121 results

quantity - amount of something

-10 times the quantity y minus 4
-10 times the quantity y minus 4 The quantity y minus 4: y - 4 10 times this quantity: [B]10(y - 4) [/B]

-2 times the quantity q minus 3
-2 times the quantity q minus 3 q minus 3: q - 3 -2 times the quantity: -2(q - 3)

-2 times the quantity t plus 7
-2 times the quantity t plus 7 The key word here is quantity. In this case, the quantity is t plus 7 t + 7 -2 times the quantity means we multiply -2 times the quantity t + 7 [B]-2(t + 7) [MEDIA=youtube]nUWLUPfX52k[/MEDIA][/B]

1/2 the quantity of x plus y
1/2 the quantity of x plus y The quantity of x plus y x + y 1/2 the quantity means we multiply x + y by 1/2: [B](x + y)/2[/B]

10 more than a number z, divided by k
10 more than a number z, divided by k The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, lets call it x. 10 more than a number means we add 10 to x: x + 10 We divide this quantity by k: [B](x + 10)/k[/B]

104 subtracted from the quantity 6 times r is the same as r
104 subtracted from the quantity 6 times r is the same as r The quantity 6 times r means we multiply 6 by r: 6r 104 subtracted from 6r is written as: 6r - 104 [B]The phrase [I]is the same as[/I] means we have an equation. So we set 6r - 104 equal to r 6r - 104 = r[/B]

17 multiplied by the quantity 9 minus 5
17 multiplied by the quantity 9 minus 5 The quantity 9 minus 5: 9 - 5 17 multiplied by the quantity means we wrap 9 - 5 in parentheses: [B]17(9 - 5)[/B]

18 multiplied by the quantity of 11 plus r
18 multiplied by the quantity of 11 plus r The quantity of 11 plus r is written as: 11 + r 18 multiplied by the [I]quantity[/I] means we take 18 and multiply it by the term 11 + r [B]18(11 + r) [MEDIA=youtube]2GYjQTjt8qM[/MEDIA][/B]

2 pens and 1 eraser cost $35 and 3 pens and 4 erasers cost $65. X represents the cost of 1 pen and Y
2 pens and 1 eraser cost $35 and 3 pens and 4 erasers cost $65. X represents the cost of 1 pen and Y represents the cost of 1 eraser. Write the 2 simultaneous equations and solve. Set up our 2 equations where cost = price * quantity: [LIST=1] [*]2x + y = 35 [*]3x + 4y = 65 [/LIST] We can solve this one of three ways: [LIST] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=2x+%2B+y+%3D+35&term2=3x+%2B+4y+%3D+65&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=2x+%2B+y+%3D+35&term2=3x+%2B+4y+%3D+65&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=2x+%2B+y+%3D+35&term2=3x+%2B+4y+%3D+65&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter which method we choose, we get the same answer: [LIST] [*][B]x (cost of 1 pen) = 15[/B] [*][B]y (cost of 1 eraser) = 5[/B] [/LIST]

2 times the quantity x minus 1 is 12
2 times the quantity x minus 1 is 12 The quantity x minus 1 is written as: x - 1 2 times this quantity: 2(x - 1) The word [I]is[/I] means an equation, so we set 2(x - 1) equal to 12: [B]2(x - 1) = 12[/B]

2 times the sum of a number and 3 is equal to 3x plus 4
2 times the sum of a number and 3 is equal to 3x plus 4 The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. x The sum of a number and 3 means we add 3 to x: x + 3 2 times this sum means we multiply the quantity x + 3 by 2 2(x + 3) 3x plus 4 means 3x + 4 since the word plus means we use a (+) sign 3x + 4 The phrase [I]is equal to[/I] means an equation, where we set 2(x + 3) equal to 3x + 4 [B]2(x + 3) = 3x + 4[/B]

2 times the sum of x and 7 plus 10
2 times the sum of x and 7 plus 10 The sum of x and 7 means we add 7 to x x + 7 2 times the sum means we multiply the quantity x + 7 by 2 2(x + 7) Plus 10 means we add 10 to the 2(x + 7): [B]2(x + 7) + 10[/B]

223 subtracted from the quantity 350 times a is equal to b
223 subtracted from the quantity 350 times a is equal to b Take this algebraic expression in parts: [LIST] [*]the quantity 350 times a: 350a [*]223 subtracted from the quantity: 350a - 223 [*]The phrase [I]is equal to[/I] means an equation, so we set 350a - 223 equal to b [/LIST] [B]350a - 223 = b[/B]

231 is 248 subtracted from the quantity h times 128
231 is 248 subtracted from the quantity h times 128 Let's take this algebraic expression in parts: [LIST=1] [*]h times 128: 128h [*]24 subtracted from this: 128h - 248 [*]The word [I]is[/I] means an equation, so we set 128h - 248 equal to 231 [/LIST] [B]128h - 248 = 231[/B] <-- This is our algebraic expression If the problem asks you to solve for h, then you [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=128h-248%3D231&pl=Solve']type in this equation into our search engine[/URL] and get: h = [B]3.742[/B]

2x plus 8, quantity squared
2x plus 8, quantity squared 2x plus 8 means we add 8 to 2x: 2x + 8 Squaring the quantity means we raise it to the power of 2: [B](2x + 8)^2[/B]

3 times the quantity 2 decreased by x is 9
3 times the quantity 2 decreased by x is 9 The quantity 2 decreased by x. The phrase [I]decreased by[/I] means we subtract: 2 - x 3 times the quantity: 3(2 - x) The word [I]is[/I] means equal to, so we set 3(2 - x) equal to 9: [B]3(2 - x) = 9 [MEDIA=youtube]Hzyt_GajZA4[/MEDIA][/B]

3.50 per pound. you bought 18.25 worth of strawberries
3.50 per pound. you bought 18.25 worth of strawberries The question asks for unit cost. Unit Cost = Total Cost / Total Quantity Unit Cost = 18.25 / 3.50 Unit Cost = [B]5.21[/B]

309 is the same as 93 subtracted from the quantity f times 123
309 is the same as 93 subtracted from the quantity f times 123. The quantity f times 123: 123f Subtract 93: 123f - 93 The phrase [I]is the same as[/I] means an equation, so we set 123f - 93 equal to 309 [B]123f - 93 = 309[/B] <-- This is our algebraic expression If you wish to solve for f, [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=123f-93%3D309&pl=Solve']type this equation into the search engine[/URL], and we get f = 3.2683.

