv) The random variable is continuous. The possible values are s >= 0. [B](a) (ii) The random variable is discrete. The possible values are x = 0, 1, 2,... Discrete variables are limited in the values they can take between 9 and ? (b) (iv) The random variable is continuous. The possible values are s >= 0. Snowfall can be a decimal and can vary between 0 and ?[/B]

Dewey Decimal System Classification
Free Dewey Decimal System Classification Calculator - Given a 3 digit code, this will determine the class, division, and section of the library book using the Dewey Decimal System.

Diana invested $3000 in a savings account for 3 years. She earned $450 in interest over that time pe
Diana invested $3000 in a savings account for 3 years. She earned $450 in interest over that time period. What interest rate did she earn? Use the formula I=Prt to find your answer, where I is interest, P is principal, r is rate and t is time. Enter your solution in decimal form rounded to the nearest hundredth. For example, if your solution is 12%, you would enter 0.12. Our givens are: [LIST] [*]I = 450 [*]P = 3000 [*]t = 3 [*]We want r [/LIST] 450 = 3000(r)(3) 450 = 9000r Divide each side by 9000 [B]r = 0.05[/B]

Dr. Carlson is contemplating the impact of an antibiotic on a particular patient. The patient will t
Dr. Carlson is contemplating the impact of an antibiotic on a particular patient. The patient will take 229 milligrams, and every hour his body will break down 20% of it. How much will be left after 9 hours? Set up the antibiotic remaining function A(h) where h is the number of hours after the patient takes the antibiotic. If the body breaks down 20%, then the remaining is 100% - 20% = 80% 80% as a decimal is 0.8, so we have: A(h) = 229 * (0.8)^h The problems asks for A(9): A(9) = 229 * (0.8)^9 A(9) = 229 * 0.134217728 A(9) = [B]30.74 milligrams[/B]

During Michael Jordan's NBA career (1984–2003), he averaged a free throw completion percentage of 83
During Michael Jordan's NBA career (1984–2003), he averaged a free throw completion percentage of 83.5% in regular season play. If Jordan threw 8,772 free throws in his career, how many completed free throws did he make? We want [URL='']83.5% of 8772[/URL] which is 7324.62. We round down for completed free throws to get [B]7,324[/B]

Each of 6 students reported the number of movies they saw in the past year. Here is what they repor
Each of 6 students reported the number of movies they saw in the past year. Here is what they reported. 19, 9, 14, 10, 16, 17. Find the mean number of movies that the students saw. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth. The mean is the average, so we add up the 6 movie scores, and divide by 6. [URL='']Mean (Average)[/URL] = Sum of 6 Movie Scores / 6 [URL='']Mean (Average)[/URL] = 84 / 6 [URL='']Mean (Average)[/URL] = 14.16666667 The problem asks us to round to the nearest tenth, which is the first decimal place. Since the 2nd decimal place, 6 is more than 5, we round the first decimal place up one and remove the rest. [B]14.2[/B]

Estimate Decimals
Free Estimate Decimals Calculator - This calculator estimates a decimal.

Find the total coast of four nights lodging at $62.00 per night with 8 1/2% sales tax.
Find the total coast of four nights lodging at $62.00 per night with 8 1/2% sales tax. [U]Calculate Total lodging cost[/U] Total lodging cost = Nightly Rate * Number of Nights Total lodging cost = 62 * 4 Total lodging cost = 248 [U]Calculate total bill with tax[/U] Total bill with tax = Total bill * (1 + sales tax percent) Total bill with tax = 248 * (1 + 0.85) <-- 8 1/2% = 0.085 as a decimal Total bill with tax = 248 * 1.085 Total bill with tax =[B] $269.08[/B]

Finding a 20% tip no calculator
Finding a 20% tip no calculator We have 2 methods to calculate a 20% tip. [LIST=1] [*]Divide by 5 [*]Shift one decimal place left and take the value. Multiply by 2 [/LIST] Example: 180 tip, find a 20% tip: Method 1: 180/5 = 36 Method 2: Move decimal place left = 18 Multiply this value by 2: 18 * 2 = 36 [MEDIA=youtube]UW4GYWfMhsE[/MEDIA]

Free Fractions Calculator - Calculates things like fraction to percent, fraction to decimal, unit fraction, ratios, and more

Harjap is a salesperson at an electronic store earning a base salary of $420 per week. She also earn
Harjap is a salesperson at an electronic store earning a base salary of $420 per week. She also earns 2.0% commission on sales each month. This month she had $131600 in sales. What was harjaps gross income for this month? [U]Calculate Monthly Gross Income:[/U] Gross Income = Monthly Base Salary + Commissions [U]Calculate Monthly Base Salary:[/U] Monthly Base Salary = Weekly Base Salary * 4 Monthly Base Salary = $420 * 4 Monthly Base Salary = $1,680 [U]Calculate Commissions:[/U] Commissions = Sales * Commission Percent Commissions = $131,600 * 2% Since 2% as a decimal is 0.02, we have: Commissions = $131,600 * 0.02 Commissions = $2,632 [U]Calculate Monthly Gross Income:[/U] Gross Income = Monthly Base Salary + Commissions Gross Income = $1,680 + $2632 Gross Income = [B]$4,312[/B]

