2consecutiveevenintegerssuchthatthesmalleraddedto5timesthelargergivesasumof70 | MathCelebrity Forum



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2 consecutive even integers such that the smaller added to 5 times the larger gives a sum of 70.

Let the first, smaller integer be x. And the second larger integer be y. Since they are both even, we have:
  1. x = y - 2 <-- Since they're consecutive even integers
  2. x + 5y = 70 <-- Smaller added to 5 times the larger gives a sum of 70
Substitute (1) into (2):
(y - 2) + 5y = 70

Group like terms:
(1 + 5)y - 2 = 70
6y - 2 = 70

Typing 6y - 2 = 70 into our search engine, we get:
y = 12 <-- Larger integer

Plugging this into Equation (1) we get:
x = 12 - 2
x = 10 <-- Smaller Integer

So (x, y) = (10, 12)