4 adults and 3 children cost $40. Two adults and 6 children cost $38
4 adults and 3 children cost $40. Two adults and 6 children cost $38 Givens and Assumptions: [LIST] [*]Let the number of adults be a [*]Let the number of children be c [*]Cost = Price * Quantity [/LIST] We're given 2 equations: [LIST=1] [*]4a + 3c = 40 [*]2a + 6c = 38 [/LIST] We can solve this system of equations 3 ways [LIST] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=4a+%2B+3c+%3D+40&term2=2a+%2B+6c+%3D+38&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=4a+%2B+3c+%3D+40&term2=2a+%2B+6c+%3D+38&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=4a+%2B+3c+%3D+40&term2=2a+%2B+6c+%3D+38&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter what method we use, we get: [LIST] [*][B]a = 7[/B] [*][B]c = 4[/B] [/LIST]

4 times the quantity of a number plus 6
4 times the quantity of a number plus 6 The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. x The word [I]plus[/I] means we addd 6 to x x + 6 The phrase [I]4 times the quantity [/I]means we multiply x + 6 by 4 [B]4(x + 6)[/B]

5 times quantity n minus 3
5 times quantity n minus 3 quantity n minus 3 (n - 3) 5 times quantity n minus 3 [B]5(n - 3)[/B]

508 people are there, the daily price is $1.25 for kids and $2.00 for adults. The receipts totaled $
508 people are there, the daily price is $1.25 for kids and $2.00 for adults. The receipts totaled $885.50. How many kids and how many adults were there? Assumptions: [LIST] [*]Let the number of adults be a [*]Let the number of kids be k [/LIST] Given with assumptions: [LIST=1] [*]a + k = 508 [*]2a + 1.25k = 885.50 (since cost = price * quantity) [/LIST] Rearrange equation (1) by subtracting c from each side to isolate a: [LIST=1] [*]a = 508 - k [*]2a + 1.25k = 885.50 [/LIST] Substitute equation (1) into equation (2): 2(508 - k) + 1.25k = 885.50 Multiply through: 1016 - 2k + 1.25k = 885.50 1016 - 0.75k = 885.50 To solve for k, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=1016-0.75k%3D885.50&pl=Solve']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: k = [B]174[/B] Now, to solve for a, we substitute k = 174 into equation 1 above: a = 508 - 174 a = [B]334[/B]

6 times the quantity 17b minus 19
6 times the quantity 17b minus 19 the quantity 17b minus 19 17b - 19 6 times the quantity 17b minus 19 6(17b - 19)

67 less than the quantity 96 times q
67 less than the quantity 96 times q 96 times q: 96q 67 less than the quantity 96 times q [B]96q - 67[/B]

7 multiplied by the quantity 7 take away 6
7 multiplied by the quantity 7 take away 6 Take this algebraic expression in pieces: [LIST] [*]7 take away 6: 7 - 6 [*]7 multiplied by the quantity: [B]7(7 - 6)[/B] [/LIST] This is our algebraic expression. If you need to evaluate this expression, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/order-of-operations-calculator.php?num=7%287-6%29&pl=Perform+Order+of+Operations']type it in the search engine[/URL] and we get; [B]7[/B]

7 plus the quantity of 9 increased by a number
7 plus the quantity of 9 increased by a number The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x: x 9 increased by a number means we add 9 to x 9 + x 7 plus this quantity means we add (9 + x) to 7 [B]7 + (9 + x)[/B]

7 times the quantity of 3 times a number reduced by 10
7 times the quantity of 3 times a number reduced by 10 The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable. Let's call it x. x 3 times a number: 3x Reduced by 10 means we subtract 10: 3x - 10 7 times this quantity: [B]7(3x - 10)[/B]

7 times the quantity of a plus b
7 times the quantity of a plus b The quantity of a plus b: a + b 7 times this quantity: [B]7(a + b)[/B]

78 times the quantity p minus 3
78 times the quantity p minus 3 The quantity p minus 3: p - 3 78 times this quantity: [B]78(p - 3)[/B]

8 times the quantity x plus y
8 times the quantity x plus y The quantity x plus y: x + y 8 times the quantity: [B]8(x + y)[/B]

9 divided by the quantity x plus y
9 divided by the quantity x plus y The quantity x plus y: x + y 9 divided by this quantity: [B]9/(x + y)[/B]

a baseball park charges $4.50 per admission ticket. the park has already sold 42 tickets. how many m
a baseball park charges $4.50 per admission ticket. the park has already sold 42 tickets. how many more tickets would they need to sell to earn at least $441? Let the number of tickets above 42 be t. A few things to note on this question: [LIST] [*]The phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to, so we have an inequality. [*]Earnings = Price * Quantity [/LIST] We're given: Earnings = 4.50 * 42 + 4.5t >= 441 Earnings = 189 + 4.5t >= 441 We want to solve this inequality for t: Solve for [I]t[/I] in the inequality 189 + 4.5t ≥ 441 [SIZE=5][B]Step 1: Group constants:[/B][/SIZE] We need to group our constants 189 and 441. To do that, we subtract 189 from both sides 4.5t + 189 - 189 ≥ 441 - 189 [SIZE=5][B]Step 2: Cancel 189 on the left side:[/B][/SIZE] 4.5t ≥ 252 [SIZE=5][B]Step 3: Divide each side of the inequality by 4.5[/B][/SIZE] 4.5t/4.5 ≥ 252.4.5 [B]t ≥ 56[/B]

