Tom is the deli manager at a grocery store. He needs to schedule employees to staff the deli departm | MathCelebrity Forum

Tom is the deli manager at a grocery store. He needs to schedule employees to staff the deli departm


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Tom is the deli manager at a grocery store. He needs to schedule employees to staff the deli department at least 260 person-hours per week. Tom has one part-time employeewho works 20 hours per week. Each full-time employee works 40 hours per week. Write an inequality to determine n, the number of full-time employees Tom must schedule, so that his employees will work at least 260 person-hours per week.

Set up the inequality:
  • Add the part-timer's hours of 20
  • Full time hours is 40 times n employees
  • At least means greater than or equal to, so we use the >= sign

40n + 20 >= 260