46 results

gallon - Unit of liquid measurement

A 3 gallon bottle of bleach cost $16.32. What is the price per cup?
A 3 gallon bottle of bleach cost $16.32. What is the price per cup? We're given 16.32 / 3 gallons Divide the top and bottom of the fraction by 3 to get the cost per gallon: 16.32/3 = 5.44 gallon Using our [URL='']measurement converter[/URL], we see that: 1 gallon = 16 cups So 5.44 /16 cups=[B]$0.34 per cup[/B]

A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart?
A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart? 3 gallons equals 12 quarts with our [URL='']conversion calculator[/URL]. We divide 87.12 for 12 quarts by 12: [URL='']87.12 / 12[/URL] = [B]$7.26 per quart[/B]

A 50-gallon water heater leaks .125 gallons of water every 14 minutes. How long until it is complete
A 50-gallon water heater leaks .125 gallons of water every 14 minutes. How long until it is completely empty? 50 gallons / .125 gallons leaked = 400 (14 min increments) 400 (14 min increments) * 14 minutes = 5600 minutes 5600 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = [B]93 hours and 20 minutes[/B]

A camel can drink 15 gallons of water in 10 minutes. At this rate, how much water can the camel drin
A camel can drink 15 gallons of water in 10 minutes. At this rate, how much water can the camel drink in 14 minutes? Set up a proportion of gallons of water over minutes where g is the number of gallons the camel can drink in 14 minutes: 15/10 = g/14 [URL='']Typing this proportion into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]g = 21[/B]

A camel can drink 15 gallons of water in 10 minutes. At this rate, how much water can the camel drin
A camel can drink 15 gallons of water in 10 minutes. At this rate, how much water can the camel drink in 8 minutes? Set up a proportion of gallons of water to time where g is the number of gallons of water in 8 minutes. 15/10 = g/8 [URL='']Run this problem through our proportion calculator[/URL] to get [B]g = 12.[/B]

A family of four used about 11,370 gallons of water in their home last month. There were 30 days in
A family of four used about 11,370 gallons of water in their home last month. There were 30 days in the month. About how many gallons of water did each person use each day? 11370 gallons of water / (30 days in a month * 4 people) 11370 gallons of water / (120 people days) 94.75 [B]gallons[/B]

A gallon of milk sells for $3.09 and a quart of milk sells for $0.80.
A gallon of milk sells for $3.09 and a quart of milk sells for $0.80. Let's get this in terms of a common measurement for unit cost. Let's use gallons: 1 gallon = 4 quarts Gallon of milk $3.09 / gallon Quart of milk 0.80 / 0.25 gallons Multiply top and bottom by 4: $3.20 / gallon [B]This means the gallon is the better buy[/B]

A gas tank contains 5.3 gallons. The capacity of the tank is 12.5 gallons. How much will it cost to
A gas tank contains 5.3 gallons. The capacity of the tank is 12.5 gallons. How much will it cost to fill the tank at $1.30 per gallon. [U]Calculate the empty portion of the gas tank:[/U] Empty portion = Capacity - Gas gallons remaining Empty portion = 12.5 - 5.3 Empty portion (in gallons) = 7.2 [U]Calculate the cost to fill the tank:[/U] Cost to fill the tank = Empty portion (in gallons) * cost per gallon Cost to fill the tank = 7.2 * $1.30 Cost to fill the tank = [B]$9.36[/B]

A gasoline tank is leaking at a rate of n gallons in t hours. If the gasoline cost $2 per gallon, wh
A gasoline tank is leaking at a rate of n gallons in t hours. If the gasoline cost $2 per gallon, what is the value of the gasoline that will be lost in m minutes? n gallons / t hours = n/t gallons per hour are leaking The value of the gas that leaks each hour is $2, so we have: 2n/t dollar per hour is leaking Value per minute means we divide by 60: 2n/60t Dividing top and bottom by 2 to simplify, we have: n/30t Given m minutes, we multiply to get: [B]nm/30t[/B]

a landscaper buys 1 gallon of plant fertilizer. he uses 1/5 of the fertilizer, and then divides the
a landscaper buys 1 gallon of plant fertilizer. he uses 1/5 of the fertilizer, and then divides the rest into 3 smaller bottles. how many gallons does he put into each bottle? First, we find the remaining fraction of fertilizer after using 1/5. [URL='']Using our fraction calculator[/URL], we see: 1 - 1/5 = 4/5 To find the amount of fertilizer per bottle, we then [URL='']divide 4/5 by 3 and we get[/URL]: [B]4/15 gallon per bottle[/B]

