l Scientific Notation Calculator
Enter value to convert
How does the Scientific Notation Calculator work?
Free Scientific Notation Calculator - * Converts a number into scientific notation and determines order of magnitude
* converts scientific notation to a number (standard notation). Also handles scientific notation operations.
This calculator has 1 input.
Common Core State Standards In This Lesson
8.EE.A.3, 8.EE.A.4
What 1 formula is used for the Scientific Notation Calculator?
a x (10n) where 1 ≤ a ≤ 10 and n is the order of magnitude
What 4 concepts are covered in the Scientific Notation Calculator?
The power to raise a number
order of magnitude
An order-of-magnitude difference between two values is a factor of 10
N = a * 102
how many times to use the number in a multiplication
scientific notation
a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form
Example calculations for the Scientific Notation Calculator

Scientific Notation Calculator Video

Scientific Notation Calculator Video