Evaluate the following logarithmic expression
Since we have e = 2.718281828459, a becomes 10.873127313836
4e6x | |
10.873127313836 |
= |
100 |
10.873127313836 |
e6x = 9.1969860292861
Ln(e6x) = Ln(9.1969860292861)
Ln(an) = n * Ln(a)
Using that identity, we have
n = 6x and a = e, so our equation becomes:
6xLn(e) = 2.2188758248682
6x * Ln(2.718281828459)
(6 * 1)x = 2.2188758248682
6x = 2.2188758248682
6x | |
6 |
= |
2.2188758248682 |
6 |