166 results

money - Any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes

$100 is invested in a bank account that gives an annual interest rate of 3%, compounded monthly. How
$100 is invested in a bank account that gives an annual interest rate of 3%, compounded monthly. How much money will be in the account after 7 years? 7 years * 12 months per year = 84 periods. Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator[/URL], we get an account balance of: [B]123.34[/B]

$500 is deposited into a savings account. The bank offers a 3.5% interest rate and the money is left
$500 is deposited into a savings account. The bank offers a 3.5% interest rate and the money is left in the account for 5 years. How much interest is earned in this situation? Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator[/URL], we get interest earned as: [B]938.43[/B]

1 rabbit saw 9 elephants while going to the river. Every elephant saw 3 monkeys going to the river.
1 rabbit saw 9 elephants while going to the river. Every elephant saw 3 monkeys going to the river. Each monkey had 1 tortoise in each hand. How many animals are going to the river? Trick question: The elephants [U]are not[/U] going to the river. So 1 rabbit goes to the river 3 monkeys go to the river, each holding a tortoise in [B]each hand[/B]. 2 hands per money times 3 monkeys = 6 tortoises So we have 1 rabbit + 3 monkeys + 6 tortoises = [B]10 animals[/B]

4800$ salary spent 12% on clothes 20% on house rent how much money is she left with
4800$ salary spent 12% on clothes 20% on house rent how much money is she left with 12% on clothes plus 20% on house rent = 32% total spendings. If she spent 32%, that means she's left with: 100% - 32% = 68% So we want 68% of 4800. We [URL='']type [I]68% of 4800 [/I]into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]3,264[/B]

A bank charges a service fee of $7.50 per month for a checking account. A bank account has $85.00. I
A bank charges a service fee of $7.50 per month for a checking account. A bank account has $85.00. If no money is deposited or withdrawn except the service charge, how many months until the account balance is negative? Let m be the number of months. Our balance is denoted by B(m): B(m) = 85 - 7.5m The question asks when B(m) is less than 0. So we set up an inequality: 85 - 7.5m < 0 To solve this inequality for m, [URL='']we type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: m > 11.3333 We round up to the next whole integer and get [B]m = 12[/B]

A bill at a resturant came to $95.75. There is 7.5% sales tax added on. You want to leave a 20% tip
A bill at a resturant came to $95.75. There is 7.5% sales tax added on. You want to leave a 20% tip to the total bill, after tax. How much money will you need to leave for the bill altogether? Since the tip is [I]after tax[/I], we have: Total Bill = Pre-tax Bill * (1 + Sales Tax Percent) * (1 + Tip Percent) Total Bill = $95.75 * (1 + 0.07) * (1 + 0.2) Total Bill = $95.75 * 1.07 * 1.2 Total Bill = [B]$122.94[/B]

A boy spent one-half of his money for a book and one-third of his money for a pen. The remaining $2.
A boy spent one-half of his money for a book and one-third of his money for a pen. The remaining $2.25 he saved. How much money did he originally have? Find out what percent of money was spent Using a common denominator of 6, we have 1/2 + 1/3 = 3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6. Therefore, 1/6 of his money is left to save. Let the boy's original money be x. We have: x/6 = 2.25 Cross multiply, we get x = [B]13.50[/B]

A cashier has 44 bills, all of which are $10 or $20 bills. The total value of the money is $730. How
A cashier has 44 bills, all of which are $10 or $20 bills. The total value of the money is $730. How many of each type of bill does the cashier have? Let a be the amount of $10 bills and b be the amount of $20 bills. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]a + b = 44 [*]10a + 20b = 730 [/LIST] We rearrange equation 1 in terms of a. We subtract b from each side and we get: [LIST=1] [*]a = 44 - b [*]10a + 20b = 730 [/LIST] Now we substitute equation (1) for a into equation (2): 10(44 - b) + 20b = 730 Multiply through to remove the parentheses: 440 - 10b + 20b = 730 Group like terms: 440 + 10b = 730 Now, to solve for b, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: b = [B]29 [/B] To get a, we take b = 29 and substitute it into equation (1) above: a = 44 - 29 a = [B]15 [/B] So we have [B]15 ten-dollar bills[/B] and [B]29 twenty-dollar bills[/B]

A class of n students was raising money for a field trip. They have earned $800 so far. Each student
A class of [I]n[/I] students was raising money for a field trip. They have earned $800 so far. Each student plans to work [I]x[/I] more hours at a wage of [I]y[/I] dollars per hour. When they are done, how much money will they have earned? Class of n students * x more hours worked * y dollars per hour = xyn Total dollars earned includes the $800 already earned: $800 + xyn

A college student earned $6000 during summer vacation working as a waiter in a popular restaurant. T
A college student earned $6000 during summer vacation working as a waiter in a popular restaurant. The student invested part of the money at 8% and the rest at 6%. If the student received a total of $418 in interest at the end of the year, how much was invested at 8%? [URL='']Using our split fund interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$2,900 invested at 8%[/B] $3,100 invested at 6%

A cup of coffee cost $4 and a cup of tea cost $3.50. If ray has $40 and has bought 6 cups of coffee,
A cup of coffee cost $4 and a cup of tea cost $3.50. If ray has $40 and has bought 6 cups of coffee, find the maximum cups of tea he can buy [U]Calculate total coffee spend:[/U] Total coffee spend = Cost per Cup of Coffee * Cups of Coffee Total coffee spend = 4 * 6 Total coffee spend = 24 [U]Calculate remaining amount to be spent on tea:[/U] Remaining tea money = Starting Money - Total Coffee spend Remaining tea money = 40 - 24 Remaining tea money = 16 [U]Calculate cups of tea Ray can buy:[/U] Cups of tea Ray can buy = Remaining Tea money / Cost per cup of tea Cups of tea Ray can buy = 16/3.50 Cups of tea Ray can buy = 4.57142857143 Since Ray can't buy partial cups, we round down and we get: Cups of tea Ray can buy = [B]4[/B]

A customer buys 5 pounds of apples at $0.79 a pound. They hand the cashier a $10 bill. How much chan
A customer buys 5 pounds of apples at $0.79 a pound. They hand the cashier a $10 bill. How much change will they get back? Calculate the total bill: Total Bill = Pounds of Apples * Cost per pound Total Bill = 5 * 0.79 Total Bill = $3.95 Calculate Change: Change = Money Offered - Total Bill Change = $10 - $3.95 Change = [B]$6.05[/B]

A customer withdrew $100 from a bank account. The customer then deposited $33 the next day. Write an
A customer withdrew $100 from a bank account. The customer then deposited $33 the next day. Write and then evaluate an expression to show the net effect of these transactions. Withdrawals are negative since we take money away Deposits are positive since we add money So we have: [LIST] [*]100 withdrawal = -100 [*]33 deposit = +33 [/LIST] Our balance is: -100 + 33 = [B]-67 net[/B]

A dad gave his 3 sons each the same amount of money in an envelope. He took $20 from one son for get
A dad gave his 3 sons each the same amount of money in an envelope. He took $20 from one son for getting a D on a math test and he gave another son an extra $35 for doing extra chores. Combined, the sons had $81. Figure out how much each son had. Let x, y, and z be the money each son received. To begin, x = y = z. But then, Dad took 20 from son X and gave it to son Y. So now, x = y - 20 Next, he gave Son Z an extra $35 for chores So z is now y + 35 since y and z used to be equal Combined, they all have 81. x + y + z = 181 But with the changes, it is: (y - 20) + y + (y + 35) Combine like terms: 3y - 20 + 35 = 81 3y + 15 = 81 Subtract 15 from each side: 3y = 66 Divide each side by 3 to isolate y y = 22 Since x = y - 20, x = 2 Since z = y + 35, we have z = 57 Checking our work, 2 + 22 + 57 = 81.

A farmer has c chickens. She sells 3 of them for $6 each and the rest she sells for $5 each. How muc
A farmer has c chickens. She sells 3 of them for $6 each and the rest she sells for $5 each. How much money will she receive? Total money received = 3 * 6 + 5(c - 3) Total money received = 18 + 5c - 15 Total money received = [B]5c + 3[/B]

A group of p people sold a car for $5000. Write an expression in terms of p for how much money each
A group of p people sold a car for $5000. Write an expression in terms of p for how much money each person gets. Each person gets: [B]5000/p[/B]

A job pays $56 for 8 hours of work. how much money does the job pay per hour
A job pays $56 for 8 hours of work. how much money does the job pay per hour Hourly Wage = Total Wages / Total Hours Worked $56/8 = [B]$7 per hour[/B].