A tank used 22 gallons of gas to go 17.6 miles. How many miles per gallon did the tank use?
A tank used 22 gallons of gas to go 17.6 miles. How many miles per gallon did the tank use? 17.6 miles / 22 gallons = [B]0.8 miles per gallon[/B]

A water tank holds 236 gallons but is leaking at a rate of 3 gallons per week. A second water tank h
A water tank holds 236 gallons but is leaking at a rate of 3 gallons per week. A second water tank holds 354 gallons but is leaking at a rate if 5 gallons per week. After how many weeks will the amount of water in the two tanks be the same Let w be the number of weeks of leaking. We're given two Leak equations L(w): [LIST=1] [*]L(w) = 236 - 3w [*]L(w) = 354 - 5w [/LIST] When the water in both tanks is the same, we can set both L(w) equations equal to each other: 236 - 3w = 354 - 5w To solve this equation for w, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: w = [B]59[/B]

An indoor water park has two giant buckets that slowly fill with 1000 gallons of water before dumpin
An indoor water park has two giant buckets that slowly fill with 1000 gallons of water before dumping it on the people below. One bucket dumps water every 18 minutes. The other bucket dumps water every 21 minutes. It is currently 1:15 P.M. and both buckets dumped water 5 minutes ago. Find the next two times that both buckets dump water at the same time. We want to find the Least Common Multiple between 18 minutes and 21 minutes. This shows us when both bucket dumping cycles happen simultaneously. So we[URL=''] type in LCM(18,21) into our search engine and we get[/URL]: LCM(18, 21) = 126 This means, in 126 minutes, both buckets will dump water. Since 60 minutes is in an hour, we find out how many full hours we have. To find the full hours and remainder, we [URL='']type in 126 mod 60[/URL] into our search engine and we get: 6. This means 126 minutes is 2 hours and 6 minutes. Find the next bucket dumping time: [LIST=1] [*]We start at 1:15 PM [*]Add 2 hours and we get 3:15 PM [*]Add 6 minutes and we get [B]3:21 PM[/B] [/LIST]

An oil tank contains 220.2 gallons of oil......
An oil tank contains 220.2 gallons of oil. Whenever the amount of oil drops below 90 gallons, an alarm sounds. If 145.3 gallons are pumped into a delivery truck, how many gallons must be pumped back into the tank in order to shut off the alarm? I'm doing a remedial math course and I need help with a lot of questions..

An oil tank contains 220.2 gallons of oil......
Start with 220.2 gallons of oil. Add 145.3 [U]more[/U] gallons 220.2 + 145.3 = 365.3 Now, figure out how much be pumped out to get down to 90. Call it x 365.3 - x = 90 Rearranging our equation, we have: x = 365.3 - 90 [B]x = 275.3[/B]

At a rate of 4 gallons per min , how long will it take to fill a 300 gallon swimming pool
At a rate of 4 gallons per min , how long will it take to fill a 300 gallon swimming pool Time to fill = Total Gallons of the Pool / Fill Rate Time to Fill = 300 gallons / 4 gallons per minute Time to Fill = [B]75 minutes[/B]

Compare a gallon to a quart using percent. (A gallon is what percent of a quart?)
Compare a gallon to a quart using percent. (A gallon is what percent of a quart?) [URL='']1 gallon [/URL]= 4 quarts So we have [B]400%[/B]

Daniel's gas tank holds n gallons of gas. How many pints does the tank hold?
Daniel's gas tank holds n gallons of gas. How many pints does the tank hold? Setup conversion: 1 gallon = 8 pints n gallons = [B]8n[/B] pints

Dennis drank n pints of water during a marathon. How many gallons of water did he drink?
Dennis drank n pints of water during a marathon. How many gallons of water did he drink? 8 pints in a gallon, so 1/8 gallons in a pint. [B]n/8 gallons[/B]

