License plates are made using 3 letters followed by 2 digits. How many plates can be made if repetition of letters and digits is allowed.
We have 26 possible letters and 10 possible digits 0-9. Since repetition is allowed, we have:
26 * 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 = 1,757,600 possible license plates
To create an entry code, you must first choose 2 letters and then, 4 single-digit numbers. How many different entry codes can you create?
List total combinations using the product of all possibilities:
26 letters (A - Z) * 26 letters (A - Z) * 10 digits (0-9) * 10 digits (0-9) * 10 digits (0-9)...
Alice is making a sandwich to pack in her lunch. She has 2 different kinds of bread, 3 cheeses, 4 lunch meats, and 2 condiments to choose from. Assuming she uses one of each of bread, cheese, meat, and condiment, how many different sandwiches can she make?
We use the Fundamental Rule of...