A man invests $5,200, part at 4% and the balance at 3%. If his total income for the two investments
A man invests $5,200, part at 4% and the balance at 3%. If his total income for the two investments is $194, how much money did he invest at each rate? Using our [URL='']split fund interest calculator[/URL], we get: [LIST] [*][B]Fund 1 = $3,800[/B] [*][B]Fund 2 = $1,400[/B] [/LIST]

A national political party has a budget of $30,000,000 to spend on the inauguration of the new presi
A national political party has a budget of $30,000,000 to spend on the inauguration of the new president. 16% of the costs will be paid to personnel, 12% of the costs will go toward food, and 10% will go to decorations. How much money will go for personnel, food, and decorations? [LIST] [*]Personnel Costs = 0.16 * 30,000,000 = $4,800,000 [*]Food Costs = 0.12 * 30,000,000 = $3,600,000 [*]Decoration Costs = 0.10 * 30,000,000 = $3,000,000 [/LIST]

A new company president is said to have caused the company "to do a 180." Before the new president,
A new company president is said to have caused the company "to do a 180." Before the new president, the company was losing money. What is the company most likely doing under the new president? A 180 is a completely different direction. Since 180 degrees means the other way, a half-circle, a switch in direction. This means if the company was losing money, after doing a "180", they're making money.

a new savings account starts at $700 at a rate of 1.2% yearly. how much money will be in the account
a new savings account starts at $700 at a rate of 1.2% yearly. how much money will be in the account after 8 years? Using our [URL='']balance and interest calculator with annual (yearly) compounding[/URL], we have: [B]770.09[/B]

A person places $230 in an investment account earning an annual rate of 6.8%, compounded continuousl
A person places $230 in an investment account earning an annual rate of 6.8%, compounded continuously. Using the formula V = Pe^{rt}V=Pe^rt, where V is the value of the account in t years, P is the principal initially invested, e is the base of a natural logarithm, and r is the rate of interest, determine the amount of money, to the nearest cent, in the account after 20 years Using our [URL='']continuous compounding calculator[/URL], we get: V = [B]896.12[/B]

A person places $96300 in an investment account earning an annual rate of 2.8%, compounded continuou
A person places $96300 in an investment account earning an annual rate of 2.8%, compounded continuously. Using the formula V=PertV = Pe^{rt} V=Pe rt , where V is the value of the account in t years, P is the principal initially invested, e is the base of a natural logarithm, and r is the rate of interest, determine the amount of money, to the nearest cent, in the account after 7 years. Substituting our given numbers in where P = 96,300, r = 0.028, and t = 7, we get: V = 96,300 * e^(0.028 * 7) V = 96,300 * e^0.196 V = 96,300 * 1.21652690533 V = [B]$117,151.54[/B]

A real estate agent has $920 to spend on newspaper ads. Each ad costs $6. After buying as many ads a
A real estate agent has $920 to spend on newspaper ads. Each ad costs $6. After buying as many ads as she can afford, how much money will the real estate agent have left over? We want to know the remainder of 920/6. We can type 920 mod 6 into our search engine and get: [URL='']920 mod 6[/URL] = [B]2[/B]

A real estate agent sells a house for $229,605. A sales commission of 6% is charged. The agent gets
A real estate agent sells a house for $229,605. A sales commission of 6% is charged. The agent gets 45% of this commission. How much money does the agent get? The agents Commission (C) is: C = Sale price * sales commission percent * agent commission percent Since 6% = 0.06 and 45% = 0.45, we have: C = 229605 * 0.06 * 0.45 C = [B]6,199.34[/B]

A sum of money doubles in 20 years on simple interest. It will get triple at the same rate in: a.
A sum of money doubles in 20 years on simple interest. It will get triple at the same rate in: a. 40 years b. 50 years c. 30 years d. 60 years e. 80 years Simple interest formula if we start with 1 dollar and double to 2 dollars: 1(1 + i(20)) = 2 1 + 20i = 2 Subtract 1 from each side: 20i = 1 Divide each side by 20 i = 0.05 Now setup the same simple interest equation, but instead of 2, we use 3: 1(1 + 0.05(t)) = 3 1 + 0.05t = 3 Subtract 1 from each side: 0.05t = 2 Divide each side by 0.05 [B]t = 40 years[/B]

Adam took money from his savings account to use as spending money on a trip to San Antonio. On Monda
Adam took money from his savings account to use as spending money on a trip to San Antonio. On Monday, he spent half his money. On Tuesday, he sp ent half of what was left. On Wednesday, he again spent half of his remaining money. On Thursday, he work up with very little money left, but again spent half of it. If Adam started the vacation with n dollars, how much money did he have at the end of Thursday? [LIST] [*]Start with: n [*]Monday: n * 1/2 = n/2 [*]Tuesday: n/2 * 1/2 = n/4 [*]Wednesday: n/4 * 1/2 = n/8 [*]Thursday: n/8 * 1/2 = [B]n/16[/B] [/LIST]

after buying some tickets for $19.00, Ann has $18.00 left. How much money did Ann have to beginwith
After buying some tickets for $19.00, Ann has $18.00 left. How much money did Ann have to begin with? Let the beginning amount be b. We're given: b - 19 = 18. <-- [I]We subtract 19 because a purchase is a spend reducing the original amount[/I] To solve for b, we [URL='']type the equation b - 19 = 18 into our search engine [/URL]and we get: b = [B]37[/B]

After paying 7 dollars for the pie, Keith has 64 dollars left. How much money did he have before buy
After paying 7 dollars for the pie, Keith has 64 dollars left. How much money did he have before buying the pie? we add the 7 dollars back in to find Keith's original total t: t = 64 + 7 t = [B]$71[/B]

Alexandra was given a gift card for a coffee shop. Each morning, Alexandra uses the card to buy one
Alexandra was given a gift card for a coffee shop. Each morning, Alexandra uses the card to buy one cup of coffee. The original amount of money on the gift card was $45 and each cup of coffee costs $2.50. Write an equation for A(x),A(x), representing the amount money remaining on the card after buying xx cups of coffee. We start with 45, and each cup of coffee decreases our balance by 2.50, so we subtract: [B]A(x) = 45 - 2.50x[/B]

Amy and ryan operate a car dealing and repair service. For a car detailing (full wash outside and in
Amy and ryan operate a car dealing and repair service. For a car detailing (full wash outside and inside. Amy charges 40$ and Ryan charges 50$ . In addition they charge a hourly rate. Amy charges $35/h and ryan charges $30/h. How many hours does amy and ryan have to work to make the same amount of money? Set up the cost functions C(h) where h is the number of hours. [U]Amy:[/U] C(h) = 35h + 40 [U]Ryan:[/U] C(h) = 30h + 50 To make the same amount of money, we set both C(h) functions equal to each other: 35h + 40 = 30h + 50 To solve for h, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: h = [B]2[/B]

An employee earns $7.00 an hour for the first 35 hours worked in a week and $10.50 for any hours ove
An employee earns $7.00 an hour for the first 35 hours worked in a week and $10.50 for any hours over 35. One weeks paycheck (before deductions) was for $308.00. How many hours did the employee work? Let's first check to see if the employee worked overtime: Regular Hours: 35 * 7 = 245 Since the employee made $308, they worked overtime. Let's determine how much overtime money was made: 308 - 245 = 63 Now, to calculate the overtime hours, we divide overtime pay by overtime rate 63/10.50 = 6 Now figure out the total hours worked in the week: Total Hours = Regular Pay Hours + Overtime Hours Total Hours = 35 + 6 [B]Total Hours = 41[/B]

An initial deposit of $50 is now worth $400. The account earns 5.2% interest compounded continuously
An initial deposit of $50 is now worth $400. The account earns 5.2% interest compounded continuously. Determine how long the money has been in the account. [URL='']Using our continuous interest compound calculator solving for t[/URL], we get: t =[B] 39.99 periods[/B]

Anna made $60 babysitting. She spent 4/5 of the money on new shoes. How much money does she have lef
Anna made $60 babysitting. She spent 4/5 of the money on new shoes. How much money does she have left? [U]Calculate shoe spend[/U] [URL='']4/5 of 60[/URL] = 48 [U]Calculate leftover money[/U] Leftover money = Babysitting money - shoe spend Leftover money = 60 - 48 Leftover money = [B]12[/B]

Arthur had $90. He spent $40 and gave $20 to his brother. What fraction of Arthur's money is left
Arthur had $90. He spent $40 and gave $20 to his brother. What fraction of Arthur's money is left? Arthur starts with $90. He gives away $40, so now he has $90 - $40 = $50. Next, he gives $20 to his brother, so now he has $50 - $20 = $30. So Arthur has 30/90 left. [URL='']We type 30/90 into our search engine[/URL] and simplify to get: [B]1/3[/B]

At the end of the week, Francesca had a third of her babysitting money left after spending $14.65 on
At the end of the week, Francesca had a third of her babysitting money left after spending $14.65 on a movie and popcorn and another $1.35 on a pen. How much did she earn babysitting? Let the original amount of money earned for babysitting be b. We're given: [LIST=1] [*]Start with b [*]Spending 14.65 for a movie means we subtract 14.65 from b: b - 14.65 [*]Spending 1.35 on a pen means we subtract another 1.35 from step 2: b - 14.65 - 1.35 [*]Francesca has a third of her money left. So we set step 3 equal to 1/3 of b [/LIST] b - 14.65 - 1.35 = b/3 Multiply each side of the equation by 3 to remove the fraction 3(b - 14.65 - 1.35) = 3b/3 3b - 43.95 - 4.05 = b To solve this equation for b, [URL='']we type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: b =[B] 24[/B]

Barney has $450 and spends $3 each week. Betty has $120 and saves $8 each week. How many weeks will
Barney has $450 and spends $3 each week. Betty has $120 and saves $8 each week. How many weeks will it take for them to have the same amount of money? Let w be the number of weeks that go by for saving/spending. Set up Barney's balance equation, B(w). Spending means we [U]subtract[/U] B(w) = Initial Amount - spend per week * w weeks B(w) = 450 - 3w Set up Betty's balance equation, B(w). Saving means we [U]add[/U] B(w) = Initial Amount + savings per week * w weeks B(w) = 120 + 8w The same amount of money means both of their balance equations B(w) are equal. So we set Barney's balance equal to Betty's balance and solve for w: 450 - 3w = 120 + 8w Add 3w to each side to isolate w: 450 - 3w + 3w = 120 + 8w + 3w Cancelling the 3w on the left side, we get: 450 = 120 + 11w Rewrite to have constant on the right side: 11w + 120 = 450 Subtract 120 from each side: 11w + 120 - 120 = 450 - 120 Cancelling the 120's on the left side, we get: 11w = 330 To solve for w, we divide each side by 11 11w/11 = 330/11 Cancelling the 11's on the left side, we get: w = [B]30 [MEDIA=youtube]ifG_q-utgJI[/MEDIA][/B]

