Some History teachers at Richmond High School are purchasing tickets for students and their adult ch | MathCelebrity Forum

Some History teachers at Richmond High School are purchasing tickets for students and their adult ch


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Some History teachers at Richmond High School are purchasing tickets for students and their adult chaperones to go on a field trip to a nearby museum. For her class, Mrs. Yang bought 30 student tickets and 30 adult tickets, which cost a total of $750. Mr. Alexander spent $682, getting 28 student tickets and 27 adult tickets. What is the price for each type of ticket?

Let the number of adult tickets be a
Let the number of student tickets be s
We're given two equations:
  1. 30a + 30s = 750
  2. 27a + 28s = 682
To solve the simultaneous equations, we can use any of three methods below:
No matter what method we use, we get the same answers:
  • a = 18
  • s = 7