Using Euclids Algorithm, calculate:
GCF of (90,5)
Euclids Algorithm Table:
Step | Quotient Math | Quotient | Remainder Math | Remainder Math 2 | Remainder | Other Form | 1 | 90/5 | 18 | 90 - (5 x 18) | 90 - 90 | 0 | 18 x 5 + 0 |
Since it took 1 step to get a zero remainder
The lower of the 2 numbers you entered is the GCF
Final Answer:
GCF (90, 5) = 5
How does the Euclids Algorithm and Euclids Extended Algorithm Calculator work?
Free Euclids Algorithm and Euclids Extended Algorithm Calculator - Given 2 numbers a and b, this calculates the following
1) The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using Euclids Algorithm
2) x and y in Bézouts Identity ax + by = d using Euclids Extended Algorithm
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
This calculator has 2 inputs.
What 1 formula is used for the Euclids Algorithm and Euclids Extended Algorithm Calculator?
What 8 concepts are covered in the Euclids Algorithm and Euclids Extended Algorithm Calculator?
- algorithm
- A process to solve a problem in a set amount of time
- equation
- a statement declaring two mathematical expressions are equal
- euclids algorithm
- method for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers
- euclids extended algorithm
- division algorithm for integers
- greatest common factor
- largest positive integer dividing a set of integers
- identity
- an equality that holds true regardless of the values chosen for its variables
- quotient
- The result of dividing two expressions.
- remainder
- The portion of a division operation leftover after dividing two integers