Bashir finds some nickels and pennies under the couch cushions. How much money ( in dollars ) does h
Bashir finds some nickels and pennies under the couch cushions. How much money ( in dollars ) does he have if he has x nickels and y pennies Amount = Cost * Quantity, so we have: [B]0.01y + 0.05x[/B]

Ben has $4.50 in quarters(Q) and dimes(D). a)Write an equation expressing the total amount of money
Ben has $4.50 in quarters(Q) and dimes(D). a)Write an equation expressing the total amount of money in terms of the number of quarters and dimes. b)Rearrange the equation to isolate for the number of dimes (D) a) The equation is: [B]0.1d + 0.25q = 4.5[/B] b) Isolate the equation for d. We subtract 0.25q from each side of the equation: 0.1d + 0.25q - 0.25q = 4.5 - 0.25q Cancel the 0.25q on the left side, and we get: 0.1d = 4.5 - 0.25q Divide each side of the equation by 0.1 to isolate d: 0.1d/0.1 = (4.5 - 0.25q)/0.1 d = [B]45 - 2.5q[/B]

Benny opened a bank account. He deposited $92.50 into his account every month for 10 months. He used
Benny opened a bank account. He deposited $92.50 into his account every month for 10 months. He used $36.50 every month to pay for art lessons. After 10 months, he used 1/2 of the total money left in his account to go to a summer camp for artists. What is the total amount of money Benny spent to go to the summer camp? If Benny deposits $92.50 every month and withdraws $36.50 every month, his net deposit each month is: 92.50 - 36.50 = 56 Benny does this for 10 months, so his balance after 10 months is: 56 * 10 = 560 Half of this is: 560/2 = [B]280[/B]

Bill and nine of his friends each have a lot of money in the bank. Bill has 10^10 dollars in his acc
Bill and nine of his friends each have a lot of money in the bank. Bill has 10^10 dollars in his acc All nine of Bill's friends pooled together is: 9 * 10^9 Bill's 10^10 can be written as 10 * 10^9 So [B]Bill's is greater[/B]

Bonnita deposited $4,500 into a savings account paying 3% interest compounded continuously. She plan
Bonnita deposited $4,500 into a savings account paying 3% interest compounded continuously. She plans on leaving the account alone for 7 years. How much money will she have at that time? Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$5551.55[/B]

Bridget deposited $4500 at 6 percent simple interest. How much money was in the account at the end o
Bridget deposited $4500 at 6 percent simple interest. How much money was in the account at the end of three years? Using our [URL='']simple interest balance calculator[/URL], we get: $[B]5,310[/B]

Caleb earns points on his credit card that he can use towards future purchases.
Caleb earns points on his credit card that he can use towards future purchases. He earns four points per dollar spent on flights, two points per dollar spent on hotels, and one point per dollar spent on all other purchases. Last year, he charged a total of $9,480 and earned 14,660 points. The amount of money spent on flights was $140 money than twice the amount of money spent on hotels. Find the amount of money spent on each type of purchase.

Charlene wants to invest $10,000 long enough for it to grow to at least $20000. The compound interes
Charlene wants to invest $10,000 long enough for it to grow to at least $20,000. The compound interest rate is 6% p.a. How many whole number of years does she need to invest the money for so that it grows to her $20,000 target? We want 10,000(1.06)^n = 20,000. But what the problem asks for is how long it will take money to double. We can use a shortcut called the Rule of 72. [URL='']Using the Rule of 72 at 6%[/URL], we get [B]12 years[/B].

Coin Amount to Denomination
Free Coin Amount to Denomination Calculator - Takes a money value and using the highest possible bills/coins, constructs the amount using bills and coins.

Coles paycheck was $257.20. He put 25% of it into his savings account and used 1/3 of what was left
Coles paycheck was $257.20. He put 25% of it into his savings account and used 1/3 of what was left to pay bills. How much money does he have remaining from his paycheck? 25% is also 1/4. Calculate savings $257.20(0.25) = $64.3 We have 75% left over = $192.90 Coles pays 1/3 of this for bills = $192.90 * 1/3 = $64.30 Subtract the bills: $192.90 - $64.30 = [B]$128.60[/B]

Computers R US was selling laptops that had 4GB of memory for $495. You can buy additional memory fo
Computers R US was selling laptops that had 4GB of memory for $495. You can buy additional memory for $97 per GB. If your grandfather gave you $980 to buy a laptop and additional memory, how much memory can you get? Figure out remaining money total after buying the laptop [LIST=1] [*]4GB: 980 - 495 = 485 [*]485/97 = 5 GB [*]4GB + 5GB = [B]9GB[/B] [/LIST]

Crypto Scams
I'd like to warn our fans about a crypto scam going around. The site is [URL][/URL]. The scam runs like this... [LIST] [*]You're asked to deposit money, a minimum of $1,000 in BTC. [*]You're given credits on the money from their mining/aribtrage plan. [*]However, when it comes time to cash out after a week, they suddenly tell you, their is some magical agreement (which you never signed nor is on their website) where you now have to pay 25% of your profits to them and you'll get a withdrawal code for the rest. [*]When you press them on how they pay 75% of your profits from a 25% deposit which makes no sense, they tell you that it's how things work. [/LIST]

Dakota needs a total of $400 to buy a new bicycle. He has $40 saved. He earns $15 each week deliveri
Dakota needs a total of $400 to buy a new bicycle. He has $40 saved. He earns $15 each week delivering newspapers. How many weeks will Dakota have to deliver papers to have enough money to buy the bicycle? Let w be the number of weeks of delivering newspapers. We have the equation: 15w + 40 = 400 To solve for w, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: w = [B]24[/B]

Dave has a savings account that pays interest at 3 1/2% per year. His opening balance for May was $1
Dave has a savings account that pays interest at 3 1/2% per year. His opening balance for May was $1374.67. He did not deposit or withdraw money during the month. The interest is calculated daily. How much interest did the account earn in May? First, determine n, which is 31, since May has 31 days. We use our [URL='']compound interest balance calculator[/URL] to get: [B]1,378.76[/B]

David has b dollars in his bank account; Claire has three times as much money as David. The sum of t
David has b dollars in his bank account; Claire has three times as much money as David. The sum of their money is $240. How much money does Claire have? David has b Claire has 3b since three times as much means we multiply b by 3 The sum of their money is found by adding David's bank balance to Claire's bank balance to get the equation: 3b + b = 240 To solve for b, [URL='']we type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: b = 60 So David has 60 dollars in his bank account. Therefore, Claire has: 3(60) = [B]180[/B]

Deon opened his account starting with $650 and he is going to take out $40 per month. Mai opened up
Deon opened his account starting with $650 and he is going to take out $40 per month. Mai opened up her account with a starting amount of $850 and is going to take out $65 per month. When would the two accounts have the same amount of money? We set up a balance equation B(m) where m is the number of months. [U]Set up Deon's Balance equation:[/U] Withdrawals mean we subtract from our current balance B(m) = Starting Balance - Withdrawal Amount * m B(m) = 650 - 40m [U]Set up Mai's Balance equation:[/U] Withdrawals mean we subtract from our current balance B(m) = Starting Balance - Withdrawal Amount * m B(m) = 850 - 65m When the two accounts have the same amount of money, we can set both balance equations equal to each other and solve for m: 650 - 40m = 850 - 65m Solve for [I]m[/I] in the equation 650 - 40m = 850 - 65m [SIZE=5][B]Step 1: Group variables:[/B][/SIZE] We need to group our variables -40m and -65m. To do that, we add 65m to both sides -40m + 650 + 65m = -65m + 850 + 65m [SIZE=5][B]Step 2: Cancel -65m on the right side:[/B][/SIZE] 25m + 650 = 850 [SIZE=5][B]Step 3: Group constants:[/B][/SIZE] We need to group our constants 650 and 850. To do that, we subtract 650 from both sides 25m + 650 - 650 = 850 - 650 [SIZE=5][B]Step 4: Cancel 650 on the left side:[/B][/SIZE] 25m = 200 [SIZE=5][B]Step 5: Divide each side of the equation by 25[/B][/SIZE] 25m/25 = 200/25 m = [B]8[/B]

Diana earns $8.50 working as a lifeguard. Write an equation to find Dianas money earned m for any nu
Diana earns $8.50 working as a lifeguard. Write an equation to find Dianas money earned m for any numbers of hours h Set up the revenue function: [B]R = 8.5h[/B]

Dwayne earn $6 for each hour of yard work. After doing a total of 3 hours of yard work, how much mon
Dwayne earn $6 for each hour of yard work. After doing a total of 3 hours of yard work, how much money will Dwayne have earned? We're given the hourly earnings equation below: Hourly Earnings = Hourly Rate * hours worked Hourly Earnings = $6 * 3 Hourly Earnings = [B]$18[/B]

Elijiah spent $6.20 for lunch everyday for 5 school days. He had $50 in his account. How much money
Elijiah spent $6.20 for lunch everyday for 5 school days. He had $50 in his account. How much money was left over in his account? Elijiah starts with $50 He spends $6.20 per day * 5 days = 31 Leftover = 50 - 31 Leftover = [B]19[/B]

Equation of Exchange
Free Equation of Exchange Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 variables in the Equation of Exchange: money, velocity, price, quantity

Ethan has $9079 in his retirement account, and Kurt has $9259 in his. Ethan is adding $19per day, wh
Ethan has $9079 in his retirement account, and Kurt has $9259 in his. Ethan is adding $19per day, whereas Kurt is contributing $1 per day. Eventually, the two accounts will contain the same amount. What balance will each account have? How long will that take? Set up account equations A(d) where d is the number of days since time 0 for each account. Ethan A(d): 9079 + 19d Kurt A(d): 9259 + d The problems asks for when they are equal, and how much money they have in them. So set each account equation equal to each other: 9079 + 19d = 9259 + d [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get [B]d = 10[/B]. So in 10 days, both accounts will have equal amounts in them. Now, pick one of the account equations, either Ethan or Kurt, and plug in d = 10. Let's choose Kurt's since we have a simpler equation: A(10) = 9259 + 10 A(10) = $[B]9,269 [/B] After 10 days, both accounts have $9,269 in them.