A girl bought a skirts at $30 each and j jerseys at $15 each at a total cost of $285.
A girl bought a skirts at $30 each and j jerseys at $15 each at a total cost of $285. Since cost = price * quantity, we have: [B]30a + 15j = 285[/B]

A grocery store is selling 6 cans of cat food for $3. Find the cost of a can of cat food
A grocery store is selling 6 cans of cat food for $3. Find the cost of a can of cat food Unit Cost = Cost / Quantity Unit Cost = $3 / 6 Unit cost = [B]0.50 per can[/B]

A grocery store sells 6 pounds of apples for $12. What is the unit price of the apples?
A grocery store sells 6 pounds of apples for $12. What is the unit price of the apples? Unit Price = Cost/Quantity Unit Price = 12/6 [B]Unit Price = $2/lb[/B]

A hot dog costs $3 and a corn dog costs $1.50. If $201 was collected, write a mathematical sentence
A hot dog costs $3 and a corn dog costs $1.50. If $201 was collected, write a mathematical sentence to represent this information Assumptions: [LIST] [*]Let the number of corn dogs be c [*]Let the number of hot dogs be h [/LIST] Since cost = price * quantity, we have: [B]1.50c + 3h = 201[/B]

a kilo of grapes costs 200.50 how much will you pay if you buy 3 kilos
a kilo of grapes costs 200.50 how much will you pay if you buy 3 kilos Total Amount = Cost per unit * Quantity Total Amount = 200.50 * 3 Total Amount = [B]$601.50[/B]

A man purchased 20 tickets for a total of $225. The tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for children
A man purchased 20 tickets for a total of $225. The tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for children. What was the cost of each ticket? Declare variables: [LIST] [*]Let a be the number of adult's tickets [*]Let c be the number of children's tickets [/LIST] Cost = Price * Quantity We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]a + c = 20 [*]15a + 10c = 225 [/LIST] Rearrange equation (1) in terms of a: [LIST=1] [*]a = 20 - c [*]15a + 10c = 225 [/LIST] Now that I have equation (1) in terms of a, we can substitute into equation (2) for a: 15(20 - c) + 10c = 225 Solve for [I]c[/I] in the equation 15(20 - c) + 10c = 225 We first need to simplify the expression removing parentheses Simplify 15(20 - c): Distribute the 15 to each term in (20-c) 15 * 20 = (15 * 20) = 300 15 * -c = (15 * -1)c = -15c Our Total expanded term is 300-15c Our updated term to work with is 300 - 15c + 10c = 225 We first need to simplify the expression removing parentheses Our updated term to work with is 300 - 15c + 10c = 225 [SIZE=5][B]Step 1: Group the c terms on the left hand side:[/B][/SIZE] (-15 + 10)c = -5c [SIZE=5][B]Step 2: Form modified equation[/B][/SIZE] -5c + 300 = + 225 [SIZE=5][B]Step 3: Group constants:[/B][/SIZE] We need to group our constants 300 and 225. To do that, we subtract 300 from both sides -5c + 300 - 300 = 225 - 300 [SIZE=5][B]Step 4: Cancel 300 on the left side:[/B][/SIZE] -5c = -75 [SIZE=5][B]Step 5: Divide each side of the equation by -5[/B][/SIZE] -5c/-5 = -75/-5 c = [B]15[/B] Recall from equation (1) that a = 20 - c. So we substitute c = 15 into this equation to solve for a: a = 20 - 15 a = [B]5[/B]

A math teacher bought 40 calculators at $8.20 each and a number of other calculators costing$2.95 ea
A math teacher bought 40 calculators at $8.20 each and a number of other calculators costing$2.95 each. In all she spent $387. How many of the cheaper calculators did she buy Let the number of cheaters calculators be c. Since amount equals price * quantity, we're given the following equation: 8.20 * 40 + 2.95c = 387 To solve this equation for c, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=8.20%2A40%2B2.95c%3D387&pl=Solve']type it in our search engine [/URL]and we get: c = [B]20[/B]

A piggy bank contains $90.25 in dimes and quarters. Which equation represents this scenario? Let x r
A piggy bank contains $90.25 in dimes and quarters. Which equation represents this scenario? Let x represent the number of dimes, and let y represent the number of quarters. Since amount = cost * quantity, we have: [B]0.1d + 0.25q = 90.25[/B]

a pound of chocolate cost 7 dollars. Raina pays p pounds
a pound of chocolate cost 7 dollars. Raina pays p pounds Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost =[B] 7p [/B]

A pound of chocolate costs 6 dollars. Greg buys p pounds. Write an equation to represent the total c
A pound of chocolate costs 6 dollars. Greg buys p pounds. Write an equation to represent the total cost c that Greg pays Since cost = price * quantity, we have: [B]c = 6p[/B]

A pound of chocolate costs 6 dollars. Ryan buys p pounds. Write an equation to represent the total c
A pound of chocolate costs 6 dollars. Ryan buys p pounds. Write an equation to represent the total cost c that Ryan pays Since cost = Price * Quantity, we have: [B]c = 6p[/B]

