whole numbers  
9 results

A corn refining company produces corn gluten cattle feed at a variable cost of $84 per ton. If fixe
A corn refining company produces corn gluten cattle feed at a variable cost of $84 per ton. If fixed costs are $110,000 per month and the feed sells for $132 per ton, how many tons should be sold each month to have a monthly profit of $560,000? [U]Set up the cost function C(t) where t is the number of tons of cattle feed:[/U] C(t) = Variable Cost * t + Fixed Costs C(t) = 84t + 110000 [U]Set up the revenue function R(t) where t is the number of tons of cattle feed:[/U] R(t) = Sale Price * t R(t) = 132t [U]Set up the profit function P(t) where t is the number of tons of cattle feed:[/U] P(t) = R(t) - C(t) P(t) = 132t - (84t + 110000) P(t) = 132t - 84t - 110000 P(t) = 48t - 110000 [U]The question asks for how many tons (t) need to be sold each month to have a monthly profit of 560,000. So we set P(t) = 560000:[/U] 48t - 110000 = 560000 [U]To solve for t, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=48t-110000%3D560000&pl=Solve']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get:[/U] t =[B] 13,958.33 If the problem asks for whole numbers, we round up one ton to get 13,959[/B]

Add all the whole numbers 1 through 100
Add all the whole numbers 1 through 100 [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/inclusnumwp.php?num1=1&num2=100&pl=Sum']Using our inclusive number word problem calculator[/URL], we get: 5,050

are all integers whole numbers true or false
are all integers whole numbers true or false [B]False [/B] [LIST] [*]All whole numbers are integers but not all integers are whole numbers. [*]Whole numbers are positive integers. Which means negative integers are not whole numbers [*]-1 for instance is an integer, but not a whole number [/LIST]

Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Free Fractions and Mixed Numbers Calculator - Given (improper fractions, proper fraction, mixed numbers, or whole numbers), this performs the following operations:
* Addition (Adding)
* Subtraction (Subtracting)
* Positive Difference (Absolute Value of the Difference)
* Multiplication (Multiplying)
* Division (Dividing: complex fraction division is included)
* Compare Fractions
* Simplifying of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Fractions will be reduced down as far as possible (Reducing Fractions).
* Reciprocal of a Fraction
* Find all fractions between two fractions
* reduce a fraction

if q is a whole number and q is a prime, and if 20q is divisible by 6, then q could be
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 We have 3 conditions that all must be met: [LIST=1] [*]Whole number [*]Prime Number [*]20 * number is divisible by 6 [/LIST] [LIST] [*]The are [U]all[/U] whole numbers [*]One A, B, and D are prime, so we eliminate C and E [*]20(2) = 40 which is not divisible by 6 - Eliminate Answer A [*]20(5) = 100 which is not divisible by 6- Eliminate Answer D [*]20(3) = 60/6 = 10. [B]Our answer is B[/B] [/LIST] [B][MEDIA=youtube]EZ0pXijlCUc[/MEDIA][/B]

Notebooks cost $1.39 each. What are the possible numbers of notebooks that can be purchased with $10
Notebooks cost $1.39 each. What are the possible numbers of notebooks that can be purchased with $10? Let n be the number of notebooks you can purchase. We have the following inequality: 1.39n <= 10 Divide each side by 1.39 n <= 7.194 We want whole notebooks, we cannot buy fractions of notebooks, so we have: n <= 7 The question asks for the possible numbers of notebooks we can buy. This implies we buy at least 1, but our inequality says not more than 7. So our number set is: [B]N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}[/B]

Sum of the First (n) Numbers
Free Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator - Determines the sum of the first (n)
* Whole Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Even Numbers
* Odd Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Fourth Power Numbers

Whole Numbers
Free Whole Numbers Calculator - Shows a set amount of whole numbers and cumulative sum

write 8 as a whole fraction
write 8 as a whole fraction Whole numbers can be written as whole number / 1 [B]8/1[/B]