rational numbers  
7 results

Irrational Numbers Between
Free Irrational Numbers Between Calculator - This calculator determines all irrational numbers between two numbers

Prove the sum of any two rational numbers is rational
Take two integers, r and s. We can write r as a/b for integers a and b since a rational number can be written as a quotient of integers We can write s as c/d for integers c and d since a rational number can be written as a quotient of integers Add r and s: r + s = a/b + c/d With a common denominator bd, we have: r + s = (ad + bc)/bd Because a, b, c, and d are integers, ad + bc is an integer since rational numbers are closed under addition and multiplication. Since b and d are non-zero integers, bd is a non-zero integer. Since we have the quotient of 2 integers, r + s is a rational number. [MEDIA=youtube]0ugZSICt_bQ[/MEDIA]

Rational Number Subtraction
Free Rational Number Subtraction Calculator - Subtracting 2 numbers, this shows an equivalent operations is adding the additive inverse. p - q = p + (-q)

Rational Numbers
Free Rational Numbers Calculator - This lesson walks you through what rational numbers are, how to write rational numbers, rational number notation, and what's included in rational numbers

Rational Numbers Between
Free Rational Numbers Between Calculator - This calculator determines all rational numbers between two numbers

Rational,Irrational,Natural,Integer Property
Free Rational,Irrational,Natural,Integer Property Calculator - This calculator takes a number, decimal, or square root, and checks to see if it has any of the following properties:
* Integer Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Rational Numbers
* Irrational Numbers Handles questions like: Irrational or rational numbers Rational or irrational numbers rational and irrational numbers Rational number test Irrational number test Integer Test Natural Number Test

X is such that X belongs to rational numbers and X is less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0
X is such that X belongs to rational numbers and X is less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0 Greater than 0 means we don't include 0 0 < less than or equal to 1 means we include 1: [B]0 < x <= 1[/B]