Heather has completed six deliveries so far this week she needs to make 40 deliveries for the week w
Heather has completed six deliveries so far this week she needs to make 40 deliveries for the week what percentage of her deliveries has Heather completed? We want [URL='']6/40 as a percent[/URL] which is [B]15%[/B]

How many 2/4 pound pieces can be cut from a giant 1200 pound thumbnail?
How many 2/4 pound pieces can be cut from a giant 1200 pound thumbnail? Using a fraction: 1200 pounds of meatball / 3/4 pound pieces = [B]1,600 pieces [/B] Using a decimal 0.75 for 3/4: 1200 pounds of meatball / 0.75 pound pieces = [B][B]1600 pieces[/B][/B]

If 1/8 = y%, find y
If 1/8 = y%, find y Using our [URL='']fraction to percentage calculation[/URL], we see that: 1/8 = [B]12.5[/B]%

If 10% of 400 is decreased by 25, the result is
If 10% of 400 is decreased by 25, the result is? [URL='']10% of 400 using our search engine[/URL] is 40. The phrase [I]decreased by[/I] means we subtract 25 from 40: 40 - 25 = [B]15[/B]

If 115% of a number is 460, what is 75% of the number
If 115% of a number is 460, what is 75% of the number. Let the number be n. We're given: 115% * n = 460 We write 115% of n as 1.15n, so we have: 1.15n = 460 [URL='']Using our equation calculator[/URL], we get: n = [B]400 [/B] The problem asks for 75% of this number, so we [URL='']type in [I]75% of 400[/I] into our search engine[/URL] and get: [B]300[/B]

If 23.8% of a population is 8,212,000. What is the total population?
If 23.8% of a population is 8,212,000. What is the total population? This can be written as [I]23.8% of x is 8212000 [/I] We [URL='']type this expression into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]1,954,456[/B]

If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x?
If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x? Convert percentages to decimals when multiplying: 25% = 0.25 30% = 0.3 0.25 * 0.3 * x = 9 0.075x = 9 Using our math engine, we [URL='']type this equation in[/URL] and we get: x = [B]120 [MEDIA=youtube]5EwNxiBdLu0[/MEDIA][/B]

If 25% of a number b is 25.18. What is 20% of b?
If 25% of a number b is 25.18. What is 20% of b? Using our 25% as 0.25, we have: 0.25b = 25.18 Using our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], we get: b = 100.72 The question asks what is [URL='']20% of 100.72[/URL]. Using our calculator, we get: [B]20.144[/B]

If 44% of a number is 120, find 11% of that number.
If 44% of a number is 120, find 11% of that number. [URL='']44% of a number is 120[/URL] [URL='']Solving for x, we get 272.72[/URL] [URL='']11% of this is [/URL][B]30[/B]

If a pound of coffee costs $4, how many ounces can be bought for $1.80
If a pound of coffee costs $4, how many ounces can be bought for $1.80 Using our conversion calculator, we find [URL='']1 pound [/URL]= 16 ounces $4 per 16 ounces = 4/16 [URL='']We can simplify this fraction[/URL] to 0.25 per ounce We take our 1.80 divided by 0.25 per ounce 1.80/0.25 = [B]7.2 ounces of coffee [MEDIA=youtube]5eZAav1drX0[/MEDIA][/B]

If Jay reads 1 & 1/8 pages per minute, how long will it take him to read 72 pages?
If Jay reads 1 & 1/8 pages per minute, how long will it take him to read 72 pages? Calculate de 72 pages / 1 & 1/8 Converting to decimal, we have: 72 pages / 1.125 pages per minute = [B]64 minutes[/B]

If n% of 400 is 260, then what is 20% of n?
If n% of 400 is 260, then what is 20% of n? n% = n/100, so we have: n/100 * 400 = 260 400n/100 = 260 4n = 260 Using our equation calculator, we type this in our math engine and we get: n = 65 [URL='']20% of 65 [/URL]= [B]13 [MEDIA=youtube]3a83xA5Am-M[/MEDIA][/B]

If sales tax is currently 8.2%, write an algebraic expression representing the amount of sales tax y
If sales tax is currently 8.2%, write an algebraic expression representing the amount of sales tax you would have to pay for an item that costs D dollars. 8.2% is 0.082 as a decimal. So we have: Sales Tax Paid = [B]0.082D[/B]

In 1 year, a baseball player got 195 hits in 600 times. What is his batting average?
In 1 year, a baseball player got 195 hits in 600 times. What is his batting average? Batting Average = Hits / Times at Bat Batting Average = 195 / 600 [URL='']Batting Average[/URL] = [B]0.327[/B]

In 203.46, which digit is in the hundredths place?
In 203.46, which digit is in the hundredths place? Moving from the right of the decimal place, we have : tenths place = 3 hundredths place = [B]6[/B]

In 32, what is the value of 2
In 32, what is the value of 2 For place value, starting from the right decimal with no decimals, we have: tens, ones 3 is the tens digit 2 is the ones digit 32 = 3 * 10 + 2 * 1 Which means 2 is the [B]ones digit[/B]