Eight gallons were poured into a gas tank that was 1/4 full. Now the tank is 3/4 full. How many gall
Eight gallons were poured into a gas tank that was 1/4 full. Now the tank is 3/4 full. How many gallons does a full tank hold? 3/4 - 1/4 = 2/4 8 gallons = 2/4 2/4 = 1/2 8 gallons = 1/2 Multiply by 2: 8 * 2 = 2/2 = [B]16 gallons[/B] = 1 full tank

Farmer Bob can get 10 gallons of milk from 4 cows. How many gallons of milk can he get from 14 cows?
Farmer Bob can get 10 gallons of milk from 4 cows. How many gallons of milk can he get from 14 cows? Set up a proportion of gallons to cows where g is the number of gallons per 14 cows: 10/4 = g/14 To solve this proportion for g, we[URL=''] type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: g = [B]35 [/B]

Gas Mileage
Free Gas Mileage Calculator - Given miles driven and gallons of gas, this calculates your gas (fuel) mileage.

If 2 ounces goes into 100 gallons how many ounces is needed for 3000 gallons
If 2 ounces goes into 100 gallons how many ounces is needed for 3000 gallons? Set up a proportion of ounces to gallons. We set o as the number of ounces for 3000 gallons. 2/100 = o/3000 Using our [URL='']proportion calculator[/URL], we get [B]o = 60[/B].

If I purchased 6.4 gallons of gas that cost $2.75 a gallon how much will I spend?
If I purchased 6.4 gallons of gas that cost $2.75 a gallon how much will I spend? Spend = Gallons of Gas * Cost per gallon Spend = 6.4 * $2.75 Spend = [B]$17.60[/B]

In the movie Die Hard: With a Vengeance, in one of the action scenes, the characters Mc Clane and Ca
In the movie Die Hard: With a Vengeance, in one of the action scenes, the characters Mc Clane and Carver were caught in a breathtaking scenario where they need to keep a bomb from exploding, and the only way to prevent explosion is to put exactly four gallons of water on a scale. How would they do it if they only have a five - gallon and a three gallon jug? [LIST=1] [*]Fill the 5-gallon jug all the way. [*]Pour water into the 3 gallon jug until it is full. [*]Now you have 2 gallons in the 5-gallon jug and a full 3 gallons in the 3-gallon jug. [*]Empty the 3-gallon jug. [*]Pour the 2 gallons of water still in the 5-gallon jug into the 3-gallon jug. [*]Now the 3-gallon jug has 2 gallons of water in it, and 1 gallon of empty space. [*]Fill up the 5 gallon jug all the way, and then pour water out of the 5-gallon jug into the 3-gallon jug until the 3-gallon jug is full. [*]This leaves exactly [B]4 gallons[/B] in the 5-gallon jug. [/LIST]

It is estimated that weekly demand for gasoline at new station is normally distributed, with an aver
It is estimated that weekly demand for gasoline at new station is normally distributed, with an average of 1,000 and standard deviation of 50 gallons. The station will be supplied with gasoline once a week. What must the capacity of its tank be if the probability that its supply will be exhausted in a week is to be no more than 0.01? 0.01 is the 99th percentile Using our [URL='']percentile calculator[/URL], we get [B]x = 1116.3[/B]

It took 3.5 gallons of paint to cover a wall that is 985 square feet. How many gallons will it take
It took 3.5 gallons of paint to cover a wall that is 985 square feet. How many gallons will it take to cover a wall that is 6501 square feet? Set up a proportion of gallons of paint to square feet where n is the number of gallons of paint to cover 6501 square feet 3.5/985 = n/6501 Using our [URL='']proportion calculator[/URL], we get: n = [B]23.1[/B]

Jayden spent $46.20 on 12 galllons of gasoline. What was the price per gallon?
Jayden spent $46.20 on 12 galllons of gasoline. What was the price per gallon? Price per gallon = Total spend / number of gallons Price per gallon = $46.20/12 Price per gallon = $[B]3.85[/B]

Liquid Conversions
Free Liquid Conversions Calculator - Takes a liquid measurement as seen in things like recipes and performs the following conversions: ounces, pints, quarts, gallons, teaspoon (tsp), tablespoon (tbsp), microliters, milliliters, deciliters, kiloliters,liters, bushels, and cubic meters.