Eva earns $72 washing 6 cars. At this rate, how many cars did Eva wash to earn $132?
Eva earns $72 washing 6 cars. At this rate, how many cars did Eva wash to earn $132? Set up a proportion of money to cars washed where c is the number of cars washed for $132 in earnings: 72/6 = 132/c [URL='']Type this proportion into our calculator[/URL], we get: [B]c = 11[/B]

Find the final amount of money in an account if $ 3,800 is deposited at 8% interest compounded annua
Find the final amount of money in an account if $ 3,800 is deposited at 8% interest compounded annually and the money is left for 6 years Using our [URL='']compound interest with balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$6,030.12[/B]

For every lawn Dominic mows he earns $12 and for every lawn Boris mows he earns $15. How much money
For every lawn Dominic mows he earns $12 and for every lawn Boris mows he earns $15. How much money will Boris have after mowing 20 lawns? After 20 lawns mowed: [LIST] [*]Dominic makes 20 x 12 = 240 [*]Boris makes 15 x 12 = 300 [/LIST] Boris makes 300 - 240 = $60 more than Dominic

Gretchen earns $7 per hour at the local pizza shop. If she works 3 hours in an afternoon, how much m
Gretchen earns $7 per hour at the local pizza shop. If she works 3 hours in an afternoon, how much money does she earn? Earnings = Hourly Wage * Hours Worked Earnings = $7 * 3 Earnings = [B]$21[/B]

Hailey worked 32 hours at 8 dollars a hour .Taxes were 1% .How much money was left?
Hailey worked 32 hours at 8 dollars a hour .Taxes were 1% .How much money was left? Calculate earnings: Earnings = Hourly rate * hours worked Earnings = 32 * 8 Earnings = 256 If taxes are 1%, then Hailey ends up with 100% - 1% = 99% Leftover = 256 * 99% Leftover = [B]$253.44[/B]

Hannah invested $540 in an account paying an interest rate of 4.7% compounded continuously. Assuming
Hannah invested $540 in an account paying an interest rate of 4.7% compounded continuously. Assuming no deposits or withdrawals are made, how much money, to the nearest hundred dollars, would be in the account after 18 years? [URL='']Using our compound interest balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$1,258.37[/B]

harley had $500 in his bank account at the beginning of the year. he spends $20 each week on food, c
harley had $500 in his bank account at the beginning of the year. he spends $20 each week on food, clothing, and movie tickets. he wants to have more than $100 at the end of summer to make sure he has enough to purchase some new shoes before school starts. how many weeks, w, can harley withdraw money from his savings account and still have more than $100 to buy new shoes? Let the number of weeks be w. Harley needs $100 (or more) for shoes. We have the balance in Harley's account as: 500 - 20w >= 100 To solve this inequality for w, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]w <= 20[/B]

How many 8$, tickets can I get for 100$
How many 8$, tickets can I get for 100$ Tickets = Total Money / price per ticket Tickets = 100/8 Tickets = [B]12.5 [/B] If the problem asks for a whole number, this means you cannot have a partial ticket. Therefore, we round down to [B]12 tickets[/B]

How much money must be invested to accumulate $10,000 in 8 years at 6% compounded annually?
How much money must be invested to accumulate $10,000 in 8 years at 6% compounded annually? We want to know the principle P, that accumulated to $10,000 in 8 years compounding at 6% annually. [URL='']We plug in our values for the compound interest equation[/URL] and we get: [B]$6,274.12[/B]

How much money will there be in an account at the end of 10 years if $8000 is deposited at a 7.5% an
How much money will there be in an account at the end of 10 years if $8000 is deposited at a 7.5% annual rate that is compounded continuously? Using our [URL='']continuous compounding calculator[/URL], we get [B]$16,936[/B].

How much money would you have after 4 years if you invested $550 at 7% annual interest, compounded m
How much money would you have after 4 years if you invested $550 at 7% annual interest, compounded monthly? Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator, with 4 years * 12 months per year = 48 months as n[/URL], we get: [B]727.13[/B]

I have $36 dollars and it goes up by 3 every day how much money would I have after 500 days
I have $36 dollars and it goes up by 3 every day how much money would I have after 500 days We have a balance function B(d) where d is the number of days passed since we first had $36: B(d) = 3d + 36 The problem asks for B(500): B(500) = 3(500) + 36 B(500) = 1500 + 36 B(500) = [B]1536[/B]

I have $789 in the bank and make 1% interest a month. How much money do I have at the end of 6 month
I have $789 in the bank and make 1% interest a month. How much money do I have at the end of 6 months? Our balance is found using our compound interest formula: New Balance = Starting Balance * (1 + i/100)^t With I = 1% and t = 6, we have: New Balance = 789 * (1 + 1/100)^6 New Balance = 789 * (1.01)^6 New Balance = 789 * 1.0615201506 New Balance = [B]837.54[/B]

I have 20 bills consisting of $5 and $10. If the total amount of my money is $130, how many of each
I have 20 bills consisting of $5 and $10. If the total amount of my money is $130, how many of each bill do i have? Let f be $5 bills and t be $10 bills, we have: f + t = 20 5f + 10t = 130 Using our [URL='']system of equation solver[/URL], we get: [LIST] [*][B]f = 14[/B] [*][B]t = 6[/B] [/LIST]

I need help for this question. Can someone pls help me?
The simple interests earned on the sum of money for 4 years at 7.5% p.a. exceeds that on the same sum for 3.5 years at 8% p.a. by $90. (a)Find the original sum of money. (b)If the original sum of money accumulates to $4612.50 in 5 months at simple interest, find the interests rate per annum.

If a Canadian dollar is worth $.82 in American money, how much is an American dollar worth in Canadi
If a Canadian dollar is worth $.82 in American money, how much is an American dollar worth in Canadian money? 1/0.82 = [B]1.22[/B]

if i had $667 and an apple cost $216, how many apples could i buy?
if i had $667 and an apple cost $216, how many apples could i buy? Apples we can buy = Total money / Cost per apple Apples we can buy = $667 / $216 Apples we can buy = 3.088 We round down to a full apple and get [B]3 apples[/B]

If I wanted to buy 40000 balls and they are each 50 cents how much money do I need?
If I wanted to buy 40,000 balls and they are each 50 cents how much money do I need? Cost = Price * Quantity Cost = $0.50 * 40,000 Cost = [B]$20,000[/B]

If Jody had $3 more she would have twice as much as Lars together they have $60
If Jody had $3 more she would have twice as much as Lars together they have $60. Let j be Jody's money and l be Lars's money. We have two equations: [LIST=1] [*]j + l = 60 [*]j + 3 = 2l [/LIST] Rearrange (2) to solve for j by subtracting 3 j = 2l - 3 Now substitute this into (1) (2l - 3) + l = 60 Combine like terms 3l - 3 = 60 Enter this into our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], and we get: [B]l = 21[/B] Now plug l = 21 into our rearranged equation above: j = 2(21) - 3 j = 42 - 3 [B]j = 39[/B]

If you have $15,000 in an account with a 4.5% interest rate, compounded quarterly, how much money wi
If you have $15,000 in an account with a 4.5% interest rate, compounded quarterly, how much money will you have in 25 years? [URL='']Using our compound interest calculator[/URL] with 25 years * 4 quarters per year = 100 periods of compounding, we get: [B]$45,913.96[/B]

If you have $272, and you spend $17 each day, how long would it be until you had no money left?
If you have $272, and you spend $17 each day, how long would it be until you had no money left? Let d be the number of days. We have a balance expression of: 272 - 17d We want to know when the balance is 0, so we set 272 - 17d equal to 0. 272 - 17d = 0 To solve for d, we [URL='http://272 - 17d = 0']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: d = [B]16[/B]

In the bank you will find $24. 3/4 of it is quarters. How much money is that?
In the bank you will find $24. 3/4 of it is quarters. How much money is that? 24 * 3/4 = 6 * 3 = [B]$18[/B]

Ina has $40 in her bank account and saves $8 a week. Ree has $200 in her bank account and spends $12
Ina has $40 in her bank account and saves $8 a week. Ree has $200 in her bank account and spends $12 a week. Write an equation to represent each girl. Let w equal the number of weeks, and f(w) be the amount of money in the account after w weeks: [LIST] [*]Ina: [B]f(w) = 40 + 8w[/B] [LIST] [*]We add because Ina saves money, so her account grows [/LIST] [*]Ree: [B]f(w) = 200 - 12w[/B] [LIST] [*]We subtract because Ree saves [/LIST] [/LIST]