In a family of 4 children, what is the probability that all four will be girls?
In a family of 4 children, what is the probability that all four will be girls? P(G) = 1/2 or 0.5 Since each child is independent, we have: 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 or (1/2)^4 [B]1/16 or in decimal form, 0.0625[/B]

In a theatre audience of 500 people, 80 percent were adults. How many children were in the audience
In a theatre audience of 500 people, 80 percent were adults. How many children were in the audience? If 80% were adults, this means 100% - 80% = 20% were children. [URL='']We type the expression 20% of 500 into our search engine[/URL] and get [B]100 children[/B]

In order to select new board members, the French club held an election. 63 out of the 90 members of
In order to select new board members, the French club held an election. 63 out of the 90 members of the French club voted in the election. What percentage of the members voted? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], 63 out of 90 is [B]70%[/B]

In the past year, Yoko watched 76 movies that she thought were very good. She watched 80 movies ove
In the past year, Yoko watched 76 movies that she thought were very good. She watched 80 movies over the whole year. Of the movies she watched, what percentage did she think were very good? [URL='']Enter 76/80 into our search engine to get 95%[/URL].

Integers Between
Free Integers Between Calculator - This calculator determines all integers between two numbers (Decimals)

Is 20% equivalent to 2/5?
Is 20% equivalent to 2/5? Let's compare fractions to fractions: 20% equals 1/5 from our [URL='']percentage-decimal-fraction calculator[/URL]. 1/5 < 2/5 so these fractions are [B][I]not equivalent[/I][/B].

Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work?
Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work? We know that there are 12 months in a year. Percentage worked = Months worked in a year / months in a year * 100% Percentage worked = 7/12 * 100% Percentage worked = 0.5833333 * 100% Multiplying by 100 means we shift the decimal place 2 spaces to the right: Percentage worked = [B]58.33%[/B]

Joanie multiplied 0.78 times 0.34 and got the product 26.52. What error did she make
Joanie multiplied 0.78 times 0.34 and got the product 26.52. What error did she make [B]She didn't move the decimal point over 2 spots[/B]: 0.78 * 0.34 = 0.2652

Joe worked in a shoe department where he earned $325 weekly and 6.5% commission on all of his sales.
Joe worked in a shoe department where he earned $325 weekly and 6.5% commission on all of his sales. What was joe’s total sales if he earned $507 last week Let s be total Sales. 6.5% is 0.065 as a decimal, so Joe's earnings are given by: 0.065s + 325 = 507 To solve for s, we [URL='']type this equation into our math engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]2800[/B]

Johnny Rocket can run 300 meters in 90 seconds. If his speed remains constant, how far could he ru
Johnny Rocket can run 300 meters in 90 seconds. If his speed remains constant, how far could he run in 500 seconds? Round to one decimal place. Set up the distance equation: Distance = Rate * Time 300 = 90r Solving this equation for r, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: r = 3.333 For 500 seconds, we set up our distance equation again: Distance = 500 * 3.333333 Distance = [B]1666.7 meters[/B]

Johnny waited 0.25 hour before his school bus arrived. How many minutes did johnny actually wait?
Johnny waited 0.25 hour before his school bus arrived. How many minutes did johnny actually wait? An hour is 60 minutes. [URL='']0.25 = 1/4[/URL] [URL='']So we have 60 * 1/4 = 60/4[/URL] = [B]15 minutes[/B]

Jonathan earns a base salary of $1500 plus 10% of his sales each month. Raymond earns $1200 plus 15%
Jonathan earns a base salary of $1500 plus 10% of his sales each month. Raymond earns $1200 plus 15% of his sales each month. How much will Jonathan and Raymond have to sell in order to earn the same amount each month? [U]Step 1: Set up Jonathan's sales equation S(m) where m is the amount of sales made each month:[/U] S(m) = Commission percentage * m + Base Salary 10% written as a decimal is 0.1. We want decimals to solve equations easier. S(m) = 0.1m + 1500 [U]Step 2: Set up Raymond's sales equation S(m) where m is the amount of sales made each month:[/U] S(m) = Commission percentage * m + Base Salary 15% written as a decimal is 0.15. We want decimals to solve equations easier. S(m) = 0.15m + 1200 [U]The question asks what is m when both S(m)'s equal each other[/U]: The phrase [I]earn the same amount [/I]means we set Jonathan's and Raymond's sales equations equal to each other 0.1m + 1500 = 0.15m + 1200 We want to isolate m terms on one side of the equation. Subtract 1200 from each side: 0.1m + 1500 - 1200 = 0.15m + 1200 - 1200 Cancel the 1200's on the right side and we get: 0.1m - 300 = 0.15m Next, we subtract 0.1m from each side of the equation to isolate m 0.1m - 0.1m + 300 = 0.15m - 0.1m Cancel the 0.1m terms on the left side and we get: 300 = 0.05m Flip the statement since it's an equal sign to get the variable on the left side: 0.05m = 300 To solve for m, we divide each side of the equation by 0.05: 0.05m/0.05 = 300/0.05 Cancelling the 0.05 on the left side, we get: m = [B]6000[/B]

Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying fo
Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying for her marketing class, 12 hours studying for her statistics class, and 8 hours studying for her business law class. What percent of her study time does she spend for her statistics class? The percentage equals hours spent on statistics divided by total hours spent studying for everything. [U]Calculate total study hours:[/U] Total Study Hours = Marketing Class Study Hours + Statistics Class Study Hours + Business Law Study Hours Total Study Hours = 10 + 8 + 12 Total Study Hours = [B]30[/B] [U]Calculate Statistics Study Hours Percentage:[/U] Statistics Study Hours Percentage = Statistics Class Study Hours / Total Study Hours Statistics Class Study Hours = 8/30 Using our [URL='']fraction to decimal calculator[/URL], we get Statistics Class Study Hours = [B]26.67%[/B]

Local salesman receives a base salary of $650 monthly. He also receives a commission of 11% on all s
Local salesman receives a base salary of $650 monthly. He also receives a commission of 11% on all sales over $1500. How much would he have to sell in one month if he needed to have $3000 Let the Sales amount be s. We have: Sales over 1,500 is written as s - 1500 11% is also 0.11 as a decimal, so we have: 0.11(s - 1500) + 650 = 3000 Multiply through: 0.11s - 165 + 650 = 3500 0.11s + 485 = 3500 To solve this equation for s, [URL='']we type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]27,409.10[/B]

Mike writes a book and gets 15% royalty of total sales. He sells 50,000 books at a cost of $35 per b
Mike writes a book and gets 15% royalty of total sales. He sells 50,000 books at a cost of $35 per book. What is the royalty he receives? Remember to put the $ symbol in your answer. For example, if your answer is 10 dollars, write $10 in the answer box. [U]Calculate total sales:[/U] Total Sales = Number of Books * Price per book Total Sales = 50,000 * $35 Total Sales = $1,750,000 [U]Now calculate Mike's royalties:[/U] Royalties = Total Sales * Royalty Percent Royalties = $1,750,000 * 15% [URL='']Royalties[/URL] = [B]$262,500[/B]

Ms. Gonzales is investing $17000 at an annual interest rate of 6% compounded continuously. How much
Ms. Gonzales is investing $17000 at an annual interest rate of 6% compounded continuously. How much money will be in the account after 16 years? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places). Using our [URL='']continuous interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]44,398.84[/B]

My rent was 800.00 a month. My landlord raised my rent to 1,240.00. What percentage did he raise m
My rent was 800.00 a month. My landlord raised my rent to 1,240.00. What percentage did he raise my rent?. First, calculate the difference between the old and new rent: Difference = 1,240 - 800 = 440 Percentage increase = 440/800 [URL='']Type 440/800 into the search engine, and choose the percent option[/URL] You get [B]55%[/B] increase.

Of the 800 students of a school, 600 have traveled. What percentage of the students went on a trip?
Of the 800 students of a school, 600 have traveled. What percentage of the students went on a trip? Our percentage is found as 600/800. Simplifying by dividing top and bottom by 100, we have: 6/8 Divide top and bottom by 2, we get: 3/4 or [B]75% [/B] You can also type in the [URL='']search engine[/URL]: 600/800 as percent.

Of the worlds 7.5 billion people, 1.2 billion people live on less than 4 per day. Calculate the perc
Of the worlds 7.5 billion people, 1.2 billion people live on less than 4 per day. Calculate the percent of the worlds population who lives on less than 4 per day? We want the percentage 1.2/7.5. [URL='']Type this fraction into our search engine[/URL], choose percentage, and we get: [B]16%[/B]

Oliver and Julia deposit $1,000.00 into a savings account which earns 14% interest compounded contin
Oliver and Julia deposit $1,000.00 into a savings account which earns 14% interest compounded continuously. They want to use the money in the account to go on a trip in 3 years. How much will they be able to spend? Use the formula A=Pert, where A is the balance (final amount), P is the principal (starting amount), e is the base of natural logarithms (?2.71828), r is the interest rate expressed as a decimal, and t is the time in years. Round your answer to the nearest cent. [URL='']Using our continuous interest calculator[/URL], we get: A = [B]1,521.96[/B]

On a Math test, 12 students earned an A. This number is exactly 25% of the total number of students
On a Math test, 12 students earned an A. This number is exactly 25% of the total number of students in the class. How many students are in the class? Let the total number of students be s. Since 25% is 0.25 as a decimal, We have an equation: 0.25s = 12 [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine[/URL], and we get: s = [B]48[/B]

On the math test, Ralph answered 17 out of 20 problems. What percent did he get right?
On the math test, Ralph answered 17 out of 20 problems. What percent did he get right? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator or entering the phrase 17 out of 20 in the search engine[/URL], we get: [B]85%[/B]

Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations
Free Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations Calculator - Calculates the relational items between a fraction, a decimal (including repeating decimal and terminating decimal), a percentage, and the numerator and denominator piece of that fraction. Also calculates the percentage change going from one number to another or the amount increase or decrease of a percentage above/below a number. Round decimals. decimals into fractions

Place Value
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For the whole and decimal portion, the calculator goes out to the 100 trillion mark.