A quantity x is at least 10 and at most 20
A quantity x is at least 10 and at most 20 The phrase [I]at most[/I] means less than or equal to The phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to. So we have the following inequality [B]10 <= x <= 20[/B]

A set of 6 wooden chairs costs $444. A set of 8 metal chairs costs $720. How much more do the metal
A set of 6 wooden chairs costs $444. A set of 8 metal chairs costs $720. How much more do the metal chairs cost per chair? [U]Wooden Chair Unit Cost:[/U] Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity Unit Cost = 444/6 Unit Cost = 74 [B][/B] [U]Metal Chair Unit Cost:[/U] Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity Unit Cost = 720/8 Unit Cost = 90 [B][B][/B][/B] Find the difference (how much more) Difference = Metal Chair Unit Cost - Wooden Chair Unit Cost Difference = 90 - 74 Difference = [B]16[/B]

A shirt costs 15 and jeans costs 25. write an expressions for the costs of j jeans and s shirts
A shirt costs 15 and jeans costs 25. write an expressions for the costs of j jeans and s shirts. Cost equals quantity times price, so we have the total cost C: [B]C(s, j) = 15s + 25j[/B]

A shoe store was having a sale where 2 pairs of Brand A shoes cost $23.10 and 3 pairs of Brand B sho
A shoe store was having a sale where 2 pairs of Brand A shoes cost $23.10 and 3 pairs of Brand B shoes cost $35.85. Which brand is the better buy? [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/betterbuy.php?p1=23.10&p2=35.85&q1=2&q2=3&pl=Better+Buy']Using our better buy calculator[/URL]: [SIZE=5][B]Calculate Unit Price[/B][/SIZE] Unit Price = Price/Quantity [SIZE=5][B]Calculate Unit Price 1:[/B][/SIZE] Unit Price Brand A = P1/Q1 Unit Price Brand A = 23.10/2 Unit Price Brand A = 11.55 [SIZE=5][B]Calculate Unit Price 2:[/B][/SIZE] Unit Price Brand B = P2/Q2 Unit Price Brand B = 35.85/3 Unit Price Brand B = 11.95 Since Brand A's Unit price is lower, [B]Brand A is the better buy [MEDIA=youtube]Q16iZn6Uer8[/MEDIA][/B]

A soda cost $100. What is the cost of y sodas?
A soda cost $100. What is the cost of y sodas? Total cost = price * quantity Total Cost = [B]100y[/B]

a times b divided by the quantity a minus b
a times b divided by the quantity a minus b a times b: ab a minus b: a - b Now divide a times b by a minus b: [B]ab/(a - b)[/B]

A used bookstore sells paperback fiction books in excellent condition for $2.50 and in fair conditio
A used bookstore sells paperback fiction books in excellent condition for $2.50 and in fair condition for $0.50. Write an expression for the cost of buying x excellent-condition paperbacks and f fair-condition paperbacks. Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: [B]2.50x + 0.50f[/B]

Ali buys 6 sunglasses which cost $1.84 each, calculate the total cost.
Ali buys 6 sunglasses which cost $1.84 each, calculate the total cost. Total Cost = Quantity * Price Total Cost = 6 * $1.84 Total Cost = [B]$11.04[/B]

at a bakery the cost of one cupcake and 2 slices of pie is $12.40. the cost of 2 cupcakes and 3 slic
at a bakery the cost of one cupcake and 2 slices of pie is $12.40. the cost of 2 cupcakes and 3 slices of pie costs $20.20. what is the cost of one cupcake? Let the number of cupcakes be c Let the number of pie slices be p Total Cost = Unit cost * quantity So we're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]1c + 2p = 12.40 [*]2c + 3p = 20.20 [/LIST] We can solve this system of equations any one of three ways: [LIST] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=1c+%2B+2p+%3D+12.40&term2=2c+%2B+3p+%3D+20.20&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=1c+%2B+2p+%3D+12.40&term2=2c+%2B+3p+%3D+20.20&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=1c+%2B+2p+%3D+12.40&term2=2c+%2B+3p+%3D+20.20&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter which method we choose, we get the same answer: [LIST] [*][B]c = 3.2[/B] [*]p = 4.6 [/LIST]

At a festival, Cherly bought 5 ride tokens and 9 game tokens. She spent $59. Let x represent the cos
At a festival, Cherly bought 5 ride tokens and 9 game tokens. She spent $59. Let x represent the cost of ride tokens and let y represent the cost of game tokens. Write an equation in standard for that can be used to determine how much each type of token costs. We know that: Token Cost + Game Cost = Total Cost Since cost = price * quantity, we have: [B]5x + 9y = 59[/B]

At Billy’s Baseball Dugout, they are having a sale on merchandise. All bats cost $45.00, sunflower s
At Billy’s Baseball Dugout, they are having a sale on merchandise. All bats cost $45.00, sunflower seeds, $1.50, and cleats $85.00. Write an expression if you bought b bats, s sunflower seeds, and c cleats. Since amount = cost * quantity, we have a cost of: [B]45b + 1.50s + 85c[/B]

Barbra is buying plants for her garden. She notes that potato plants cost $3 each and corn plants co
Barbra is buying plants for her garden. She notes that potato plants cost $3 each and corn plants cost $4 each. If she plans to spend at least $20 and purchase less than 15 plants in total, create a system of equations or inequalities that model the situation. Define the variables you use. [U]Define variables[/U] [LIST] [*]Let c be the number of corn plants [*]Let p be the number of potato plants [/LIST] Since cost = price * quantity, we're given two inequalities: [LIST=1] [*][B]3p + 4c >= 20 (the phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to)[/B] [*][B]c + p < 15[/B] [/LIST]

Bashir finds some nickels and pennies under the couch cushions. How much money ( in dollars ) does h
Bashir finds some nickels and pennies under the couch cushions. How much money ( in dollars ) does he have if he has x nickels and y pennies Amount = Cost * Quantity, so we have: [B]0.01y + 0.05x[/B]

Better Buy Comparison
Free Better Buy Comparison Calculator - Given two items with a price and quantity, this determines which is the better buy by comparing unit prices. Finds the better deal.

