28 results

75% of a ship’s cargo was destroyed by an on-board fire. The captain of the ship sold the remaining
75% of a ship’s cargo was destroyed by an on-board fire. The captain of the ship sold the remaining cargo, which was slightly damaged, for 25% of its real value and received $1400. What was the value of the cargo before the fire? (Do not include the $ sign or commas in the answer) So 25% of the cargo is left. This was sold at 25% of value. Let the starting value be s: We have 0.25 * 0.25 * s = 1400 0.0625s = 1400 To solve for s, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]22400[/B]

A bakery offers a sale price of $3.50 for 4 muffins. What is the price per dozen?
A bakery offers a sale price of $3.50 for 4 muffins. What is the price per dozen? 1 dozen = 12 muffins What this problem is really asking, $3.50 for 4 muffins. Let p be the price for 12 muffins (1 dozen). Set up a proportion of cost to muffins. 3.50/4 = p/12 Using our math engine, we [URL='']type this proportion into our search box[/URL] and get: p = [B]10.5 muffins [MEDIA=youtube]ccY7yDkKvzs[/MEDIA][/B]

A cereal box has dimensions of 12" x 3" x 18". How many square inches of cardboard are used in its c
A cereal box has dimensions of 12" x 3" x 18". How many square inches of cardboard are used in its construction? A cereal box is a rectangular solid. The volume formula is V = lwh. Substituting these values of the cereal box in, we have: V = 12(3)(18) V = [B]648 cubic inches[/B]

A chest of treasure was hidden in the year 64 BC and found in 284 AD. For how long was the chest hid
A chest of treasure was hidden in the year 64 BC and found in 284 AD. For how long was the chest hidden BC stands for Before Christ. Year 0 is when Christ was born. AD stands for After Death On a number line, the point of Christ's birth is 0. So BC is really negative AD is positive So we have: 284 - -64 284 + 64 [B]348 years[/B]

A house sold for $200,000 and the real estate agent earned a commission of $10,200.00. Find the comm
A house sold for $200,000 and the real estate agent earned a commission of $10,200.00. Find the commission rate. Commission Rate = 100 * Commission Amount / Sale Price Commission Rate = 100 * 10200/20000 Commission Rate = 100 * 0.051 Commission Rate = [B]5.51%[/B]

A real estate agency receives 3.5% commission on the first $100,000 of a sale and 2.25% on the remai
A real estate agency receives 3.5% commission on the first $100,000 of a sale and 2.25% on the remainder. How much commission is received on the sale of a $450,000 property? Calculate commission on first $100,000 (Commission 1): Commission 1 = $100,000 * 0.035 Commission 1 = $3,500 Calculate commission on the remainder (Commission 2): Commission 2 = 0.025 * ($450,000 - $100,000) Commission 2 = 0.025 * ($350,000) Commission 2 = $8,750 Calculate Total Commission: Total Commission = Commission 1 + Commission 2 Total Commission = $3,500 + $8,750 Total Commission = [B]$12,250[/B]

A real estate agent has $920 to spend on newspaper ads. Each ad costs $6. After buying as many ads a
A real estate agent has $920 to spend on newspaper ads. Each ad costs $6. After buying as many ads as she can afford, how much money will the real estate agent have left over? We want to know the remainder of 920/6. We can type 920 mod 6 into our search engine and get: [URL='']920 mod 6[/URL] = [B]2[/B]

A real estate agent sells a house for $229,605. A sales commission of 6% is charged. The agent gets
A real estate agent sells a house for $229,605. A sales commission of 6% is charged. The agent gets 45% of this commission. How much money does the agent get? The agents Commission (C) is: C = Sale price * sales commission percent * agent commission percent Since 6% = 0.06 and 45% = 0.45, we have: C = 229605 * 0.06 * 0.45 C = [B]6,199.34[/B]

A realtor makes an annual salary of $25000 plus a 3% commission on sales. If a realtor's salary is $
A realtor makes an annual salary of $25000 plus a 3% commission on sales. If a realtor's salary is $67000, what was the amount of her sales? Total post-salary pay = $67,000 - $25,000 = $42,000 Let Sales be s. So 0.03s = $42,000 Divide each side by 0.03 s = $1,400,000

A Septon said that he has 3 eyes. Does that mean he really has 3 eyes in base 10?
A Septon said that he has 3 eyes. Does that mean he really has 3 eyes in base 10? 3 in base 7 is: 3 * 7^0 = 3 * 1 = 3 So [B]Yes[/B]

A sweater that you love costs $32. You really want the sweater but only have $35. If there’s a sales
A sweater that you love costs $32. You really want the sweater but only have $35. If there’s a sales tax of 4% on the item, do you have enough to buy the sweater? Calculate after-tax amount: After tax amount = Sale Price * (1 + sales tax percent) After tax amount = 32 * (1 + 0.04) <-- Since 4% = 0.04 After tax amount = 32 * (1.04) After tax amount = $33.28 [B]Yes[/B], since $33.28 is less than or equal to $35, you have enough to buy the sweater.