Prizes hidden on a game board with 10 spaces. One prize is worth $100, another is worth $50, and tw
Imagine you are in a game show. Prizes hidden on a game board with 10 spaces. One prize is worth $100, another is worth $50, and two are worth $10. You have to pay $20 to the host if your choice is not correct. Let the random variable x be the winning (a) What is your expected winning in this game? (b) Determine the standard deviation of x. (Round the answer to two decimal places) (a) 100(0.1) + 50(0.1) + 10(0.2) - 20 = 10 + 5 + 2 - 20 = [B]-3[/B] (b) 3.3 using our [URL=',50,10&num2=+0.1,0.1,0.2&usep=usep&pl=Number+Set+Basics']standard deviation calculator[/URL]

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Rose weighs 140 pounds and gains 10%. What percent of her new weight must she lose to get back to 14
Rose weighs 140 pounds and gains 10%. What percent of her new weight must she lose to get back to 140 pounds? Find her new weight after the 10% gain: New Weight = Starting Weight * (1 + 10%) Since 10% is 0.1, we have: New Weight = Starting Weight * (1 + 0.1) New Weight = Starting Weight * (1.1) Plug in our numbers: New Weight = 140 * (1.1) New Weight = 154 To get back to 140, Rose must lose 154 - 140 = 14 pounds. As a percentage of her new weight, [URL='']we type 14/154 into our search engine[/URL], and get: [B]9.09% [/B] [I]We read this as, Rose must lose 9.09% of her current body weight of 154 pounds to get back to her starting weight of 140 pounds.[/I]

Rounding to Decimal Places
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Shading Decimals
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Shalini gave 0.4 of her plums to her brother and 20% to her sister. She kept 16 for herself. How man
Shalini gave 0.4 of her plums to her brother and 20% to her sister. She kept 16 for herself. How many plums did she have first? Let's convert everything to decimals. 20% = 0.2 So Shalini gave 0.4 + 0.2 = 0.6 of the plums away. Which means she has 1 = 0.6 = 0.4 or 40% left over. 40% represents 16 plums So our equation is 0.4p = 16 where p is the number of plums to start with Divide each side by 0.4 [B]p = 40[/B]

students at East Central High School earned $384 selling car washes. They want to make $2690 for a c
Students at East Central High School earned $384 selling car washes. They want to make $2690 for a club trip. What percent of their goal has been reached? 384/2690 = [B]14.28%[/B] using our [URL='']percentage-decimal calculator[/URL]

Suppose you deposit $1000 in a college fund that pays 7.2% interest compounded monthly. Find the acc
Suppose you deposit $1000 in a college fund that pays 7.2% interest compounded monthly. Find the account balance after 12 years. Round your answer to two decimal places. Using our[URL=''] compound interest balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$1,074.42[/B]

The margarita is one of the most common tequila-based cocktails, made with tequila, triple sec, and
The margarita is one of the most common tequila-based cocktails, made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice, often served with salt on the glass rim. A manager at a local bar is concerned that the bartender is not using the correct amounts of the three ingredients in more than 50% of margaritas. He secretly observed the bartender and found that he used the CORRECT amounts in only 9 out of the 39 margaritas in the sample. Use the critical value approach to test if the manager's suspicion is justified at ? = 0.10. Let p represent the proportion of all margaritas made by the bartender that have INCORRECT amounts of the three ingredients. Use Table 1. a. Select the null and the alternative hypotheses. [B]H0: p ? 0.50; HA: p > 0.50[/B] [B][/B] b. Calculate the sample proportion. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.) 9/39 = [B]0.231 [/B] c. Calculate the value of test statistic. (Round your intermediate calculations to 4 decimal places and final answer to 2 decimal places.) Using our [URL='']proportion hypothesis calculator[/URL], we get: [B]Test Stat = -3.36[/B] [B][/B] d. Calculate the critical value. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Using the link above, we get a critical value of [B]1.2816 [/B] e. What is the conclusion? [B]The manager’s suspicion is not justified since the value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region. Do not reject H0[/B] [B][/B]

The mean age of 10 women in an office is 30 years old. The mean age of 10 men in an office is 29 yea
The mean age of 10 women in an office is 30 years old. The mean age of 10 men in an office is 29 years old. What is the mean age (nearest year) of all the people in the office? Mean is another word for [U]average[/U]. Mean age of women = Sum of all ages women / number of women We're told mean age of women is 30, so we have: Sum of all ages women / 10 = 30 Cross multiply, and we get: Sum of all ages of women = 30 * 10 Sum of all ages of women = 300 Mean age of men = Sum of all ages men / number of men We're told mean age of men is 29, so we have: Sum of all ages men / 10 = 29 Cross multiply, and we get: Sum of all ages of men = 29 * 10 Sum of all ages of men = 290 [U]Calculate mean age (nearest year) of all the people in the office:[/U] mean age of all the people in the office = Sum of all ages of people in the office (men and women) / Total number of people in the office mean age of all the people in the office = (300 + 290) / (10 + 10) mean age of all the people in the office = 590 / 20 mean age of all the people in the office = 29.5 The question asks for nearest year. Since this is a decimal, we round down to either 29 or up to 30. Because the decimal is greater or equal to 0.5 (halfway), we round [U]up[/U] to [B]30[/B]

