Calculate the plane equation with points:

(,,) and (1,3,5) and (9,8,4)

Standard equation for a plane

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

Calculate Determinants

 A = 
 1  y1  z1 
 1  y2  z2 
 1  y3  z3 

 B = 
 x1  1  z1 
 x2  1  z2 
 x3  1  z3 

 C = 
 x1  y1  1 
 x2  y2  1 
 x3  y3  1 

 D = 
 x1  y1  z1 
 x2  y2  z2 
 x3  y3  z3 

Plug in our point values

 A = 
 1  3  5 
 1  8  4 

 B = 
 1  1  5 
 9  1  4 

 C = 
 1  3  1 
 9  8  1 

 D = 
 1  3  5 
 9  8  4 

Expand the determinant |A|

|A| = y1(z2 - z3) + y2(z3 - z1) + y3(z1 - z2)

|A| =(5 - 4) + 3(4 - ) + 8( - 5)

|A| =(1) + 3(4) + 8(-5)

|A| =0 + 12 + -40

|A| =-28

Expand the determinant |B|

|B| = z1(x2 - x3) + z2(x3 - x1) + z3(x1 - x2)

|B| = (1 - 9) + 5(9 - ) + 4( - 1)

|B| =(-8) + 5(9) + 4(-1)

|B| =0 + 45 + -4

|B| =41

Expand the determinant |C|

|C| = x1(y2 - y3) + x2(y3 - y1) + x3(y1 - y2)

|C| = (3 - 8) + 1(8 - ) + 9( - 3)

|C| =(-5) + 1(8) + 9(-3)

|C| =0 + 8 + -27

|C| =-19

Expand the determinant |D|

|D| = x1(y2z3 - y3z2) + x2(y3z1 - y1z3) + x3(y1z2 - y2z1)

|D| = (3(4) - (8)5) + 1(8() - ()4) + 9((5) - (3))

|D| = (12 - 40) + 1(0 - 0) + 9(0 - 0)

|D| = (-28) + 1(0) + 9(0)

|D| = 0 + 0 + 0

|D| =0

Final Answer

-28x + 41y - 19z = 0

What is the Answer?
-28x + 41y - 19z = 0
How does the Equation of a Plane Calculator work?
Free Equation of a Plane Calculator - Given three 3-dimensional points, this calculates the equation of a plane that contains those points.
This calculator has 3 inputs.

What 1 formula is used for the Equation of a Plane Calculator?

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
|A| = y1(z2 - z3) + y2(z3 - z1) + y3(z1 - z2)
|B| = z1(x2 - x3) + z2(x3 - x1) + z3(x1 - x2)
|C| = x1(y2 - y3) + x2(y3 - y1) + x3(y1 - y2)
|D| = x1(y2z3 - y3z2) + x2(y3z1 - y1z3) + x3(y1z2 - y2z1)

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 6 concepts are covered in the Equation of a Plane Calculator?

value computed from a square matrix
det(A) or |A|
a statement declaring two mathematical expressions are equal
equation of a plane
formula to graph the points in a plane
Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
a rectangular array of numbers or symbols which are generally arranged in rows and columns
a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends indefinitely
an exact location in the space, and has no length, width, or thickness
Example calculations for the Equation of a Plane Calculator
Equation of a Plane Calculator Video


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