Alvin is 34 years younger than Elga. Elga is 3 times older than Alvin. What is Elgas age? | MathCelebrity Forum

Alvin is 34 years younger than Elga. Elga is 3 times older than Alvin. What is Elgas age?


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Alvin is 34 years younger than Elga. Elga is 3 times older than Alvin. What is Elgas age?

Let a be Alvin's age. Let e be Elga's age. We're given:
  1. a = e - 34
  2. e = 3a
Substitute (2) into (1):
a = 3a - 34

Typing this equation into the search engine, we get
a = 17

Subtitute this into Equation (2):
e = 3(17)
e = 51