Blueberries are $4.99 a pound. Diego buys b pounds of blueberries and pays $14.95.
Blueberries are $4.99 a pound. Diego buys b pounds of blueberries and pays $14.95. Since price * quantity = cost, we have the equation: 4.99b = 14.95 To solve for b, [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=4.99b%3D14.95&pl=Solve']we type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: b = [B]$3.00[/B]

Budget Line Equation
Free Budget Line Equation Calculator - Solves for any one of the 5 items in the standard budget line equation:
Income (I)
Quantity of x = Qx
Quantity of y = Qy
Price of x = Px
Price of y = Py

Coin Total Word Problems
Free Coin Total Word Problems Calculator - This word problem lesson solves for a quantity of two coins totaling a certain value with a certain amount more or less of one coin than another

Coin Word Problems
Free Coin Word Problems Calculator - This word problem lesson solves for a quantity of two coins totaling a certain value

cost of p pens priced at 0.29 each
cost of p pens priced at 0.29 each Cost = Price x Quantity Cost = [B]0.29p[/B]

Divide x cubed by the quantity x minus 7
Divide x cubed by the quantity x minus 7 x cubed means we raise x to the power of 3: x^3 We divide this by x - 7: [B]x^3/(x - 7)[/B]

Each calendar will selll for $5.00 each. Write an equation to model the total income,y, for selling
Each calendar will selll for $5.00 each. Write an equation to model the total income,y, for selling x calendars income (y) = Price * Quantity [B]y = 5x[/B]

Eight times the quantity y plus two divided by four
the quantity y plus two y + 2 the quantity y plus two divided by four (y +2)/4 Eight times the quantity y plus two divided by four 8(y +2)/4 8/4 = 2, so we have: [B]2(y +2) or 2y + 4 [MEDIA=youtube]xzwaXi6N1uI[/MEDIA][/B]

entry at a zoo costs $30 for an adult and $25 for a child. How much would it cost for 2 adults and 3
entry at a zoo costs $30 for an adult and $25 for a child. How much would it cost for 2 adults and 3 children? Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost = Price per adult * number of adults + Price per child * number of children Cost = 30 * 2 + 25 * 3 Cost = 60 + 75 Cost = [B]135[/B]

Equation of Exchange
Free Equation of Exchange Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 variables in the Equation of Exchange: money, velocity, price, quantity

Four times the quantity six plus two
six plus two: 6 + 2 Four times the quantity six plus two [B]4(6 + 2) [/B]<-- This is our algebraic expression If we need to evaluate this, we have: 4(8) [B]32[/B]

g equals 232 subtracted from the quantity 377 times g
g equals 232 subtracted from the quantity 377 times g 377 times g: 377g 232 subtracted from 377 times g: 377g - 232 We set the variable g equal to this expression: [B]g = 377g - 232[/B]

If 7 movie tickets cost $63 what is the unit price of the movie tickets?
If 7 movie tickets cost $63 what is the unit price of the movie tickets? Unit Cost = Total Cost / Total Quantity Unit Cost = 63/7 Unit Cost = [B]$9 per ticket[/B]

If cats cost $15 each, what is the cost of n cats?
If cats cost $15 each, what is the cost of n cats? Cost = Price x Quantity Cost = [B]15n[/B]

If I wanted to buy 40000 balls and they are each 50 cents how much money do I need?
If I wanted to buy 40,000 balls and they are each 50 cents how much money do I need? Cost = Price * Quantity Cost = $0.50 * 40,000 Cost = [B]$20,000[/B]

If jessica buys 2 bags of chips for $3.79 each, 6 candy bars for $1.15 each, and 3 steaks for $8.45
If jessica buys 2 bags of chips for $3.79 each, 6 candy bars for $1.15 each, and 3 steaks for $8.45 each. How much did she pay? Calculate total cost per item, which is Price * Quantity [LIST] [*]Chips: $3.79 * 2 = $7.58 [*]Candy Bars: $1.15 * 6 = $6.90 [*]Steaks: $8.45 * 3 = $25.35 [/LIST] Total Cost = Chips Cost + Candy Bars Cost + Steaks Cost Total Cost = $7.58 + $6.90 + $25.35 Total Cost = [B]$39.83[/B]

If the cost of each hat is x dollars, what is the cost of y hats?
If the cost of each hat is [I]x[/I] dollars, what is the cost of [I]y[/I] hats? Cost = Price per unit * Quantity Cost = [B]xy dollars [/B]or [B]$xy[/B]

If the price of cheese is $2.35 per pound, what is the cost of 2.45 pounds of cheese?
If the price of cheese is $2.35 per pound, what is the cost of 2.45 pounds of cheese? Since Cost = Price * Quantity, we have: $2.35 per pound * 2.45 pounds = [B]$5.76[/B]

if you buy 50 bales of hay at $3.56 each, and then buy an additional 234 bales at $3.33 each, how mu
if you buy 50 bales of hay at $3.56 each, and then buy an additional 234 bales at $3.33 each, how much do you pay for the entire lot of 284 bales? Since cost = price * quantity, we have: Total lot cost = price(1) of hay * bales(1) of hay + price(2) of hay * bales(2) of hay Total lot cost = 3.56 * 50 + 3.33 * 24 Total lot cost = 178 + 79.92 Total lot cost = [B]257.92[/B]