All real numbers that are less than equal to -1 or greater than 5
We have two expressions here, so we need a union since we have the word [U]or[/U]. First, All real numbers less than or equal to -1 is x <= -1. All real numbers greater than 5 is x > 5 So we have x <= -1 U x > 5 [MEDIA=youtube]boOueZTCSuU[/MEDIA]

all real numbers y greater than or equal to 12
all real numbers y greater than or equal to 12 Greater than or equal to means we use the sign >= [B]y >= 12[/B]

Anna is collecting boxes of cereal to deliver in a food bank. The volume of each cereal box is 324 c
Anna is collecting boxes of cereal to deliver in a food bank. The volume of each cereal box is 324 cubic inches. The picture shows the cereal boxes she has collected so far. A large delivery box holds three times as many boxes as Anna collected. About what is the volume of the delivery box? The picture has 12 cereal boxes. Since the delivery box holds three times as many cereal boxes as Anna collected, the delivery box holds 12 * 3 = 36 cereal boxes. With each cereal box having a volume of 324 cubic inches, we have the total volume as: V = 324 cubic inches * 36 cereal boxes V = [B]11,664 cubic inches[/B]

cereal is on sale for 3.60 for a 9-ounce box. what is the price per ounce?
cereal is on sale for 3.60 for a 9-ounce box. what is the price per ounce? price per ounce = Total cost / ounces price per ounce = 3.60/9 price per ounce = [B]$0.40[/B]

Cubic Equation
Free Cubic Equation Calculator - Solves for cubic equations in the form ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0 using the following methods:
1) Solve the long way for all 3 roots and the discriminant Δ
2) Rational Root Theorem (Rational Zero Theorem) to solve for real roots followed by the synthetic div/quadratic method for the other imaginary roots if applicable.

difference between 2 positive numbers is 3 and the sum of their squares is 117
difference between 2 positive numbers is 3 and the sum of their squares is 117 Declare variables for each of the two numbers: [LIST] [*]Let the first variable be x [*]Let the second variable be y [/LIST] We're given 2 equations: [LIST=1] [*]x - y = 3 [*]x^2 + y^2 = 117 [/LIST] Rewrite equation (1) in terms of x by adding y to each side: [LIST=1] [*]x = y + 3 [*]x^2 + y^2 = 117 [/LIST] Substitute equation (1) into equation (2) for x: (y + 3)^2 + y^2 = 117 Evaluate and simplify: y^2 + 3y + 3y + 9 + y^2 = 117 Combine like terms: 2y^2 + 6y + 9 = 117 Subtract 117 from each side: 2y^2 + 6y + 9 - 117 = 117 - 117 2y^2 + 6y - 108 = 0 This is a quadratic equation: Solve the quadratic equation 2y2+6y-108 = 0 With the standard form of ax2 + bx + c, we have our a, b, and c values: a = 2, b = 6, c = -108 Solve the quadratic equation 2y^2 + 6y - 108 = 0 The quadratic formula is denoted below: y = -b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)/2a [U]Step 1 - calculate negative b:[/U] -b = -(6) -b = -6 [U]Step 2 - calculate the discriminant ?:[/U] ? = b2 - 4ac: ? = 62 - 4 x 2 x -108 ? = 36 - -864 ? = 900 <--- Discriminant Since ? is greater than zero, we can expect two real and unequal roots. [U]Step 3 - take the square root of the discriminant ?:[/U] ?? = ?(900) ?? = 30 [U]Step 4 - find numerator 1 which is -b + the square root of the Discriminant:[/U] Numerator 1 = -b + ?? Numerator 1 = -6 + 30 Numerator 1 = 24 [U]Step 5 - find numerator 2 which is -b - the square root of the Discriminant:[/U] Numerator 2 = -b - ?? Numerator 2 = -6 - 30 Numerator 2 = -36 [U]Step 6 - calculate your denominator which is 2a:[/U] Denominator = 2 * a Denominator = 2 * 2 Denominator = 4 [U]Step 7 - you have everything you need to solve. Find solutions:[/U] Solution 1 = Numerator 1/Denominator Solution 1 = 24/4 Solution 1 = 6 Solution 2 = Numerator 2/Denominator Solution 2 = -36/4 Solution 2 = -9 [U]As a solution set, our answers would be:[/U] (Solution 1, Solution 2) = (6, -9) Since one of the solutions is not positive and the problem asks for 2 positive number, this problem has no solution

GDP Deflator
Free GDP Deflator Calculator - Calculates the GDP Deflator using nominal and real GDP

Inflation and Real Rate of Interest
Free Inflation and Real Rate of Interest Calculator - Calculates Real rate of Interest, Inflation, and nominal interest rate before inflation.

