year - A period of 365 days - equal to 1 orbit of the Earth around the Sun
Free 401(k) Balance Calculator - Determines your 401(k) balance given a salary history per year, contribution percentage rate, employer match percentage, and a rate of return.
Free Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator - Given a gender, an age, and a height/weight in inches/pounds or meters/kilograms, this will calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Free Calls-Puts-Option Δ Calculator - Calculates the call price, put price, and option Δ based on an option under the risk neutral scenario with a 1 year term.
Free Cost Recovery Method Calculator - Given a sales price, cost, and set of payments, this determines the gross profit per year based on the cost recovery method.
Free Credit Card Balance Calculator - This calculator shows 3 methods for paying off a credit card balance on a monthly installment basis given an outstanding balance and an Annual Percentage Rate (APR):
1) Minimum Payment Amount
2) Minimum Percentage Amount
3) Payoff in Years
Free Date and Time Difference Calculator - Calculates the difference between two dates using the following methods
1) Difference in dates using year/month/day/hour/minute/second as the primary unit of time
2) Difference in dates in the form of years remaining, months remaining, days remaining, hours remaining, minutes remaining, seconds remaining.
Free Date Information Calculator - This calculator takes a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, and gives the following information about it:
* Weekday
* Day number in the year
* Week number in the year
* Number of days in the month containing that date
* Leap Year (Yes or No)
* Zodiac Sign
* Julian Date
Free Day of Year Calendar Calculator - Shows you the numeric day within a full calendar year and leap year
Free Incremental Cash Flow Calculator - Given cash inflows, outflows, depreciable amounts, and tax rates, this determines the incremental cash flows.
Free Salary Converter Calculator - This calculator converts an annual salary to the following measures:
* Monthly
* Weekly
* Daily
* Hourly
* Each Minute
* Each Second
Free Social Security and Covered Compensation Calculator - Calculates an estimated monthly Social Security Benefit based on a smooth estimate of pay over your work history.
Also calculates a covered compensation amount based on a year of birth
Free Sum of the Years Digits (SOYD) Depreciation Calculator - Solves for Depreciation Charge, Asset Value, and Book Value using the Sum of the Years Digits Method
Free Time Conversions Calculator - Converts units of time between:
* nanoseconds
* microseconds
* milliseconds
* centiseconds
* kiloseconds
* seconds
* minutes
* hours
* days
* weeks
* fortnights
* months
* quarters
* years
* decades
* centurys
* milleniums
converting minutes to hours