Jake bought s shirts. they were $7 each. Write an equation to represent the total amount that Jake p
Jake bought s shirts. they were $7 each. Write an equation to represent the total amount that Jake paid for the shirts Since Amount = Price * Quantity, we have: [B]7s[/B]

Jill and Jack are getting vegetables from the Farmer's Market. Jill buys 12 carrots and 8 tomatoes f
Jill and Jack are getting vegetables from the Farmer's Market. Jill buys 12 carrots and 8 tomatoes for $34. Jack buys 10 carrots and 7 tomatoes for $29. How much does each carrot and each tomato cost? Let the cost of carrots be c and the cost of tomatoes be t. Since the total cost is price times quantity, We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]12c + 8t = 34 <-- Jill [*]10c + 7t = 29 <-- Jack [/LIST] We have a system of equations. We can solve this one of three ways: [LIST=1] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=12c+%2B+8t+%3D+34&term2=10c+%2B+7t+%3D+29&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=12c+%2B+8t+%3D+34&term2=10c+%2B+7t+%3D+29&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=12c+%2B+8t+%3D+34&term2=10c+%2B+7t+%3D+29&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter what method we choose, we get: [LIST] [*][B]t = 2[/B] [*][B]c = 1.5[/B] [/LIST]

Karen bought a bucket of popcorn at the movies for $5. She also bought some candy for $2 each. Karen
Karen bought a bucket of popcorn at the movies for $5. She also bought some candy for $2 each. Karen has to spend less than $15 on the popcorn and candy. Which inequality can be used to find c, the number of candies that Karen could have bought? Since the candy cost is the product of price and quantity, we have: 2c + 5 < 15 To solve this inequality for c, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=2c%2B5%3C15&pl=Solve']type it in our math engine [/URL]and we get: [B]c < 5[/B]

Kate spent at most $2.50 on apples and oranges. She bought 5 apples at $0.36 each. What is the most
Kate spent at most $2.50 on apples and oranges. She bought 5 apples at $0.36 each. What is the most She spent on oranges [U]Assumptions and givens:[/U] [LIST] [*]Let a be the total cost of apples [*]Let o be the total cost of oranges [/LIST] The phrase [I]at most[/I] means less than or equal to, so we have: a + o <= 2.50 [U]Find the cost of apples (a)[/U] a = price per apple * quantity of apples a = 0.36 * 5 a = 1.8 Our new inequality with a = 1.8 is: 1.8 + o <= 2.50 [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=1.8%2Bo%3C%3D2.50&pl=Solve']Typing this inequality into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]o <= 0.7[/B]

Kellie has only $5.25 to buy breakfast. She wants to buy as many carrot muffins as she can. Each muf
Kellie has only $5.25 to buy breakfast. She wants to buy as many carrot muffins as she can. Each muffin costs $0.75. What’s an equation? Let m be the number of muffins. Cost equals price * quantity, so we have: [B]0.75m = 5.25 [/B] To solve the equation for m, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=0.75m%3D5.25&pl=Solve']type the equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: m = [B]7[/B]

kim wants to buy candy for 4 dollars a pound. if she wants to spend less than 20 dollars, how many b
kim wants to buy candy for 4 dollars a pound. if she wants to spend less than 20 dollars, how many bags can she buy Since cost = price * quantity, we have the following inequality with b as the number of bags: 4b < 20 To solve this inequality for b, we [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/interval-notation-calculator.php?num=4b%3C20&pl=Show+Interval+Notation']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]b < 5[/B]

Linear Conversions
Free Linear Conversions Calculator - Converts to and from the following linear measurements for a given quantity:

Marina bought 4 notebooks, which cost b dollars each and 3 pens, which cost c dollars each. How much
Marina bought 4 notebooks, which cost b dollars each and 3 pens, which cost c dollars each. How much money did Marina spend? Cost = Quantity * Price, so we have total spend S of: S = [B]4b + 3c[/B]

Martin buys b books at £10 each what is the total cost
Martin buys b books at £10 each what is the total cost Total Cost = Price * Quantity Total Cost = £10 * b Total Cost = [B]£10b[/B]

multiply 5 and sum of twice of d and 10
multiply 5 and sum of twice of d and 10 Twice d means we multiply d by 2: 2d The sum of twice d and 10 means we add 2d to 10 2d + 10 We multiply this quantity by 5: [B]5(2d + 10)[/B]

n is equal to 135 less than the quantity 61 times n
n is equal to 135 less than the quantity 61 times n 61 times n: 61n 135 less than the quantity 61 times n 61n - 135 We set n equal to this expression: [B]n = 61n - 135[/B]

On Monday the office staff at your school paid 8.77 for 4 cups of coffee and 7 bagels. On Wednesday
On Monday the office staff at your school paid 8.77 for 4 cups of coffee and 7 bagels. On Wednesday they paid 15.80 for 8 cups of coffee and 14 bagels. Can you determine the cost of a bagel Let the number of cups of coffee be c Let the number of bagels be b. Since cost = Price * Quantity, we're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]7b + 4c = 8.77 [*]14b + 8c = 15.80 [/LIST] We have a system of equations. We can solve this 3 ways: [LIST=1] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=7b+%2B+4c+%3D+8.77&term2=14b+%2B+8c+%3D+15.80&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=7b+%2B+4c+%3D+8.77&term2=14b+%2B+8c+%3D+15.80&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=7b+%2B+4c+%3D+8.77&term2=14b+%2B+8c+%3D+15.80&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter which method we use, we get the same answer [LIST] [*]The system is inconsistent. Therefore, we have no answer. [/LIST]

q is equal to 207 subtracted from the quantity 4 times q
q is equal to 207 subtracted from the quantity 4 times q 4 time q 4q 207 subtracted from 4 times q: 4q - 207 Set this equal to q: [B]4q - 207 = q [/B]<-- This is our algebraic expression To solve for q, [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/1unk.php?num=4q-207%3Dq&pl=Solve']type this equation into the search engine[/URL]. We get: [B]q = 69[/B]

