confidence interval - a range of values so defined that there is a specified probability that the value of a parameter lies within it.
Free Confidence Interval for the Mean Calculator - Calculates a (90% - 99%) estimation of confidence interval for the mean given a small sample size using the student-t method with (n - 1) degrees of freedom or a large sample size using the normal distribution Z-score (z value) method including Standard Error of the Mean. confidence interval of the mean
Free Confidence Interval for Variance and Standard Deviation Calculator - Calculates a (95% - 99%) estimation of confidence interval for the standard deviation or variance using the χ2 method with (n - 1) degrees of freedom.
Free Confidence Interval of a Proportion Calculator - Given N, n, and a confidence percentage, this will calculate the estimation of confidence interval for the population proportion π including the margin of error. confidence interval of the population proportion
Free Confidence Interval/Hypothesis Testing for the Difference of Means Calculator - Given two large or two small distriutions, this will determine a (90-99)% estimation of confidence interval for the difference of means for small or large sample populations.
Also performs hypothesis testing including standard error calculation.
Free Covariance and Correlation coefficient (r) and Least Squares Method and Exponential Fit Calculator - Given two distributions X and Y, this calculates the following:
* Covariance of X and Y denoted Cov(X,Y)
* The correlation coefficient r.
* Using the least squares method, this shows the least squares regression line (Linear Fit) and Confidence Intervals of α and Β (90% - 99%)
Exponential Fit
* Coefficient of Determination r squared r2
* Spearmans rank correlation coefficient
* Wilcoxon Signed Rank test
Free Margin of Error from Confidence Interval Calculator - Given a confidence interval, this determines the margin of error and sample mean.
Free P-Hat Confidence Interval Calculator - Given a large sized distribution, and a success amount for a certain criteria x, and a confidence percentage, this will calculate the confidence interval for that criteria.
Free Paired Means Difference Calculator - Calculates an estimation of confidence interval for a small or large sample difference of data. Confidence interval for paired means