Is someone has $1,000,000 in base 2, how much money does she have in base 10?
Is someone has $1,000,000 in base 2, how much money does she have in base 10? 1 is in 7th digit place, so we raise it to the 6th power: [URL='']1 * 2^6 [/URL]= [B]64[/B]

James wants to save $1500 for a summer trip. Summer is about 6 months away. How much money will Jame
James wants to save $1500 for a summer trip. Summer is about 6 months away. How much money will James have to save per month $1500/6 months = [B]250 per month[/B]

Jazmin is a hairdresser who rents a station in a salon for daily fee. The amount of money (m) Jazmin
Jazmin is a hairdresser who rents a station in a salon for daily fee. The amount of money (m) Jazmin makes from any number of haircuts (n) a day is described by the linear function m = 45n - 30 A) A haircut costs $30, and the station rent is $45 B) A haircut costs $45, and the station rent is $30. C) Jazmin must do 30 haircuts to pay the $45 rental fee. D) Jazmin deducts $30 from each $45 haircut for the station rent. [B]Answer B, since rent is only due once. Profit is Revenue - Cost[/B]

Jenny has $1200 and is spending $40 per week. Kelsey has $120 and is saving $50 a week. In how many
Jenny has $1200 and is spending $40 per week. Kelsey has $120 and is saving $50 a week. In how many weeks will Jenny and Kelsey have the same amount of money? Jenny: Let w be the number of weeks. Spending means we subtract, so we set up a balance equation B(w): B(w) = 1200 - 40w Kelsey: Let w be the number of weeks. Saving means we add, so we set up a balance equation B(w): B(w) = 120 + 50w When they have the same amount of money, we set the balance equations equal to each other: 1200 - 40w = 120 + 50w To solve for w, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: w = [B]12[/B]

Jimmy was given $16 for washing the dog.He now has $47. How much money did he start with?
Jimmy was given $16 for washing the dog. He now has $47. How much money did he start with? Let his starting money be s. We're told: s + 16 = 47 To solve for s, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engin[/URL]e and we get: s = [B]31[/B]

Jocelyn invested $3,700 in an account paying an interest rate of 1.5% compounded continuously. Assum
Jocelyn invested $3,700 in an account paying an interest rate of 1.5% compounded continuously. Assuming no deposits or withdrawals are made, how much money would be in the account after 6 years? Using our [URL='']continuous interest with balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$4,048.44[/B]

Joe is paid a 4% commission on all his sales in addition to a $500 per month salary. In May, his sal
Joe is paid a 4% commission on all his sales in addition to a $500 per month salary. In May, his sales were $100,235. How much money did he earn in May? [U]The commission and salary formula is:[/U] Earnings = Salary + Commission Percent * Sales Plugging in our numbers with 4% as 0.04, we get: Earnings = 500 + 0.04 * 100235 Earnings = 500 + 4009.40 Earnings = [B]4,509.40[/B]

Joe opens a bank account that starts with $20 and deposits $10 each week. Bria has a different accou
Joe opens a bank account that starts with $20 and deposits $10 each week. Bria has a different account that starts with $1000 but withdraws $15 each week. When will Joe and Bria have the same amount of money? Let w be the number of weeks. Deposits mean we add money and withdrawals mean we subtract money. [U]Joe's Balance function B(w) where w is the number of weeks:[/U] 20 + 10w [U]Bria's Balance function B(w) where w is the number of weeks:[/U] 1000 - 15w [U]The problem asks for when both balances will be the same. So we set them equal to each other and solve for w:[/U] 20 + 10w = 1000 - 15w To solve for w, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: w = 39.2 We round up to full week and get: w = [B]40[/B]

Joey withdrew $125 from his savings account. After the withdrawal, his balance was $785. How much wa
Joey withdrew $125 from his savings account. After the withdrawal, his balance was $785. How much was in his account initially? [U]Withdrawal means he took money out, which means his initial balance is found by adding back the withdrawal:[/U] Initial Balance = Current Balance + Withdrawal Initial Balance = 785 + 125 Initial Balance = [B]910[/B]

Jon earned money baby-sitting. He spent 1/4 of the money on a guitar and then he gave 1/4 of what wa
Jon earned money baby-sitting. He spent 1/4 of the money on a guitar and then he gave 1/4 of what was left to charity. If he has $108 left, how much money did he start with? Calculate initial spend: Charity = 1/4 * 3/4 left = 3/16 [URL='']1/4 + 3/16[/URL] = 7/16 This means he has 1 = 7/16 left 16/16 - 7/16 = 9/16 Let the starting amount be s: If he has 108 left, then we have [URL='']9s/16 = 108[/URL] s =$[B]192[/B]

Josh earns $25 per week for cleaning his room. He cleaned his room for 7 weeks. How much money did J
Josh earns $25 per week for cleaning his room. He cleaned his room for 7 weeks. How much money did Josh earn? Total Earnings = Room cleaning Fee Per Week * Number of Weeks Total Earnings = $25 * 7 Total Earnings = [B]$175[/B]

Julie has $48 to spend at a carnival. The carnival charges $8 for admission and $5 per ride. What is
Julie has $48 to spend at a carnival. The carnival charges $8 for admission and $5 per ride. What is the maximum number of rides Julie can go on? Subtract admission charges, since that money is gone: $48 - $8 = $40 left over If rides cost $5, we can go on $40/$5 = [B]8 rides[/B] maximum.

Julio has $150. Each week, he saves an additional $10. Write a function f(x) that models the total a
Julio has $150. Each week, he saves an additional $10. Write a function f(x) that models the total amount of money Julio has after x weeks f(x) = Savings per week * number of weeks + starting amount f(x) = [B]10x + 150[/B]

Karin has 3 to spend in the arcade. The game she likes costs 50c per play. What are the possible num
Karin has 3 to spend in the arcade. The game she likes costs 50c per play. What are the possible numbers of times that she can play? [U]Let x = the number of games Karin can play with her money[/U] 0.5x = 3 [U]Divide each side by 0.5[/U] [B]x = 6[/B]

Karmen just got hired to work at Walmart. She spent $15 on her new uniform and she gets paid $8 per
Karmen just got hired to work at Walmart. She spent $15 on her new uniform and she gets paid $8 per hour. Write an equation that represents how much money she profits after working for a certain number of hours. How many hours will she have to work for in order to buy a new snowboard ( which costs $450) Her profit equation P(h) where h is the number of hours worked is: [B]P(h) = 8h - 15[/B] Note: [I]We subtract 15 as the cost of Karmen's uniform. [/I] Next, we want to see how many hours Karmen must work to buy a new snowboard which costs $450. We set the profit equation equal to $450 8h - 15 = 450 [URL='']Typing 8h - 15 = 450 into the search engine[/URL], we get h = 58.13. We round this up to 59 hours.

keisha is babysitting at 8$ per hour to earn money for a car. So far she has saved $1300. The car th
keisha is babysitting at 8$ per hour to earn money for a car. So far she has saved $1300. The car that keisha wants to buy costs at least $5440. How many hours does Keisha need to babysit to earn enough to buy the car Set up the Earning function E(h) where h is the number of hours Keisha needs to babysit: E(h) = 8h + 1300 The question asks for h when E(h) is at least 5440. The phrase [I]at least[/I] means an inequality, which is greater than or equal to. So we have: 8h + 1300 >= 5440 To solve this inequality, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: h >= [B]517.5[/B]

Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 a
Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 at the end of the summer. He withdraws $25 per week for food, clothing, and movie tickets. How many weeks can Keith withdraw money from his account. Keith's balance is written as B(w) where w is the number of weeks passed since the beginning of summer. We have: B(w) = 500 - 25w The problem asks for B(w) = 200, so we set 500 - 25w = 200. [URL='']Typing 500 - 25w = 200 into the search engine[/URL], we get [B]w = 12[/B].

Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 a
Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 at the end of the summer. He withdraws $25 per week for food, clothing, and movie tickets. How many weeks can Keith withdraw money from his account Our account balance is: 500 - 25w where w is the number of weeks. We want to know the following for w: 500 - 25w = 200 [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]w = 12[/B]

Kelsey wants to buy a new video game. He has a $50 gift card and wants to spend less than $20 of
Kelsey wants to buy a new video game. He has a $50 gift card and wants to spend less than $20 of his own money. Which of the following amounts would Kelsey be willing to spend on a video game? Let x be the amount Kelsey will spend on a video game above 50. He will spend up to, but less than $20 above his $50 gift card. x < 50 + 20 [B]x < 70[/B]

Kimberly has $98.00 and Christine has $3.45. How much more does Kimberly have than Christine?
Kimberly has $98.00 and Christine has $3.45. How much more does Kimberly have than Christine? Kimberly's excess = Kimberly's money - Christine's money Kimberly's excess = 98 - 3.45 Kimberly's excess = [B]94.55[/B]

Kunio puts $2,200.00 into savings bonds that pay a simple interest rate of 2.4%. How much money will
Kunio puts $2,200.00 into savings bonds that pay a simple interest rate of 2.4%. How much money will the bonds be worth at the end of 4 years? Using our [URL='']simple interest balance calculator[/URL], we his account will be worth [B]$2,411.20[/B] after 4 years

Lamar had N record albums that he tried to sell at a garage sale for $5 each. If the number of recor
Lamar had N record albums that he tried to sell at a garage sale for $5 each. If the number of record albums he didn't sell is called Q, how much money did Lamar get from record album sales? Sales = Price * (Albums had - Albums sold) [B]Sales = 5(N - Q)[/B]

Laura spent half of her money on a necklace. She spent 14.60 of what was left having dinner with car
Laura spent half of her money on a necklace. She spent 14.60 of what was left having dinner with carolyn. if she had 3.90 left, how much money did she start out with? Let x equal Laura's starting money 1/2x = 14.60 + 3.90 1/2x = 18.5 Divide each side by 1/2 [B]x = $37[/B]

Lauren invested $340 in an account paying an interest rate of 5.8% compounded monthly. Assuming no d
Lauren invested $340 in an account paying an interest rate of 5.8% compounded monthly. Assuming no deposits or withdrawals are made, how much money, to the nearest cent, would be in the account after 13 years? 13 years * 12 months per year = 156 compounding periods. [URL='']Using our compound interest balance calculator[/URL] with 156 for t, we get: $[B]721.35[/B]

Leifs rich uncle decided to give him $1.00 the first day of Christmas and to double the amount each
Leifs rich uncle decided to give him $1.00 the first day of Christmas and to double the amount each subsequent day. How much money (in dollars) does he recieve after all 12 days of Christmas? Let's look at each day: [LIST=1] [*]1 [*]2 [*]4 [*]8 [*]16 [*]32 [*]64 [*]128 [*]256 [*]512 [*]1024 [*]2048 [/LIST] Total received: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 + 2048 = [B]4,095[/B]

Louis kept money through a hole inn his pocket. He started with 35 cents, lost 20 cents , put in 75
Louis kept money through a hole inn his pocket. He started with 35 cents, lost 20 cents , put in 75 cents , spent 43 cents, lost 16 cents again, and then put in 14 cents. How much change should there be in his pocket? The phrase [I]put in[/I] mean we add money to the total The phrases s[I]pent or lost[/I] mean we subtract 35 - 20 + 75 - 43 - 16 + 14 = [B]45 cents[/B]

Marco puts his coins into stacks. Each stack has 10 coins. He makes 17 stacks of quarters. He makes
Marco puts his coins into stacks. Each stack has 10 coins. He makes 17 stacks of quarters. He makes 11 stacks of dimes. He makes 8 stacks of nickels. How much money does Marco have in his stacks of coins? [U]Value of Quarters:[/U] Quarter Value = Value per quarter * coins per stack * number of stacks Quarter Value = 0.25 * 10 * 17 Quarter Value = 42.5 [U]Value of Dimes:[/U] Dime Value = Value per dime * coins per stack * number of stacks Dime Value = 0.10 * 10 * 11 Dime Value = 11 [U]Value of Nickels:[/U] Nickel Value = Value per nickel * coins per stack * number of stacks Nickel Value = 0.05 * 10 * 8 Nickel Value = 4 [U]Calculate total value of Marco's coin stacks[/U] Total value of Marco's coin stacks = Quarter Value + Dime Value + Nickel Value Total value of Marco's coin stacks = 42.5 + 11 + 4 Total value of Marco's coin stacks = [B]57.5[/B]

Maria is saving money to buy a bike that cost 133$. She has 42$ and will save an additional 7 each w
Maria is saving money to buy a bike that cost 133$. She has 42$ and will save an additional 7 each week. Set up an equation with w as the number of weeks. We want to find w such that: 7w + 42 = 133 [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: w = [B]13[/B]

Marina bought 4 notebooks, which cost b dollars each and 3 pens, which cost c dollars each. How much
Marina bought 4 notebooks, which cost b dollars each and 3 pens, which cost c dollars each. How much money did Marina spend? Cost = Quantity * Price, so we have total spend S of: S = [B]4b + 3c[/B]

Mary paid 1.97 for toothpaste and a bar of soap using a discount coupon if the toothpaste cost 1.29
Mary paid 1.97 for toothpaste and a bar of soap using a discount coupon if the toothpaste cost 1.29 and the song cost 83 cents. What is the value of the discount coupon? Find the full price package: 1.29 + 0.83 = 2.12 The value of the discount coupon is the money off, so: 2.12 - 1.97 = [B]0.15[/B]

Math Written Assignment
Im sorta confused about this question? He has decided to remove all the old sod (grass), bring in a new 4 inch layer of topsoil, install new in-ground sprinklers, and reseed the lawn. He seems to think that he'll be able to save money by hauling loads of topsoil from the store himself in his pickup truck, rather than paying for delivery, but I don't think he's right. You're going to help us settle this. Here is (most of) the information you asked for: [LIST] [*]Is he redoing the whole yard or just the front? He's redoing the whole yard [*]How much topsoil does he need? I'm not sure, you'll have to figure that out. Remember he's putting a new 4 inch layer down over all the area currently covered by grass in the overhead picture above. [*]How big is the yard? I'm not sure, but you can probably estimate it using the overhead picture. [*]What kind of pickup truck does he drive? A 2003 Ford F-150 XL. [*]How much can the pickup carry? The truck bed is 80 inches long, 69 inches wide, and 20 inches tall. [*]How much is the delivery charge? $30 per truckload on top of the soil cost. Each truckload can deliver up to 18 cubic yards. [*]How much does the topsoil cost? $18 per cubic yard (sold in 1/4 yard increments). [*]How far is the soil store? It is 9 miles away. It takes about 20 minutes to drive there. [*]What gas mileage does the pickup truck get? It averages 17 miles to the gallon. [*]What is the current gas cost? Assume it's $3.79/gallon. [/LIST] Using this information, figure out whether my neighbor will save money by picking up the soil himself. Use the results of your calculations to guide your decision: would you recommend that my neighbor pick up the soil himself, or pay for delivery? Detail all your assumptions and calculations, and clearly write out your final conclusions.

Mike received a penny on December 1st. On December 2nd he received 2 cents. December 3rd another 4 c
Mike received a penny on December 1st. On December 2nd he received 2 cents. December 3rd another 4 cents and December 4th he received 8 cents. If his money continues to double, how much will he earn on December 25th? We have 24 doubling times starting December 2 to December 25 0.01 * 2^24 0.01 * 16,777,216 [B]167,772.16[/B]

Money Multiplier
Free Money Multiplier Calculator - Given a reserve ratio and initial deposit amount, this calculates the money multiplier and displays the re-lending process table for a bank to other banks including reserves and loans.

Mr. Elk is secretly a huge fan of Billie Eilish, and is saving up for front row seats. He puts $250
Mr. Elk is secretly a huge fan of Billie Eilish, and is saving up for front row seats. He puts $250 in the bank that has an interest rate of 8% compounded daily. After 4 years, Billie is finally hitting up NJ on her tour. How much money does Mr. Elk have in the bank? (rounded to the nearest cent) * 4 years = 365*4 days 4 years = 1,460 days. Using this number of compounding periods, we [URL='']plug this into our compound interest calculator[/URL] to get: [B]$344.27[/B]

Mr. Johnson earned $16,000 in 4 months. At this rate, how much money did he earn in one year?
Mr. Johnson earned $16,000 in 4 months. At this rate, how much money did he earn in one year? $16,000 / 4 months * 12 months / year = [B]$48,000 per year[/B]

Mr. Smith wants to spend less than $125 at a zoo. A ticket cost $7 he is taking 2 kids with him. Use
Mr. Smith wants to spend less than $125 at a zoo. A ticket cost $7 he is taking 2 kids with him. Use p to represent the other money he can spend there. 2 kids and Mr. Smith = 3 people. Total Ticket Cost is 3 people * 7 per ticket = 21 If he has 125 to spend, we have the following inequality using less than or equal to (<=) since he can spend up to or less than 125: p + 21 <= 125 Subtract 21 from each side: [B]p <= 104[/B]

Ms. Gonzales is investing $17000 at an annual interest rate of 6% compounded continuously. How much
Ms. Gonzales is investing $17000 at an annual interest rate of 6% compounded continuously. How much money will be in the account after 16 years? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places). Using our [URL='']continuous interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]44,398.84[/B]

Nancy started the year with $435 in the bank and is saving $25 a week. Shane started with $875 and i
Nancy started the year with $435 in the bank and is saving $25 a week. Shane started with $875 and is spending $15 a week. [I]When will they both have the same amount of money in the bank?[/I] [I][/I] Set up the Account equation A(w) where w is the number of weeks that pass. Nancy (we add since savings means she accumulates [B]more[/B]): A(w) = 25w + 435 Shane (we subtract since spending means he loses [B]more[/B]): A(w) = 875 - 15w Set both A(w) equations equal to each other to since we want to see what w is when the account are equal: 25w + 435 = 875 - 15w [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine to solve for w[/URL] and we get: w =[B] 11[/B]

nandita earned $224 last month. she earned $28 by selling cards at a craft fair and the rest of the
nandita earned $224 last month. she earned $28 by selling cards at a craft fair and the rest of the money by babysitting. Complete an equation that models the situation and can be used to determine x, the number of dollars nandita earned last month by babysitting. We know that: Babysitting + Card Sales = Total earnings Set up the equation where x is the dollars earned from babysitting: [B]x + 28 = 224[/B] To solve this equation for x, we [URL='']type it in our math engine[/URL] and we get: x = [B]196[/B]