Relative Error
Free Relative Error Calculator - Relative error is the absolute error divided by quantity

Ryan buys candy that costs $4 per pound. He will buy at least 12 pounds of candy. What are the possi
Ryan buys candy that costs $4 per pound. He will buy at least 12 pounds of candy. What are the possible amounts he will spend on candy? Clue for you: the phrase [I]at least[/I] means an inequality. Let s be the spend on candy. Cost = Price * quantity Cost = 4 * 12 Cost = 48 The phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to: [B]s >= 48[/B]

Sam had 120 teddy bears in his toy store. He sold 2/3 of them at $12 each. How much did he receive?
Sam had 120 teddy bears in his toy store. He sold 2/3 of them at $12 each. How much did he receive? Revenue = Price * Quantity 12 * 2/3 * 120 12 * 80 [B]960[/B]

She bought 120 sodas for $1.25 each, 30 pizzas for $12.50 each and 120 packs of skittles for $2 ea
She bought 120 sodas for $1.25 each, 30 pizzas for $12.50 each and 120 packs of skittles for $2 each. Total Cost = Soda Cost + Pizza Cost + Skittle Cost Cost = Quantity * Price, so we have: Total Cost = 120 * 1.25 + 20 * 12.50 + 120 * 2 Total Cost = 150 + 250 + 240 Total Cost = $[B]640[/B]

Start with t , add 6, divide by 2, then subtract 5.
Start with t , add 6, divide by 2, then subtract 5. Start with t: t Add 6: t + 6 Divide by 2: (t + 6)/2 [I]Add parentheses because we're dividing the [U]quantity[/U] by 2 [/I] Then subtract 5: [B](t + 6)/2 - 5[/B]

the cost of 12 notebooks at x pesos each
the cost of 12 notebooks at x pesos each Cost = quantity * price Cost = [B]12x[/B]

the cost of 3 notebooks at m dollars each
the cost of 3 notebooks at m dollars each Cost = Quantity x Price Cost = [B]3m[/B]

the cost of 7 CD at d$ each
the cost of 7 CD at d$ each The cost is price * quantity [B]7d[/B]

the cost of b books at p dollars each
the cost of b books at p dollars each Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost = [B]pb[/B]

the cost of d drinks at $2 each and 5 pies at $n each
the cost of d drinks at $2 each and 5 pies at $n each Total cost = Price * Quantity: Total cost = [B]2d + 5n[/B]

The cost of x movies if each movie cost $20
The cost of x movies if each movie cost $20 Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost = [B]20x[/B]

The quantity x minus y divided by 4
The quantity x minus y divided by 4 The quantity x minus y x - y The quantity x minus y divided by 4 [B](x - y)/4[/B]

The quotient of the quantity of x plus y and 3
The quotient of the quantity of x plus y and 3 Quantity x plus y x + y Quotient of this and 3 [B](x + y)/3[/B]

The Radio City Music Hall is selling tickets to Kayla’s premiere at the Rockettes. On the first day
The Radio City Music Hall is selling tickets to Kayla’s premiere at the Rockettes. On the first day of ticket sales they sold 3 senior citizen tickets and 9 child tickets for a total of $75. It took in $67 on the second day by selling 8 senior citizen tickets and 5 child tickets. What is the price of each senior citizen ticket and each child ticket? Let the cost of child tickets be c Let the cost of senior tickets be s Since revenue = cost * quantity, we're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]9c + 3s = 75 [*]5c + 8s = 67 [/LIST] To solve this simultaneous group of equations, we can use 3 methods: [LIST] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=9c+%2B+3s+%3D+75&term2=5c+%2B+8s+%3D+67&pl=Substitution']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=9c+%2B+3s+%3D+75&term2=5c+%2B+8s+%3D+67&pl=Elimination']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/simultaneous-equations.php?term1=9c+%2B+3s+%3D+75&term2=5c+%2B+8s+%3D+67&pl=Cramers+Method']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter which method we use, we get the same answer: [LIST] [*][B]c = 7[/B] [*][B]s = 4[/B] [/LIST]

The sum of two y and the quantity of three plus y plus twice the quantity two y minus two equals fif
The sum of two y and the quantity of three plus y plus twice the quantity two y minus two equals fifteen The sum of two y and the quantity of three plus y 2y + (3 + y) twice the quantity two y minus two 2(2y - 2) The sum of two y and the quantity of three plus y plus twice the quantity two y minus two 2y + (3 + y) + 2(2y - 2) Equals 15 to get our algebraic expression [B]2y + (3 + y) + 2(2y - 2) = 15[/B] [B][/B] If the problem asks you to solve for yL 2y + 3 + y + 4y - 4 = 15 Group like terms: 7y - 1 = 15 Add 1 each side: 7y = 16 Divide each side by 7: y = [B]16/7[/B]

The sum of y and z decreased by the difference of m and n
The sum of y and z decreased by the difference of m and n. Take this algebraic expression in 3 parts: [LIST=1] [*]The sum of y and z means we add z to y: y + z [*]The difference of m and n means we subtract n from m: m - n [*]The phrase [I]decreased by[/I] means we subtract the quantity (m - n) from the sum (y + z) [/LIST] [B](y + z) - (m - n)[/B]

