power - how many times to use the number in a multiplication
Free Algebraic Expressions Calculator - This calculator builds algebraic expressions based on word representations of numbers using the four operators and the words that represent them(increased,product,decreased,divided,times) Also known as Mathematical phrases
Free Derivatives Calculator - This lesson walks you through the derivative definition, rules, and examples including the power rule, derivative of a constant, chain rule
Free Direct Current (Electrical Engineering) Ohms Law Calculator - Enter two of the following items from the DIRECT CURRENT(DC) electrical engineering set of variables, and this will solve for the remaining two:
* I = current(amps.)
* V = Electricity potential of voltage(volts)
* R = resistance(ohms)
* P = power(watts)
Free Expand Master and Build Polynomial Equations Calculator - This calculator is the ultimate expansion tool to multiply polynomials. It expands algebraic expressions listed below using all 26 variables (a-z) as well as negative powers to handle polynomial multiplication. Includes multiple variable expressions as well as outside multipliers.
Also produces a polynomial equation from a given set of roots (polynomial zeros).
* Binomial Expansions c(a + b)x
* Polynomial Expansions c(d + e + f)x
* FOIL Expansions (a + b)(c + d)
* Multiple Parentheses Multiplications c(a + b)(d + e)(f + g)(h + i)
Free Factorization Calculator - Given a positive integer, this calculates the following for that number:
1) Factor pairs and prime factorization and prime power decomposition
2) Factors and Proper Factors
3) Aliquot Sum
Free Functions-Derivatives-Integrals Calculator - Given a polynomial expression, this calculator evaluates the following items:
1) Functions ƒ(x). Your expression will also be evaluated at a point, i.e., ƒ(1)
2) 1st Derivative ƒ'(x) The derivative of your expression will also be evaluated at a point, i.e., ƒ'(1)
3) 2nd Derivative ƒ''(x) The second derivative of your expression will be also evaluated at a point, i.e., ƒ''(1)
4) Integrals ∫ƒ(x) The integral of your expression will also be evaluated on an interval, i.e., [0,1]
5) Using Simpsons Rule, the calculator will estimate the value of ≈ ∫ƒ(x) over an interval, i.e., [0,1]
Free Imaginary Numbers Calculator - Calculates the imaginary number i where i = √-1 raised to any integer power as well as the product of imaginary numbers of quotient of imaginary numbers
Free Literal Equations Calculator - Solves literal equations with no powers for a variable of your choice as well as open sentences.
Free Logarithms and Natural Logarithms and Eulers Constant (e) Calculator - This calculator does the following:
* Takes the Natural Log base e of a number x Ln(x) → logex
* Raises e to a power of y, ey
* Performs the change of base rule on logb(x)
* Solves equations in the form bcx = d where b, c, and d are constants and x is any variable a-z
* Solves equations in the form cedx=b where b, c, and d are constants, e is Eulers Constant = 2.71828182846, and x is any variable a-z
* Exponential form to logarithmic form for expressions such as 53 = 125 to logarithmic form
* Logarithmic form to exponential form for expressions such as Log5125 = 3
Free Monomials Calculator - This calculator will raise a monomial to a power,multiply monomials, or divide monomials.
Free Number Property Calculator - This calculator determines if an integer you entered has any of the following properties:
* Even Numbers or Odd Numbers (Parity Function or even-odd numbers)
* Evil Numbers or Odious Numbers
* Perfect Numbers, Abundant Numbers, or Deficient Numbers
* Triangular Numbers
* Prime Numbers or Composite Numbers
* Automorphic (Curious)
* Undulating Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Palindrome Numbers
* Repunit Numbers
* Apocalyptic Power
* Pentagonal
* Tetrahedral (Pyramidal)
* Narcissistic (Plus Perfect)
* Catalan
* Repunit
Free Power Sets and Set Partitions Calculator - Given a set S, this calculator will determine the power set for S and all the partitions of a set.
Free Simplest Exponent Form Calculator - This expresses repeating algebraic expressions such as 3*a*a*a*b*b into simplest exponent form.
Free Square Roots and Exponents Calculator - Given a number (n), or a fraction (n/m), and/or an exponent (x), or product of up to 5 radicals, this determines the following:
* The square root of n denoted as √n
* The square root of the fraction n/m denoted as √n/m
* n raised to the xth power denoted as nx (Write without exponents)
* n raised to the xth power raised to the yth power denoted as (nx)y (Write without exponents)
* Product of up to 5 square roots: √a√b√c√d√e
* Write a numeric expression such as 8x8x8x8x8 in exponential form
Free Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator - Determines the sum of the first (n)
* Whole Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Even Numbers
* Odd Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Fourth Power Numbers
Free Verbal Phrase Calculator - Given an algebraic expression, this translates back to a verbal phrase
Free What is an Exponent Calculator - This lesson walks you through what an exponent is, the product rule for exponents, the quotient rule for exponents, the 0 power rule, the power of a power rule for exponents