Narda has $250 and Ding has $170. How much money must Narda give to Ding so that each of them will h
Narda has $250 and Ding has $170. How much money must Narda give to Ding so that each of them will have an equal amount of money? Find the difference of Narda and Ding's money: Difference = Narda - Ding Difference = 250 - 170 Difference = 80 Find half the difference: Half the difference = 80/2 Half the difference = 40 So Narda must give Ding [B]$40[/B] to have equal amounts: Narda's new total = 250 - 40 = 210 Ding's new total = 1760 + 40 = 210

Natalie made a deal with a farmer. She agreed to work for an entire year and in return, the farmer w
Natalie made a deal with a farmer. She agreed to work for an entire year and in return, the farmer would give her $10,200 plus a prize pig. After working for 5 months, Natalie decided to quit. The farmer determined that 5 months of work was equal to $3375 plus the pig. How much money was the pig worth? The value of a year's work is $10,200 plus a pig of unknown value. The farmer took away $6825 because Natalie worked 5 months. If Natalie worked 7 more months, she would have been paid the additional $6825. 6825/7 months work = $975 per month A full year's work is $975 * 12 = $11,700 Pig value = Full years work - payout Pig value = 11,700 - 10,200 Pig value = [B]1,500[/B]

Nick is given $50 to spend on a vacation . He decides to spend $5 a day. Write an equation that show
Nick is given $50 to spend on a vacation . He decides to spend $5 a day. Write an equation that shows how much money Nick has after x amount of days. Set up the function M(x) where M(x) is the amount of money after x days. Since spending means a decrease, we subtract to get: [B]M(x) = 50 - 5x[/B]

Oliver and Julia deposit $1,000.00 into a savings account which earns 14% interest compounded contin
Oliver and Julia deposit $1,000.00 into a savings account which earns 14% interest compounded continuously. They want to use the money in the account to go on a trip in 3 years. How much will they be able to spend? Use the formula A=Pert, where A is the balance (final amount), P is the principal (starting amount), e is the base of natural logarithms (≈2.71828), r is the interest rate expressed as a decimal, and t is the time in years. Round your answer to the nearest cent. [URL='']Using our continuous interest calculator[/URL], we get: A = [B]1,521.96[/B]

On Melissa 6 birthday she gets a $2000 cd that earns 4% interest, compounded semiannual. If the cd m
On Melissa 6 birthday she gets a $2000 cd that earns 4% interest, compounded semiannual. If the cd matures on her 16th birthday, how much money will be available? Semiannual compounding means twice a year. With 16 - 6 = 10 years of compounding, we have: 10 x 2 = 20 semiannual periods. [URL='']Using our interest on balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$2,971.89[/B]

Pablo is saving money to buy a game. So far he has saved $22, which is one-half of the total cost
Pablo is saving money to buy a game. So far he has saved $22, which is one-half of the total cost of the game. How much does the game cost? 22 is 1/2 of the cost, so multiply 22 * 2 to get the [B]full cost of $44[/B].

Patricia has $425.82 in her checking account. How much does she have in her account after she makes
Patricia has $425.82 in her checking account. How much does she have in her account after she makes a deposit of $120.75 and a withdrawal of $185.90? Start with $425.82 Deposits mean we [B]add[/B] money to the bank account: 425.82 + 120.75 = 546.57 Our new balance is 546.57. Withdrawals mean we [B]subtract[/B] money from the bank account: 546.57 - 185.90 = [B]360.67[/B]

please solve the fifth word problem
Find what was used: Used Money = Prepaid original cost - Remaining Credit Used Money = 20 - 17.47 Used Money = 2.53 Using (m) as the number of minutes, we have the following cost equation: C(m) = 0.11m C(m) = 2.53, so we have: 0.11m = 2.53 Divide each side by 0.11 [B]m = 23[/B]

Put Options and Call Options
Free Put Options and Call Options Calculator - Shows the basics of a call option and put option including intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and in/out/at the money

Rhonda raised $245 for her softball team's fundraiser.She wants to raise no less than $455.Write and
Rhonda raised $245 for her softball team's fundraiser.She wants to raise no less than $455.Write and solve an inequality to determine how much more money Rhonda must raise to reach her goal. Let d represent the amount of money in dollars Rhonda must raise to reach her goal. The phrase [I]no less than[/I] is an inequality using the greater than or equal sign: d >= 455 - 245 d >= [B]210[/B]

Rick earns $8.50 per hour at his mothers house office. He plans on working 12.5 hours this week. How
Rick earns $8.50 per hour at his mothers house office. He plans on working 12.5 hours this week. How much money will rick earn. Total Earnings = Hourly Rate * Hours Worked Total Earnings = 8.50 * 12.5 Total Earnings = [B]$106.25[/B]

Riley is trying to raise money by selling key chains. each key chain costs $2.50. If riley is trying
Riley is trying to raise money by selling key chains. each key chain costs $2.50. If riley is trying to raise $60. How many key chains will he have to sell Let the number of key chains be k. We have the following equation: 2.50k = 60 To solve this equation for k, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: k = [B]24[/B]

Rule of 72
Free Rule of 72 Calculator - Calculates how long it would take money to double (doubling time) using the rule of 72 interest approximation as well as showing the mathematical proof of the Rule of 72.

Sally worked for 35 hours and was paid 8 dollars per hour how much money did she earn
Sally worked for 35 hours and was paid 8 dollars per hour how much money did she earn? Total Wages = Number of Hours Worked * Hourly Rate Total Wages = 35 * 8 Total Wages = [B]280[/B]

Sam's plumbing service charges a $50 diagnostic fee and then $20 per hour. How much money does he ea
Sam's plumbing service charges a $50 diagnostic fee and then $20 per hour. How much money does he earn, m, when he shows up to your house to do a job that takes h hours [U]Set up the cost equation:[/U] m = Hourly Rate * h + service charge [U]Plugging in our numbers, we get:[/U] [B]m = 20h + 50[/B]

Sara opened an account with $800 and withdrew $20 per week. Jordan opened an account with $500 and d
Sara opened an account with $800 and withdrew $20 per week. Jordan opened an account with $500 and deposited $30 per week. In how many weeks will their account be equal? Each week, Sara's account value is: 800 - 20w <-- Subtract because Sara withdraws money each week Each week, Jordan's account value is: 500 + 30w <-- Add because Jordan deposits money each week Set them equal to each other: 800 - 20w = 500 + 30w Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get w = 6. Check our work: 800 - 20(6) 800 - 120 680 500 + 30(6) 500 + 180 680

Sarah has $250 in her account. She withdraws $25 per week. How many weeks can she withdraw money fro
Sarah has $250 in her account. She withdraws $25 per week. How many weeks can she withdraw money from her account and still have money left? Let w be the number of weeks. We have the following equation for the Balance after w weeks: B(w) = 250 - 25w [I]we subtract for withdrawals[/I] The ability to withdrawal money means have a positive or zero balance after withdrawal. So we set up the inequality below: 250 - 25w >= 0 To solve this inequality for w, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: w <= [B]10 So Sarah can withdrawal for up to 10 weeks[/B]

Sarah sells cookies. She has a base month salary of $500 and makes $50 for every cookie she sells. w
Sarah sells cookies. She has a base month salary of $500 and makes $50 for every cookie she sells. whats is the equation. Let S(c) be the equation for the money Sarah makes selling (c) cookies. We have: S(c) = Cost per cookies * c cookies + Base Salary [B]S(c) = 50c + 500[/B]

Sheila is giving $1,204 to her grandchildren. She has 14 and each is going to receive the same amoun
Sheila is giving $1,204 to her grandchildren. She has 14 and each is going to receive the same amount of money. How much will she give to each grandchild? If each grandchild gets the same amount of money, then they each get: 1,204/14 = [B]$86[/B]

Steve had $200 in his bank account. He made a deposit of $75 and then made a withdrawal of $90. How
Steve had $200 in his bank account. He made a deposit of $75 and then made a withdrawal of $90. How much money does Steve have in his account now? We add deposits 200 + 75 = 275 We subtract withdrawals 275 - 90 = [B]185[/B]

Steve Has Overdrawn His Checking Account By $27. His Bank Charged Him $15 For An Overdraft Fee Then
Steve Has Overdrawn His Checking Account By $27. His Bank Charged Him $15 For An Overdraft Fee Then He Quickly Deposited $100. What Is His Current Balance? [LIST=1] [*]Overdrawn means money he doesn't have, so we go into the negative. Start with -27. [*]A bank charge of $15 means he goes in the negative another $15, so -27 - 15 = -42 [*]Then he deposits $100, so his balance is: $100 - 42 = [B]$58[/B] [/LIST]

Steven has some money. If he spends $9, then he will have 3/5 of the amount he started with.
Steven has some money. If he spends $9, then he will have 3/5 of the amount he started with. Let the amount Steven started with be s. We're given: s - 9 = 3s/5 Multiply each side through by 5 to eliminate the fraction: 5(s - 9) = 5(3s/5) Cancel the 5's on the right side and we get: 5s - 45 = 3s To solve for s, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]22.5[/B]

Students stuff envelopes for extra money. Their initial cost to obtain the information for the job w
Students stuff envelopes for extra money. Their initial cost to obtain the information for the job was $140. Each envelope costs $0.02 and they get paid $0.03per envelope stuffed. Let x represent the number of envelopes stuffed. (a) Express the cost C as a function of x. (b) Express the revenue R as a function of x. (c) Determine analytically the value of x for which revenue equals cost. a) Cost Function [B]C(x) = 140 + 0.02x[/B] b) Revenue Function [B]R(x) = 0.03x[/B] c) Set R(x) = C(x) 140 + 0.02x = 0.03x Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get x = [B]14,000[/B]

