letter - a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.
Free Braille Translator Calculator - Given a phrase with letters, numbers, and most punctuation symbols, the calculator will perform the following duties:
1) Translate that phrase to Braille
2) Calculate the number of dots in the message
3) Calculate the number of empty spaces in the message
Free Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator - Calculates Grade Point Average (GPA) based on letter grades entered.
Free Letter Arrangements in a Word Calculator - Given a word, this determines the number of unique arrangements of letters in the word.
Free Literal Equations Calculator - Solves literal equations with no powers for a variable of your choice as well as open sentences.
Free Morse Code Translator Calculator - Given a phrase with letters, numbers, and most punctuation symbols, the calculator will perform the following duties:
1) Translate that phrase to Morse Code.
2) Translate the Morse Code to a Dit-Dah message
3) Calculate the number of dots in the message
4) Calculate the number of dashes in the message
This also translates from Morse Code back to English.
Free N-Grams Calculator - Takes a phrase and displays chracter unigrams, character bigrams, character trigrams, and character n-grams as well as word unigrams, word bigrams, word trigrams, and word n-grams. (ngrams)
Also performs frequency analysis (number of instances of each letter)
Free Phone Number Translator Calculator - Given a phone number with letters in it, this calculator will determine the numeric phone number for you to dial.
Free Polynomial Calculator - This calculator will take an expression without division signs and combine like terms.
It will also analyze an polynomial that you enter to identify constant, variables, and exponents. It determines the degree as well.
Free Run Length Encoding Calculator - Given a string, this will determine the run length encoding using repeating patterns of characters.
Free Truth Tables Calculator - Sets up a truth table based on a logical statement of 1, 2 or 3 letters with statements such as propositions, equivalence, conjunction, disjunction, negation. Includes modus ponens.
Free What is a Variable Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a variable is and how to use it. Also demonstrates the let statement.