Kent Realty Company had an annual loss of $63,408. What was the average loss per month?
Kent Realty Company had an annual loss of $63,408. What was the average loss per month? Convert years to months 1 year = 12 months 63,408/12 = [B]5,284 per month[/B]

p(x)=2x-5 find the domain
p(x)=2x-5 find the domain Using our[URL=''] function calculator[/URL]: [B]All real numbers[/B]

porportion problems
Im not really good with proportion and rates word problems and I need some help with it in my homework If Leah walks 5 miles in 60 minutes, then Leah will walk how far in 110 minutes if she walks at the same speed the whole time? If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth of a mile. I wanna know how i get this answer and copy the formula. Please help me thank you.

PRIVATE SAT TUTORING - LIVE FACE-TO-FACE SKYPE TUTORING Schedule a free consultation: [URL][/URL] Expert SAT & ACT Tutoring with a live person. SoFlo SAT Tutoring offers face to face test prep through Skype. We provide all curriculum and create a custom plan tailored to our student’s strengths and weaknesses. Our founder Adam Shlomi had an 800 in Reading and 770 in Math on the SAT — good for the 99th percentile on both sections, went to Georgetown University, and has been tutoring for five years. Every SAT expert scored at least a 1500/1600 on the SAT and comes from the country’s top schools like Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and Georgetown. After only 10 sessions our average student improves 120 points. Our success comes from the individual attention we give our students. Our strategies give them confidence to succeed, plus we coach them through the SAT by creating a structured study plan. Working with our expert tutors, our students achieve amazing SAT success. [QUOTE]Adam is the best tutor I've ever had! He really knew the material and took his time explaining concepts to me. He's also fun to sit down and study with, which is super important for me. I couldn't be happier with SoFlo SAT. -- Charlotte Forman, Bard College[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Because of SoFlo SAT my score increased 8 points on the ACT. He pushed me and helped me reach my goals. That 8 point boost helped me earn thousands of dollars on scholarships! SoFlo has the best SAT Tutor in South Florida. -- Jake Samuels, University of Florida[/QUOTE] Schedule a free call today with Adam to set up SAT prep! [URL][/URL]

Quartic Equations
Free Quartic Equations Calculator - Solves quartic equations in the form ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e using the following methods:
1) Solve the long way for all roots and the discriminant Δ
2) Rational Root Theorem (Rational Zero Theorem) to solve for real roots followed by the synthetic div/quadratic method for the other imaginary roots if applicable.

Real Numbers
Free Real Numbers Calculator - This lesson walks you through what real numbers are, how to write real numbers, real numbers notation, and what's included in real numbers

Suppose you secured your phone using a passcode. Later, you realized that you forgot the 6-digit cod
Suppose you secured your phone using a passcode. Later, you realized that you forgot the 6-digit code. You only remembered that the code contains the digits 1, 2,3, 4,5 and 6. How many possible codes can there be? 6 possible digits, 1-6 and the code is 6-digits long. So we have: 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 = 6^6 = [B]46,656 possible codes[/B]

Three people went to lunch and bought a large meal which they all split. The total cost, including t
Three people went to lunch and bought a large meal which they all split. The total cost, including tip, was $30. Each person paid $10 to the waitress and started to leave the restaurant. As they left, the waitress came running up to them with five dollars saying that she made a mistake and that the meal and tip should have cost only $25. The waitress then gave each person one dollar, but didn't know how to split the remaining two dollars. They told her to keep the extra two dollars as an additional tip. When the people started talking about what had just happened, they started getting confused. They had each paid $10 for the meal and received one dollar back, so they each really paid $9 for the meal for a total of $27. Add the two dollars of extra tip and the total is $29. Where did the extra one dollar go? [B]The missing dollar is not really missing. The cost of the meal is really $27. The $25 plus the extra two dollar tip was given to the waitress -- $27 What we have is the cost ($27) plus the refund ($3) = $30. The $30 that was originally paid is accounted for as follows: Restaurant + regular waitress tip: $25 Three people: $3 (refund) Waitress: $2 (extra tip) $25 + $3 + $2 = $30[/B]

You have a meal at a restaurant and decide to leave the server a 10 percent tip. The meal was $22.47
You have a meal at a restaurant and decide to leave the server a 10 percent tip. The meal was $22.47. How much is the tip? The way to solve this is to realize 10% means move the decimal point one space left: 10% of 22.47 = 2.247 Rounded to 2 decimal points for currency, we have [B]$2.25[/B]