In a bike shop they sell bicycles & tricycles. I counted 80 wheels & 34 seats. How many bicycles & tricycles were in the bike shop?
Let b be the number or bicycles and t be the number of tricycles. Since each bicycle has 2 wheels and 1 seat and each tricycle has 3 wheels and 1 seat, we have the following equations:
No matter which method we choose, we get the same answer:
Let b be the number or bicycles and t be the number of tricycles. Since each bicycle has 2 wheels and 1 seat and each tricycle has 3 wheels and 1 seat, we have the following equations:
- 2b + 3t = 80
- b + t = 34
No matter which method we choose, we get the same answer:
- b = 22
- t = 12