Math Written Assignment
The truck bed is 80 inches long, 69 inches wide, and 20 inches tall. So the total volume the truck can carry is: 80 x 69 x 20 = 110,400 cubic inches can be carried each time. Find out how many gallons in a full tank for the 2003 Ford F150. Then you calculate the amount of miles you can drive on a full trip.

Math Written Assignment
Im sorta confused about this question? He has decided to remove all the old sod (grass), bring in a new 4 inch layer of topsoil, install new in-ground sprinklers, and reseed the lawn. He seems to think that he'll be able to save money by hauling loads of topsoil from the store himself in his pickup truck, rather than paying for delivery, but I don't think he's right. You're going to help us settle this. Here is (most of) the information you asked for: [LIST] [*]Is he redoing the whole yard or just the front? He's redoing the whole yard [*]How much topsoil does he need? I'm not sure, you'll have to figure that out. Remember he's putting a new 4 inch layer down over all the area currently covered by grass in the overhead picture above. [*]How big is the yard? I'm not sure, but you can probably estimate it using the overhead picture. [*]What kind of pickup truck does he drive? A 2003 Ford F-150 XL. [*]How much can the pickup carry? The truck bed is 80 inches long, 69 inches wide, and 20 inches tall. [*]How much is the delivery charge? $30 per truckload on top of the soil cost. Each truckload can deliver up to 18 cubic yards. [*]How much does the topsoil cost? $18 per cubic yard (sold in 1/4 yard increments). [*]How far is the soil store? It is 9 miles away. It takes about 20 minutes to drive there. [*]What gas mileage does the pickup truck get? It averages 17 miles to the gallon. [*]What is the current gas cost? Assume it's $3.79/gallon. [/LIST] Using this information, figure out whether my neighbor will save money by picking up the soil himself. Use the results of your calculations to guide your decision: would you recommend that my neighbor pick up the soil himself, or pay for delivery? Detail all your assumptions and calculations, and clearly write out your final conclusions.

Melissa used 12 gallons of gas on Saturday and 234 gallons of gas on Sunday. How many more gallons o
Melissa used 12 gallons of gas on Saturday and 234 gallons of gas on Sunday. How many more gallons of gas did she use on Sunday? 234 - 12 = [B]222[/B]

Nancy's car gets n miles per gallon of gas. If she travels x miles, how many gallons of gas did she
Nancy's car gets n miles per gallon of gas. If she travels x miles, how many gallons of gas did she use? x miles / n gmiles = [B]x / n gallons of gas[/B]

On her 10 mile trip to school, Jessica's car gets 50 mpg of gas. On her way home, her car gets 40 mi
On her 10 mile trip to school, Jessica's car gets 50 mpg of gas. On her way home, her car gets 40 miles per gallon. How many miles per gallon does Jessica's car get during the entire 20 mile trip? 50 miles each gallon for a 10 mile drive = 1/5 gallon 40 miles each gallon for a 10 mile drive = 1/4 gallon [URL='']1/4 + 1/5[/URL] = 9/20 20 miles driven /9/20 gallon = 400/9 = [B]44.44 miles per gallon[/B]

Pool Volume
Free Pool Volume Calculator - Given a round shaped pool, this calculates the volume (Capacity) in gallons of the pool when filled with water

Rex fills his gas tank up with 8 gallons of gas which cost him $24. How much would it cost to for hi
Rex fills his gas tank up with 8 gallons of gas which cost him $24. How much would it cost to for him to fill up a 12 gallon tank? $24/8 gallons = $3 per gallon. So a 12 gallon tank costs 12*3 =[B] $36[/B]

Sara bought a gas-electric hybrid car. She traveled 481.25 miles and used 9.625 gallons of gas. How
Sara bought a gas-electric hybrid car. She traveled 481.25 miles and used 9.625 gallons of gas. How many miles did the hybrid car travel for each gallon of gas? 481.25/9.625 = [B]50 miles per gallon[/B]