The value of 3 times the quantity of 4 + x is greater than 6 less than x.
The value of 3 times the quantity of 4 + x is greater than 6 less than x. 3 times the quantity 4 + x 3(4 + x) 6 less than x x - 6 3 times the quantity 4 + x is greater than x - 6 [B]3(4 + x) > x - 6[/B]

There are 5 pencil-cases on the desk. Each pencil-case contains at least 10 pencils, but not more th
[SIZE=4]There are 5 pencil-cases on the desk. Each pencil-case contains at least 10 pencils, but not more than 14 pencils. Which of the following could be the total number of pencils in all 5 cases? A) 35 B) 45 C) 65 D) 75 [U]Determine the minimum amount of pencils (At least means greater than or equal to):[/U] Minimum Amount of pencils = Cases * Min Quantity Minimum Amount of pencils = 5 * 10 Minimum Amount of pencils = 50 [SIZE=4][U]Determine the maximum amount of pencils (Not more than means less than or equal to):[/U] Maximum Amount of pencils = Cases * Min Quantity Maximum Amount of pencils = 5 * 14 Maximum Amount of pencils = 70[/SIZE] So our range of pencils (p) is: 50 <= p <= 70 Now take a look at our answer choices. The only answer which fits in this inequality range is [B]C, 65[/B]. [B][/B][/SIZE]

Tickets to the amusement park cost $12 for adults and $8 for kids. Write on algebraic expression to
Tickets to the amusement park cost $12 for adults and $8 for kids. Write on algebraic expression to show the cost of a adult and k kids Since cost = price * quantity, we have: [B]12a + 8k[/B]

Tom has t dollars. He buys 5 packets of gum worth d dollars each. How much money does he have left
Tom has t dollars. He buys 5 packets of gum worth d dollars each. How much money does he have left Since cost = Price * Quantity, and a purchase reduces Tom's money, we have: [B]t - 5d[/B]

Total Revenue
Free Total Revenue Calculator - Given a quantity, price, and item, this calculates the total revenue.

Twice the quantity of seven plus x is the same as the difference of x and seven
seven plus x 7 + x Twice the quantity of seven plus x 2(7 + x) Difference of x and seven x - 7 The phrase [I]is the same as[/I] means equal to. This is our algebraic expression: [B]2(7 + x) = x - 7 [/B] If the problem asks you to solve for x, distribute 2 on the left side: 14 + 2x = x - 7 Subtract x from the right side 14 + x = -7 Subtract 14 from each side [B]x = -21[/B]

Twice the quantity of two y and six
two y and six 2y + 6 Twice the quantity: [B]2(2y + 6)[/B]

Unit Cost
Free Unit Cost Calculator - Calculates the unit cost based on a price and a quantity

what is the cost of 3 books at p cents and 4 pens at q cents each?
what is the cost of 3 books at p cents and 4 pens at q cents each? Cost = Price * Quantity. [B]3p + 4q[/B]

x textbooks if one textbook costs $140
x textbooks if one textbook costs $140 Since cost = price * quantity, we have: Total cost = Cost per textbook * number of text books Total cost = [B]140x[/B]

Yasmine bought 3 candy bars at a cost of $0.85 each and 2 bags of peanuts at $1.25 each.
Yasmine bought 3 candy bars at a cost of $0.85 each and 2 bags of peanuts at $1.25 each. Cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost = 3 * 0.85 + 2 * 1.25 Cost = 2.55 + 2.50 Cost = [B]$4.55[/B]

You and some friends are going to the fair. Each ticket for a ride costs $0.75. If n is the number o
You and some friends are going to the fair. Each ticket for a ride costs $0.75. If n is the number of tickets purchased, write an expression that gives the total cost of buying n tickets. We know cost = Price * Quantity, so we have: Cost of buying n tickets = [B]0.75n[/B]

You buy 4 magazines for $5 each and 2 drinks for $4 each
You buy 4 magazines for $5 each and 2 drinks for $4 each Calculate total cost: Since cost = price * quantity, we have: Total cost = $5 * 4 magazines + $4 * 2 drinks Total cost = 20 + 8 Total Cost = [B]28[/B]

You can spend at most $35. If you buy 5 tickets, how much can you spend on each ticket
You can spend at most $35. If you buy 5 tickets, how much can you spend on each ticket We're given the number of tickets as 5. We know cost = price * quantity Let p = price The phrase [B]at most[/B] means less than or equal to, so we have: 5p <= 35 [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/interval-notation-calculator.php?num=5p%3C%3D35&pl=Show+Interval+Notation']Plugging this inequality into our search engine[/URL], we have: [B]p <= 7[/B]

You have $10.00 to spend on tacos. Each taco costs $0.50. Write and solve an inequality that explain
You have $10.00 to spend on tacos. Each taco costs $0.50. Write and solve an inequality that explains how many tacos you can buy. Let's start with t as the number of tacos. We know that cost = price * quantity, so we have the following inequality for our taco spend: [B]0.5t <= 10 [/B] Divide each side of the inequality by 0.5 to isolate t: 0.5t/0.5 <= 10/0.5 Cancel the 0.5 on the left side and we get: t <= [B]20 [MEDIA=youtube]yy51EsGi1nM[/MEDIA][/B]

You went to the State Fair and spent $20. If cotton candy costs $2 and a soda pop costs $1. Which eq
You went to the State Fair and spent $20. If cotton candy costs $2 and a soda pop costs $1. Which equation represents the relation between the number of cotton candy (c) and soda pops (s) you can buy? Our total cost for 20 at the state fair is: Cost of Cotton Candy + Cost of Soda = 20 We know that price = cost * quantity, so we have: 2c + 1s = 20 Since 1s is written as s, we have: [B]2c + s = 20[/B]