A restaurant earns $1073 on Friday and $1108 on Saturday. Write and solve an equation to find the am | MathCelebrity Forum

A restaurant earns $1073 on Friday and $1108 on Saturday. Write and solve an equation to find the am


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A restaurant earns $1073 on Friday and $1108 on Saturday. Write and solve an equation to find the amount x (in dollars) the restaurant needs to earn on Sunday to average $1000 per day over the three-day period.

Let Sunday's earnings be s. With 3 days, we divide our sum of earnings for 3 days by 3 to get our 1,000 average, so we have:
(1073 + 1108 + s)/3 = 1000

Cross multiply:
1073 + 1108 + s = 1000 * 3
1073 + 1108 + s = 3000

To solve for s, we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
s = 819