Amanda spent 2/5 of her time after school doing homework and ¼ of her remaining time riding her bike | MathCelebrity Forum

Amanda spent 2/5 of her time after school doing homework and ¼ of her remaining time riding her bike


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Amanda spent 2/5 of her time after school doing homework and ¼ of her remaining time riding her bike. If she rode her bike for 45 minutes in a week, how much time did she devote to homework in the same week

If Amanda spent 2/5 of her time after school doing homework, she has 1 - 2/5 time left over.
We convert 1 to a fraction using a denominator of 5, we get:
5/5 - 2/5 = 3/5

And Amanda spent 1/4 of 3/5 of her time bike riding, which means she spent:
1(3)/4(5) = 3/20 of her time.

If the total time after school is t, we have:
3t/20 = 45

Typing in 3t/20 = 45 to our search engine, we get t = 300.

So Amanda has 300 total minutes after school, which means she spent 2/5(300) = 120 minutes (2 hours) doing homework.