THE PLAYER CHOSE 20 OUT OF 70 NUMBERS IN A GAME OF CHANCE. ...WHEN THE SHOW BEGIN,THE BANKER WILL THEN RAFFLE OR DO A DRAW WHERE IN THE BANKER PICKS AS WELL 20 OUT OF 70 NUMBERS. .....NOW HERES THE TRICK, FOR YOU TO BEAT THE BANKER .YOUR CHOSEN 20 NUMBERS SHOULD NOT MATCH ANY OF THE BANKER 20 0UT OF 70 NUMBERS THAT HAD BEEN DRAWS IN THE GAME OF SHOW. IF THE 20 NUMBERS YOU HAVE ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE BANKERS 20 NUMBERS DRAWN THEN YOU WIN THE PRICE. Banker Draw Numbers not matching Total numbers Probability Probability Decimal Cumulative Probability 1 50 70 50/70 0.7142857143 0.7142857143 2 49 69 49/69 0.7101449275 0.5072463768 3 48 68 48/68 0.7058823529 0.358056266 4 47 67 47/67 0.7014925373 0.2511737985 5 46 66 46/66 0.696969697 0.1750605262 6 45 65 45/65 0.6923076923 0.1211957489 7 44 64 44/64 0.6875 0.0833220774 8 43 63 43/63 0.6825396825 0.05687062425 9 42 62 42/62 0.6774193548 0.03852526159 10 41 61 41/61 0.6721311475 0.02589402828 11 40 60 40/60 0.6666666667 0.01726268552 12 39 59 39/59 0.6610169492 0.01141092772 13 38 58 38/58 0.6551724138 0.007476125057 14 37 57 37/57 0.649122807 0.004852923282 15 36 56 36/56 0.6428571429 0.003119736396 16 35 55 35/55 0.6363636364 0.001985286797 17 34 54 34/54 0.6296296296 0.001249995391 18 33 53 33/53 0.6226415094 0.000778299017 19 32 52 32/52 0.6153846154 0.0004789532412 20 31 51 31/51 0.6078431373 [B]0.0002911284407 [/B]

The relief time provided by a standard dose of a popular children’s allergy medicine averages 7.9
The relief time provided by a standard dose of a popular children’s allergy medicine averages 7.9 hours with a standard deviation of 2.2 hours. Use Table 1. a. Determine the percentage of children who experience relief for less than 6.4 hours if the relief time follows a normal distribution. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Using our [URL='']normal distribution calculator[/URL], we get Answer = [B]0.25[/B]

The sales tax for an item was $21.50 and it cost $430 before tax. Find the sales tax rate. Write you
The sales tax for an item was $21.50 and it cost $430 before tax. Find the sales tax rate. Write your answer as a percentage. Sales tax percentage is: 21.50/430 = 0.05 To get a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 0.05 * 100 = [B]5%[/B]

The Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is commonly expressed as a decimal. WHR has been shown to be a good pre
The Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is commonly expressed as a decimal. WHR has been shown to be a good predictor of possible cardiovascular problems in both men and women. If Jonia has a WHR greater than 1, she is at “high risk” for cardiovascular problems. Jonia’s waist measurement is 42 inches and her hip measurement 2 inches less. Jonia's WHR: WHR = W/H WHR = 42/(42 - 2) WHR =4 2/40 WHR = [B]1.5 which is high risk[/B]

There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage chang
There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage change in the number of students in the class. We want to know how much an increase of 3 people is in a class of 24: 3/24 Using [URL='']our percentage/decimal calculator[/URL], we get: [B]12.5% increase[/B]

There are 250 boys and 150 girls in a school, if 60% of the boys and 40% of the girls play football,
There are 250 boys and 150 girls in a school, if 60% of the boys and 40% of the girls play football, what percentage of the school play football [U]First calculate total students:[/U] Total students = Boys + Girls Total students = 250 + 150 Total students = 400 [U]Calculate the boys that play football:[/U] Boys playing football = 60% * 250 [URL='']Boys playing football [/URL]= 150 [U]Calculate the girls that play football:[/U] Girls playing football = 40% * 150 [URL='']Girls playing football[/URL][URL=''] [/URL]= 60 [U]Calculate total people playing football[/U]: Total people playing football = Boys playing football + Girls playing football Total people playing football = 150 + 60 Total people playing football = 210 Calculate percentage of the school playing football (P): P = 100% * Total people playing football / Total Students P = 100% * [URL='']210/400[/URL] P = 100% * 0.525 P = [B]52.5%[/B]

There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men
There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men [U]Find the number of male students:[/U] Males = Total Students - Females Males = 32 - 9 Males = 23 [U]Calculate percentage of males:[/U] Percentage of males = 100% * Males / Total Students Percentage of males = 100% * 23 / 32 Percentage of males = 100% * 0.71875 Percentage of males = 71.88% [URL='']See this link as well[/URL]

