l Tip Calculator

Enter Bill Amount

Enter Number of People at the table

Enter Tip %

How does the Tip Calculator work?
Free Tip Calculator - Calculates the total bill with Tip and how much each person owes if the bill is split evenly. Shows the amount of tip per person.
This calculator has 3 inputs.
What 1 formula is used for the Tip Calculator?
Total Bill = Original Bill * (1 + Tip%)
What 3 concepts are covered in the Tip Calculator?
the amount due for products or services rendered including current charges and previous unpaid balance, plus or minus any adjustments.
a specified amount in or for every hundred. one part in every hundred.
n% = n/100
a sum of money gratuitously and voluntarily left by a customer for service, or indicated on a bill or charge statement, to be paid to a service or tipped employee for directly and personally serving the customer in a hotel, motel, tourist place, or restaurant.
Example calculations for the Tip Calculator

Tip Calculator Video

Tip Calculator Video