Write 987654321 using

word notation

Digit 1 = 9 and j = 9

Word = nine-hundred

Build our word notation

Digit 2 = 8 and j = 8

Word = eighty

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty

Digit 3 = 7 and j = 7

Word = seven-million

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million

Digit 4 = 6 and j = 6

Word = six-hundred

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred

Digit 5 = 5 and j = 5

Word = fifty

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty

Digit 6 = 4 and j = 4

Word = four-thousand

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty four-thousand

Digit 7 = 3 and j = 3

Word = three-hundred

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty four-thousand three-hundred

Digit 8 = 2 and j = 2

Word = twenty

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty four-thousand three-hundred twenty

Digit 9 = 1 and j = 1

Word = one

Build our word notation
nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty four-thousand three-hundred twenty one

987654321 in word notation is:

Final Answer

987654321 = nine-hundred eighty seven-million six-hundred fifty four-thousand three-hundred twenty one