In 2010, the population of Greenbow, AL was 1,100 people. The population has risen at at rate of 4% | MathCelebrity Forum

In 2010, the population of Greenbow, AL was 1,100 people. The population has risen at at rate of 4%


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In 2010, the population of Greenbow, AL was 1,100 people. The population has risen at at rate of 4% each year since. Let x = the number of years since 2010 and y = the population of Greenbow. What will the population of Greenbow be in 2022?

P(x) = 1,100(1.04)^x

x = 2022 - 2010
x = 12 years

We want P(12):
P(12) = 1,100(1.04)^12
P(12) = 1,100(1.60103221857)
P(12) = 1,761.14 ~ 1,761