Suppose that the weight (in pounds) of an airplane is a linear function of the amount of fuel (in ga
Suppose that the weight (in pounds) of an airplane is a linear function of the amount of fuel (in gallons) in its tank. When carrying 20 gallons of fuel, the airplane weighs 2012 pounds. When carrying 55 gallons of fuel, it weighs 2208 pounds. How much does the airplane weigh if it is carrying 65 gallons of fuel? Linear functions are written in the form of one dependent variable and one independent variable. Using g as the number of gallons and W(g) as the weight, we have: W(g) = gx + c where c is a constant We are given: [LIST] [*]W(20) = 2012 [*]W(55) = 2208 [/LIST] We want to know W(65) Using our givens, we have: W(20) = 20x + c = 2012 W(55) = 55x + c = 2208 Rearranging both equations, we have: c = 2012 - 20x c = 2208 - 55x Set them both equal to each other: 2012 - 20x = 2208 - 55x Add 55x to each side: 35x + 2012 = 2208 Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we see that x is 5.6 Plugging x = 5.6 back into the first equation, we get: c = 2012 - 20(5.6) c = 2012 - 112 c = 2900 Now that we have all our pieces, find W(65) W(65) = 65(5.6) + 2900 W(65) = 264 + 2900 W(65) = [B]3264[/B]

The cost of a gallon of milk (m) is .50 more than 5 times the cost of a gallon of water (w). If a ga
The cost of a gallon of milk (m) is .50 more than 5 times the cost of a gallon of water (w). If a gallon of milk cost 3.75, what is the cost of a gallon of water? We're given: m = 5w + 0.50 m = $3.75 Set them equal to each other: 5w + 0.50 = 3.75 [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]w = 0.65[/B]

the fuel tank of a jet used gas at a constant rate of 300 gallons for each hour of flight. the tank
the fuel tank of a jet used gas at a constant rate of 300 gallons for each hour of flight. the tank can hold a maximum of 2400 gallons of gas. write an equation representing the amount of fuel left in the tank as a function of the number of hours spent flying. We have an equation F(h) where h is the number of hours since the flight took off: [B]F(h) = 2400 - 300h[/B]

The price of a gallon of gasoline is $3.15. The price when Ryan’s mother started driving was 1/7 of
The price of a gallon of gasoline is $3.15. The price when Ryan’s mother started driving was 1/7 of the current price. What was the price of gasoline when Ryan’s mother started driving? $3.15/7 = [B]$0.45[/B]

the price p per gallon g
the price p per gallon g Price per gallon = Price / Gallons Price per gallon = [B]p/g[/B]

Use the information below to determine the weight of 500 gallons of water. a) There are 1.057 quart
Use the information below to determine the weight of 500 gallons of water. a) There are 1.057 quarts in a liter and 4 quarts in a gallon b) A cubic decimeter of water is a liter of water c) A cubic decimeter of water weighs one kilogram d) There are 2.2 pounds in a kilogram [LIST] [*]500 gallons = 2000 quarts [*]2000 quarts / 1.057 quarts in a liter = 1892.15 liters [*]1892.15 liters weight 1892.15 kilograms [*]1892.15 kilograms x 2.2 pounds = [B]4163 pounds[/B] [/LIST]

You started the day with 3 gallons of water. If there are 4 cups in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon
You started the day with 3 gallons of water. If there are 4 cups in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon, how many cups of water did you start with? [LIST] [*]1 gallon = 4 quarts [*]So 3 gallons = 4 * 3 = 12 quarts [*]12 quarts * 4 cups per quart = [B]48 cups of water[/B] [/LIST]

You use 4 gallons of water on 30 plants in your garden. At that rate, how much water will it take to
You use 4 gallons of water on 30 plants in your garden. At that rate, how much water will it take to water 45 plants? Set up a proportion of gallons to plants: 4/30 = x/45 where x is the gallons of water needed for 45 plants. Use our [URL='']proportion calculator[/URL]: [B]x = 6[/B]

Your 14 gallon tank was filled for $32.06. What was the cost per gallon?
Your 14 gallon tank was filled for $32.06. What was the cost per gallon? Cost per gallon = Total Cost / Gallons in Tank Cost per gallon = 32.06 / 14 Cost per gallon = [B]2.29[/B]