Given the list of numbers: 4.99,5.011

Which of them is closest to 5

Calculate absolute difference for 5 and 4.99

Absolute Difference = |5 - 4.99|

Absolute Difference = |0.0099999999999998|

Absolute Difference = 0.0099999999999998

Calculate absolute difference for 5 and 5.011

Absolute Difference = |5 - 5.011|

Absolute Difference = |-0.011|

Absolute Difference = 0.011

Find the closest number to 5

We want the smallest absolute difference


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What is the Answer?
How does the Closest Number Calculator work?
Free Closest Number Calculator - Calculates the closest number of your choice from a given set of numbers
This calculator has 1 input.

What 1 formula is used for the Closest Number Calculator?

Closest Number = Number with the smallest absolute difference

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 4 concepts are covered in the Closest Number Calculator?

absolute difference
The distance on a number line between 2 values.
|x - y|
absolute value
A positive number representing the distance from 0 on a number line
a whole number; a number that is not a fraction
math operation involving the difference of elements
Example calculations for the Closest Number Calculator


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