There is a bag filled with 5 blue, 6 red and 2 green marbles. A marble is taken at random from the b
There is a bag filled with 5 blue, 6 red and 2 green marbles. A marble is taken at random from the bag, the colour is noted and then it is replaced. Another marble is taken at random. What is the probability of getting exactly 1 blue? Find the total number of marbles in the bag: Total marbles = 5 blue + 6 red + 2 green Total marbles = 13 The problem asks for exactly one blue in 2 draws [I]with replacement[/I]. Which means you could draw as follows: Blue, Not Blue Not Blue, Blue The probability of drawing a blue is 5/13, since we replace the marbles in the bag each time. The probability of not drawing a blue is (6 + 2)/13 = 8/13 And since each of the 2 draws are independent of each other, we multiply the probability of each draw: Blue, Not Blue = 5/13 * 8/13 =40/169 Not Blue, Blue = 8/13 * 5/13 = 40/169 We add both probabilities since they both count under our scenario: 40/169 + 40/169 = 80/169 Checking our [URL='']fraction simplification calculator[/URL], we see you cannot simplify this fraction anymore. So our probability stated in terms of a fraction is 80/169 [URL='']Stated in terms of a decimal[/URL], it's 0.4734

There is a sales tax of $15 on an item that costs $153 before tax. A second item costs $81.60 before
There is a sales tax of $15 on an item that costs $153 before tax. A second item costs $81.60 before tax. What is the sales tax on the second item? We assume the goods are bought in the same store, so tax rates are the same: Tax Rate = Tax Amount / Cost before tax Tax Rate = 15/153 Tax Rate = 0.098 or 9.8% Calculate sales tax on the second item Sales Tax = Cost before Tax * Tax Rate Sales Tax = 81.60 * 0.098 Sales Tax = 7.9968 We round to 2 decimals for dollars and cents and we get: Sales Tax = [B]$8.00[/B]

There is a sales tax of $5 on an item that costs $51 before tax. A second item costs $173.40 before
There is a sales tax of $5 on an item that costs $51 before tax. A second item costs $173.40 before tax. What is the sales tax on the second item? Calculate the sales tax percent using the first item: Sales Tax Decimal = 100% * Sales Tax / Pre-Tax Bill Sales Tax Decimal = 100% * 5/51 Sales Tax Decimal = 0.098 Calculate the sales tax on the second item: Sales Tax = Pre-Tax bill * (1 + Sales Tax) Sales Tax = $173.40 (1 + 0.098) Sales Taax = $173.40 * 1.098 Sales Tax = [B]$190.39[/B]

Tom and Damian are shooting free throws. If Tom makes 7 free throws in 9 attempts, and Damian makes
Tom and Damian are shooting free throws. If Tom makes 7 free throws in 9 attempts, and Damian makes 5 free throws in 6 attempts, who has the higher relative performance? Answer this by calculating and comparing the free throw percentages of Tom and Damian. Tom makes 7/9. [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], he makes 77.78% of the free throws. Damian makes 5/6. [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], he makes 83.33% of the free throws. [B]Damian[/B] has a better free throw percentage.

True or False (a) The normal distribution curve is always symmetric to its mean. (b) If the variance
True or False (a) The normal distribution curve is always symmetric to its mean. (b) If the variance from a data set is zero, then all the observations in this data set are identical. (c) P(A AND Ac)=1, where Ac is the complement of A. (d) In a hypothesis testing, if the p-value is less than the significance level ?, we do not have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. (e) The volume of milk in a jug of milk is 128 oz. The value 128 is from a discrete data set. [B](a) True, it's a bell curve symmetric about the mean (b) True, variance measures how far a set of numbers is spread out. A variance of zero indicates that all the values are identical (c) True. P(A) is the probability of an event and P(Ac) is the complement of the event, or any event that is not A. So either A happens or it does not. It covers all possible events in a sample space. (d) False, we have sufficient evidence to reject H0. (e) False. Volume can be a decimal or fractional. There are multiple values between 127 and 128. So it's continuous.[/B]

Free Truncate Calculator - Truncates a number to a specified number of decimal places. Truncates decimals.

Vacation is 72 days long. What percent of the entire year is summer vacation ?
Vacation is 72 days long. What percent of the entire year is summer vacation ? Vacation day Percent = 100% * Vacation Days / Total Days in the year Vacation day Percent = 100% * 72/365 Vacation day Percent = 100% * [URL='']0.1973[/URL] Vacation day Percent = [B]19.73%[/B]

Vice Versa Percentage Method
x% of y is the same as y% of x Example 1: 18% of 10 is the same as 10% of 18 10% is easy because we move the decimal one place left to get [B]1.8[/B] Example 2: 40% of 50 is the same as 50% of 40 50% is easy because we cut a number in half 40/2 = [B]20 [MEDIA=youtube]aiKsvYWEo0c[/MEDIA][/B]

what did i make on a test if i had 65 questions and got 40 correct
what did i make on a test if i had 65 questions and got 40 correct [URL='']40/65[/URL] = [B]61.54%[/B]

what does the digit 7 in 65.47 stand for
what does the digit 7 in 65.47 stand for To the right of the decimal place, moving left to right, we have: 4 is the tenths place [B]7 is the hundredths place[/B]

