binary - Base 2 for numbers
Free Base Change Conversions Calculator - Converts a positive integer to Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation or Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation to a positive integer. Also converts any positive integer in base 10 to another positive integer base (Change Base Rule or Base Change Rule or Base Conversion)
Free Bit Shifting Calculator - Performs a bit shift left or a bit shift right on a decimal or binary number
Free Bitwise Operations Calculator - Performs bitwise operations between two decimal or binary numbers:
* Bitwise OR
* Bitwise AND
* Bitwise XOR
Also performs Bitwise NOT on 1 number
Free Modular Exponentiation and Successive Squaring Calculator - Solves xn mod p using the following methods:
* Modular Exponentiation
* Successive Squaring