Susie bought 15 pairs of shoes last year for an avarage of 30$ per pair. She sold each pair for 1/3
Susie bought 15 pairs of shoes last year for an avarage of 30$ per pair. She sold each pair for 1/3 of the avagrage price at a consignment shop. How much money did she make at the consigment shop? Calculate average price: 1/3 the average price is $30/3 = $10 Total money made: Pairs of Shoes * Average Price 15 * 10 = [B]$150[/B]

The buyer of a lot pays P10,000 every month for 10 years. If the money is 8% compounded annually, ho
The buyer of a lot pays P10,000 every month for 10 years. If the money is 8% compounded annually, how much is the cash value of the lot? (use j= 0.006434, n=120) Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]22,196.40[/B]

the initial deposit in a bank account was $6000 and it has an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Find the
the initial deposit in a bank account was $6000 and it has an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Find the amount of money in the bank after 3 years Using our [URL='']balance and interest calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$6,853.60[/B]

Tom has t dollars. He buys 5 packets of gum worth d dollars each. How much money does he have left
Tom has t dollars. He buys 5 packets of gum worth d dollars each. How much money does he have left Since cost = Price * Quantity, and a purchase reduces Tom's money, we have: [B]t - 5d[/B]

Tom makes $500 in a week. If his rent is $350, his bills are $75 and groceries are $45, what percent
Tom makes $500 in a week. If his rent is $350, his bills are $75 and groceries are $45, what percentage of his money does he have leftover [U]Calculate leftover amount[/U] Leftover amount = Weekly Salary - Rent - Bills - Groceries Leftover amount = 500 - 350 - 75 - 45 Leftover amount = 30 Calculate leftover percentage Leftover percentage = 100% * Leftover amount / Weekly Salary Leftover percentage = 100% * 30 / 500 Leftover percentage = 100% * 0.06 Leftover percentage = [B]6%[/B]

Tyler has a meal account with $1200 in it to start the school year. Each week he spends $21 on food
Tyler has a meal account with $1200 in it to start the school year. Each week he spends $21 on food a.) write an equation that relates the amount in the account (a) with the number of (w) weeks b.) How many weeks will it take until Tyler runs out of money? [U]Part a) where w is the number of weeks[/U] a = Initial account value - weekly spend * w ([I]we subtract because Tyler spends)[/I] a = [B]1200 - 21w [/B] [U]Part b)[/U] We want to know the number of weeks it takes where a = 0. So we have: 1200 - 21w = 0 To solve for w, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: w = 57.14 weeks The problem asks for when he runs out of money, so we round up to [B]58 whole weeks[/B]

Write an expression for the amount of money in p pennies plus 7 dollars.
Write an expression for the amount of money in p pennies plus 7 dollars. Each penny is worth 0.01, so we have: [B]0.01p + 7d[/B]

Xaviers birthday party costs $3 for every guest he invites. If there are 8 guests, how much money wi
Xaviers birthday party costs $3 for every guest he invites. If there are 8 guests, how much money will Xaviers birthday party cost Cost = Amount per guest * number of guest Cost = 3 * 8 Cost = [B]24[/B]

you and michael have the sum of 19.75. if michael has 8.25 how much more do you have
you and michael have the sum of 19.75. if michael has 8.25 how much more do you have If you and Michael have 19.75, and Michael has 8.25, then you have: 19.75 - 8.25 = 11.50 Overage/Excess than Michael = Your Money - Michael's money Overage/Excess than Michael = 11.50 - 8.25 Overage/Excess than Michael = [B]3.25[/B]

You deposit $150 into an account that yields 2% interest compounded quarterly. How much money will
You deposit $150 into an account that yields 2% interest compounded quarterly. How much money will you have after 5 years? 2% per year compounded quarterly equals 2/4 = 0.5% per quarter. 5 years * 4 quarter per year = 20 quarters of compounding. Using our [URL='']balance calculator[/URL], we get [B]$165.73[/B] in the account after 20 years.

You deposit $2000 in an account that earns simple interest at an annual rate of 4%. How long must yo
You deposit $2000 in an account that earns simple interest at an annual rate of 4%. How long must you leave the money in the account to earn $500 in interest? The simple interest formula for the accumulated balance is: Prt = I We are given P = 2,000, r = 0.04, and I = 500. 2000(0.04)t = 500 80t = 500 Divide each side by 80 t = [B]6.25 years [MEDIA=youtube]Myz0FZgwZpk[/MEDIA][/B]

You earn $7 for every ⅓ hour you cut the grass. How much money do you make for 3 hours?
You earn $7 for every ⅓ hour you cut the grass. How much money do you make for 3 hours? 3 hours / 1/3 hour = 9 (1/3 blocks) So we have: 7 * 9 = [B]63[/B]

You have $250,000 in an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) at the time you retire. You have the op
You have $250,000 in an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) at the time you retire. You have the option of investing this money in two funds: Fund A pays 5.4% annually and Fund B pays 7.9% annually. How should you divide your money between fund Fund A and Fund B to produce an annual interest income of $14,750? You should invest $______in Fund A and $___________in Fund B. Equation is x(.079) + (250,000 - x).054 = 14,750 .025x + 13,500 = 14,750 .025x = 1,250 [B]x = 50,000 for Fund A[/B] So at 5.4%, we have 250,000 - 50,000 = [B]200,000[/B] for the other fund B.

You have $535 in your wallet and want to buy pizzas that cost $3 each. How much money will you have
You have $535 in your wallet and want to buy pizzas that cost $3 each. How much money will you have left after buying 178 pizzas? Calculate total cost of pizzas: Cost = 178 * 3 Cost = 534 Determine money leftover Money leftover = Money in Wallet - Cost of pizzas Money leftover = 535 - 534 Money leftover = [B]1[/B]

You have $80. Jeans cost $29 and shirts cost $12. Mom told you to buy one pair of jeans and use the
You have $80. Jeans cost $29 and shirts cost $12. Mom told you to buy one pair of jeans and use the rest of the money to buy shirts. Find the inequality. Let j be the number of jeans. Let s be the number of shirts. We are given: [LIST] [*]Mom told you to buy one pair of jeans. So we have $80 to start with - $29 for 1 pair of jeans = $51 left over [/LIST] Now, since shirts cost $12 each, and our total number of shirts we can buy is s, our inequality is [B]12s <= 51[/B]. We want to find the s that makes this inequality true. [URL='']Run this statement through our calculator[/URL], and we get s <= 4.25. But, we need s to be an integer, so we have s <= 4.

You invest $1,300 in an account that has an annual interest rate of 5%, compounded annually. How muc
You invest $1,300 in an account that has an annual interest rate of 5%, compounded annually. How much money will be in the account after 10 years? Using our [URL='']compound interest balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]$2,117.56[/B]

You like to shovel snow in winter. You made them pay 7 dollars for every driveway you shoveled and e
You like to shovel snow in winter. You made them pay 7 dollars for every driveway you shoveled and earned 42 dollars. How many driveways did you shovel? Driveways shoveled = Total Money / Dollars per Driveway Driveways shoveled = 42/7 [URL='']Driveways shoveled[/URL] = [B]6[/B]

You need $480 for a camp in 3 months. How much money do you need to save each week?
You need $480 for a camp in 3 months. How much money do you need to save each week? [URL='']3 months[/URL] = 12 weeks $480 / 12 weeks = [B]$40 per week[/B]

You split $1,500 between two savings accounts. Account A pays 5% annual interest and Account B pays
You split $1,500 between two savings accounts. Account A pays 5% annual interest and Account B pays 4% annual interest. After one year, you have earned a total of $69.50 in interest. How much money did you invest in each account. Explain. Let a be the amount you invest in Account A. So this means you invested 1500 - A in account B. We have the following equation: 05a + (1500 - a).04 = 69.50 Simplifying, we get: 0.05a + 1560 - 0.04a = 69.50 0.01a + 60 = 69.50 Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get: [B]a = 950[/B] So this means Account B is b = 1500 - 950 = [B]550[/B]

You started this year with $491 saved and you continue to save an additional $11 per month. Write an
You started this year with $491 saved and you continue to save an additional $11 per month. Write an algebraic expression to represent the total amount of money saved after m months. Set up a savings function for m months [B]S(m) = 491 + 11m[/B]

Your grandfather gave you $12,000 a a graduation present. You decided to do the responsible thing an
Your grandfather gave you $12,000 a a graduation present. You decided to do the responsible thing and invest it. Your bank has a interest rate of 6.5%. How much money will you have after 10 years if the interest is compounded monthly? Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator[/URL], we have 10 years * 12 months = 120 months. [B]$22,946.21[/B]

Your grandma gives you $10,000 to invest for college. You get an average interest rate of 5% each ye
Your grandma gives you $10,000 to invest for college. You get an average interest rate of 5% each year. How much money will you have in 5 years? Using our [URL='']accumulated balance calculator[/URL], we get: [B]12,762.82[/B]

Zoey invested $230 in an account paying an interest rate of 6.3% compounded daily. Assuming no depos
Zoey invested $230 in an account paying an interest rate of 6.3% compounded daily. Assuming no deposits or withdrawals are made, how much money, to the nearest hundred dollars, would be in the account after 12 years? Using our [URL='']compound interest calculator with 12*365 = 4380 for days,[/URL] we have a balance of: [B]$489.81[/B]