What is 1/3 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places?
What is 1/3 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places? 1/3 = 0.3333333 Rounded to 3 decimal places, we get: 1/3 = [B]0.333[/B]

What is 65% of 200?
What is 65% of 200? Using our [URL='']percent of calculator[/URL], we get: [B]130[/B]

What is the annual nominal rate compounded daily for a bond that has an annual yield of 5.4%? Round
What is the annual nominal rate compounded daily for a bond that has an annual yield of 5.4%? Round to three decimal places. Use a 365 day year. [U]Set up the accumulation equation:[/U] (1+i)^365 = 1.054 [U]Take the natural log of each side[/U] 365 * Ln(1 + i) = 1.054 Ln(1 + i) = 0.000144089 [U]Use each side as a exponent to eulers constant e[/U] (1 + i) = e^0.000144089 1 + i = 1.000144099 i = 0.000144099 or [B].0144099%[/B]

What is the probability of picking a P from the word hippopotamus?
What is the probability of picking a P from the word hippopotamus? There are 3 P's in a word with 12 characters. So our probability is 3/12. [URL='']Using our fraction simplify calculator[/URL], this simplifies to 1/4. Written as a decimal, it's 0.25. So our answer is [B]1/4 or 0.25[/B]

What is the value of 998^2 – 2^2?
A) 988,036 B) 990,000 C) 995,988 D) 996,000 E) 1,000,000 This is a difference of squares. The formula for 2 numbers a and b is: a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b) In our problem, we have a = 998 and b = 2: 998^2 – 2^2 = (998 + 2)(998 - 2) 998^2 – 2^2 = 1000(996) Multiplying by 1000 means we move the decimal place of the other number 3 places to the right: 998^2 – 2^2 = [B]996,000 or Answer D [MEDIA=youtube]IeKLs8Ds-No[/MEDIA][/B]

What percent of 25 is 20?
[URL='']Use our calculator here[/URL] [MEDIA=youtube]_Z9z8F0YZ6E[/MEDIA]

Which of the following shows the numbers in ascending order? 2/3,0.68,67%,4/5
Which of the following shows the numbers in ascending order? 2/3,0.68,67%,4/5 A. 67%, 0.68, 2/3, 4/5 B. 67%, 0.68, 4/5, 2/3 C. 0.68, 67%, 2/3, 4/5 D. 2/3, 67%, 0.68, 4/5 Convert all of these to decimals: [LIST] [*]2/3 = 0.666666 [*]0.68 = 0.68 [*]67% = 0.67 [*]4/5= 0.8 [/LIST] Order these ascending, and you get answer D [B]D. 2/3, 67%, 0.68, 4/5[/B] [MEDIA=youtube]ABnPvvZhv6k[/MEDIA]

Write 7% as a decimal
Write 7% as a decimal [URL='']7/100[/URL] = [B]0.07[/B]

Yesterday, there were 100 problems assigned for math homework. Andrew got 20 problems correct and 80
Yesterday, there were 100 problems assigned for math homework. Andrew got 20 problems correct and 80 problems incorrect. What percentage did Andrew get correct? Correct Problems = 20/100 [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], we get [B]20%[/B]

Yesterday, there were 72 problems assigned for math homework. Austen got 18 problems correct and 54
Yesterday, there were 72 problems assigned for math homework. Austen got 18 problems correct and 54 problems incorrect. What percentage did Austen get correct? [URL='']18/72 as a percentage[/URL] is [B]25%[/B]

you deposit $2000 in an account that pays 3% annual interest. Find the balance after 10 years if the
you deposit $2000 in an account that pays 3% annual interest. Find the balance after 10 years if the interest is compounded quarterly. Please give your answer to 2 decimal places. Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator, with 10 * 4 = 40 quarters[/URL], we have: [B]$2,696.70[/B]

You have 4 dimes, 1 quarter and 6 pennies. How many cents do you have? Write it as a decimal
You have 4 dimes, 1 quarter and 6 pennies. How many cents do you have? Write it as a decimal We type in [URL='']4 dimes, 1 quarter, 6 pennies into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]0.71 as a decimal for cents[/B]

You have a meal at a restaurant and decide to leave the server a 10 percent tip. The meal was $22.47
You have a meal at a restaurant and decide to leave the server a 10 percent tip. The meal was $22.47. How much is the tip? The way to solve this is to realize 10% means move the decimal point one space left: 10% of 22.47 = 2.247 Rounded to 2 decimal points for currency, we have [B]$2.25[/B]

your starting salary at a new company is 45000. Each year you receive a 2% raise. How long will it t
your starting salary at a new company is 45000. Each year you receive a 2% raise. How long will it take you to make $80000? Let y be the number of years of compounding the 2% raise. Since 2% as a decimal is 0.02, we have the following equation for compounding the salary: 45000 * (1.02)^y = 80000 Divide each side by 45000: (1.02)^y = 1.77777777778 To solve this equation for y, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: y = [B]29.05[/B] [B]Or just over 29 years[/B]